Black Sunshine

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Black Sunshine

Post by Vathamire »

first off i got tingly and really light and warm. then i see white lights start swirling around and gets really hard to keep counting backwards, after a while I notice i am laying on the ground staring up into a bright white sky with all these black humanoid shapes walking past on both sides. This goes on after a while then another figure comes and stands over me it has black/shadowy face and white hood (it matches the the white sky but i can still sense it is a hood) He continually walks up to me
Anyway he keeps walking away and then back up to me checking me over and such. then he puts something in my hand. the weird thing is I FEEL my hand move even though it hasn't. He then leans close and i can see his mouth and he smiles a sly smirk, puts a hand on my shoulder and nods, and walks away. Out of nowhere there is a huge flash of light and all the dark shadows that are walking by me all there faces light up and they are all where these like Buddhist masks and look angry they all starting bending towards me. then shadowface white hood comes back and keeps pushing them away while looking back to see if I'm alright i guess. he fights him off for a while then they all dissipate. at this points he "helps me up" and now it feels like I am standing up while laying down. it really felt as though i was being lifted up. He nods and walks away again. nothing happens for a while...oh I forgot when it was first starting when i was laying staring into the dark before it turned to sky I saw point of light that slowly turned into an owl that would go away and come back. and I saw huge wings when he left the second time.
After all that the pitch changed and it got real low and slower. All of hte sudden I got really cold. then this white faced black hooded man keeps turning towards me and getting really close and then goes away. all i can see is his mouth and its a really sinister/evil smile. he does that for a couple minutes then shadowface white hood comes and stand in front of him blocking him, white face keeps pushing through and getting really close until shadowface pushes him forcefully back and stands over him. then they all mix together like paint and turn back into an owl and fly away.
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Post by Hayabusa »

Wow, I never seen someone experience something like that, if I were a writer this would be a goddamn fantastic story to write, but I'm not. But i can't say i believe you, though I'm up for trying it out for my self, stay in touch.

Edit: Well I'm leaning to the truth now i saw some black human-like figures walking past in some white area, that was a really cool experience.
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Post by Vathamire »

I plan on doing this dose again and see if I get another visit from these two figures and to see if anything else interesting happens.
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Post by 1000.sassa »

I tried it today, but I havent had strong effects. I got very calm and sleepy and at one point i could see black silhouettes with white light around them(only because of the light i could see em, because my eyes were closed hehe), which wasnt at spectacular as it sounds. But nothing else happend. I am a bit disappointed, because nothing else really happend... :retard:
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Post by donmacp »

Haven’t seen anything as detailed and as beautiful as this.
Mostly, they only give vague description of the experience
but if I may say, you must have a very good memory and
a lot of creative writing on the side.

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Post by Vathamire »

donmacp wrote:Haven’t seen anything as detailed and as beautiful as this.
Mostly, they only give vague description of the experience
but if I may say, you must have a very good memory and
a lot of creative writing on the side.

Geek Stuff
Thank you, I wrote this up right after it happened that's why the memory of is it is so good, and I don't really write at all, but I do think creatively if that makes sense.
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Post by jonii »

I experienced the same as 1000.sassa only even less. All I saw were scattering white lines and then one bluish/whitish line that passed really fast and then I black out(like if I were gone somewhere and couldn't hear anything not even the dose) and can't remember a thing except all of a sudden I felt a jolt in my body and the dose is still going on, also I had scattered thoughts at some point that I can't even remember either "/ ... I'm going to try it again lol
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Post by vlad1215 »

i tried this, and i about 10 or so minutes in i felt myself levitating. i saw myself fly off of my bed, fly out the window and into space. i started hurtling through space like an acrobat in slow motion. i came back down to earth and landed in a grass field. i was lying there, when all of a sudden the sky turned black and white, and i saw black shapes circling me. i saw a guy that looked very demonic and he leaned over and smiled at me menacingly and i saw him have fangs. i got scared and flew back into space into my bed. when the dose was over, i got up and felt myself sweating like i got out of the shower. the most insane dose i ever took.. :D
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Post by Idosing »

ive had simalir results with out of body quickhit
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Post by oldtaboo »

I recently got the iphone version of idoser... and i played the 30sec demo of black sunshine (i can't justify the cost) and I really enjoyed the 30 sec demo. I like the voice that says 'you see nothing... you hear nothing... you feel nothing... you are nothing.'

it reminds me of Aleister Crowley's concept of the Abyss experience.
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