My Experiences so far.

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My Experiences so far.

Post by MisterLouk »

I've used I-Doser very rarely, I discovered it a year ago when my friend told me about it. I did like two or three, and now everyone at my school's telling me about it, so call me a follower but I'm going back into it, here are my experiences including a year ago as I can remember. (THIS WILL UPDATE AS I USE!!!)

Marijuana - I giggled once or twice but didn't crave, see, or feel anything outrageous, doesn't feel like the real thing. Quick hit and regular felt pretty much the same, so just do quickhit, maybe it just didn't work for me correctly that time, it was my first dose.

Crack - I felt somewhat paranoid, I hallucinated in my mind, I didn't really see or imagine something was there, but I felt a presence of a guy throwing a baseball bat at me and I flinched, I also thought that my floor was ice and I was gonna slip. Also physically I felt tingly in my nose and toes (lol, that rhymed xD) This one was noticeably good, I recommend it to anyone if you're into feeling different.

Ecstasy - This one I liked, in the middle of dosing I felt like my body was being drained and being refilled with warmth. The warm went up my body, like warm water and i was a cup, or a bottle, when it reached my penal region, *LOL* i felt it go UP. :eek: :D By the time the dose was over, I had a pretty big stiffy, lol. So I jacked off and it felt good, this one was noticeable.

Hand of God - I didn't finish this one, people have a different experience as they go with this dose, they see different things, I saw a review for this dose saying that he saw Jesus kill his parents... wow, lol. I stopped the dose and threw my mp3 player across the room 20 min in. (Keep in mind that when I did this one it was my second dose... bad move, I guess) Pretty much what happened is I felt like I was manipulative, like someone or someTHING could just take advantage of me, I felt like a ragdoll... kinda hard to explain. Then about 15-20 min in I heard some type of moaning, the best way I could describe it is *sigh, semi-geek out* if you've played resident evil 4, you know those cult members that moan in Spanish or also in Lord of the Rings when Frodo puts on the ring and the eye of Sauron sees him, and he's just like "You cannot hide, I SEE YOU!!!" It's that kind of monotone "Waaah....." sort of whispery, subtle...

Orgasm - Nothing happened, didn't even get a boner...

!RAVE! - Like ecstasy, but not as good... the *erhm* ejaculation when i jacked off wasn't as euphoric, when I did ecstasy, it felt like i just discovered masturbation, this one was just, better than usual.

Out of Body - This one I barely remember, it was a long dose, but it didn't feel long, after I finished it i noticed that time went by faster to me. This was my third if i remember correctly.

French Roast - This one did exactly what it was supposed to do. I was helping my bro move today, I only had 5 hours of sleep last night, I felt like I was going to pass out while helping him. Then when we had a break, I went to my computer, opened up I-Doser, and listened to French Roast, I'm still very energetic, and on alert. Plus it's very very short, only 5 Min I think.

Concentrating - When doing a dose you don't want to think about your day and how things are going, you want to FOCUS, or just be brain numb, don't think about specific things, events, places, people, just... blank out your mind, basic brain function. My best method is pretty basic, count back from 99, and when you reach 1, go to 199, then 299, and so on. There are other methods, but that's the one I use and works fine for me.

Those are all the ones I've tried so far, please post a reply comparing and contrasting your experience with mine, I'll put new ones when I try it.

Okay... this was... SCARY... our mascot for the school is a bulldog, and in honor of christmas the school cut/pasted a bulldogs face onto santa clause's body and put posters up, while doing this dose it was like Hand of God a year back, except i finished this one, at the 20 min marker the tone got higher and more suspensful, my blood was pumping, i was breathing heavily and fast, then it calmed down, i heard bombs go off, and i heard lunch ladys banging on pots and pans, (our study hall's in the lunch room before lunch starts) that didn't help, it was fucked up, then the dose was over, i looked up, the first thing i see is SANTA BULLDOG!!! It was study hall, dead quiet, then i just scream "GAH!" and start laughing really hard, then i got paranoid, and when the bell rang i yelped, my friend instantly noticed my dilating eyes, i tripped balls the entire next period... i like this one, idk if you would, but i did ^_^
Last edited by MisterLouk on Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by v3nge »

Nice journal, I would make one but I am far too lazy lol.
I hallucinated in my mind, I didn't really see or imagine something was there, but I felt a presence of a guy throwing a baseball bat at me and I flinched, I also thought that my floor was ice and I was gonna slip.
Crack isn't really a hallucinogenic dose, however every one's brain reacts differently to different frequencies to some extent so I'm not saying your wrong.
!RAVE! - Like ecstasy, but not as good... the *erhm* ejaculation when i jacked off wasn't as euphoric
That is because Ecstasy is broken into two doses the Ecstasy dose is the sexual part of Ecstasy and RAVE it the dance/party part.
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Post by MisterLouk »

Well with the crack, i said i didn't see anything, i just felt like somethone was there
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Post by Morn »

I tried cocaineQH, and about 30% into it I got so paranoid that I stoped the program and listened to reset in order to calm down.
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Post by DarkDoser »

Morn wrote:I tried cocaineQH, and about 30% into it I got so paranoid that I stoped the program and listened to reset in order to calm down.

CocaineQH doesn't make me paranoid. It clears my mind and relaxes my body completely, Idk why but it does. :/ I wonder if I'm the only one who gets this effect from CocaineQH.
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