are you ament to do this before you go to bed ?

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are you ament to do this before you go to bed ?

Post by cathaoir99 »

I was reading and everyones like il do it tonight and stuff.
Also whats affective,ive tried one but didnt get any affect.
I only did it today it was my first. Name me a good one please and filll me out with what i need to no please: (
Level 1 (10-19)
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Post by When_will_it_end_X9 »

It's jsut better when you are already tired. Your brain is easier to calm down at night I guess. It's also better to be in a dark room which is easier to achieve at night.

Demerol and White Crosses are both good doses.

You should laydown with your over the ear headphones on in a dark/dimly lit room, have the volume set where its not to loud but not to quiet. Listen to the beat sound that is being made in you head (sounds like a car passing by quickly). Just relax and think of nothing and focus on the beats. I guess you cant really think of nothing so I guess just think about the sound of the beat. I like to try and minipulate the beat sound so it sounds different or listen to it and see if it sounds like it is circling me and if it sounds like that try and make it swith and circle the other way. Kinda strange but thats how it works for me.

Now understand, not all doses work for everyone but there is a list on here that some one has made that has the doses that seem to work for the most people.
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Post by Th3_uN1Qu3 »

Not necessarily tired, you have to be relaxed. Before you try and dose, take a break and disconnect from whatever else you were doing, and it'll work better.
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