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Post by shahin100 »

Thanks for the info.....

Very informative... :eek:

Drug rehab
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Post by supercoco »

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liquid karma

Post by baughhh!!! »

how about liquid karma from southland tales? its a hallucinogen that make users vision to seem pixolated and distorted from what i saw in the movie. it is injected into the neck... :evil:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6s0KP5vVeI this is a video of pilot avilon (played by justin timberlake) after injecting "liqud karma"
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Post by supercoco »

That vid is weird
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Post by 420master »

Fallouts drugs such as

Jet: A stimulant much more powerful than meth( as it claims in the game)
Psycho: Would sent you into the state known as berserk( look it up on google if you dont know what it is)
Buffout: Probably too close to JuiceIT for you to create
Mentals: A smart drug... like buffout probably too close to something u already have... like Memory + er sumthing
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Post by Koz_92 »

Master832 wrote:Oh and Cheesing from south park. You guys could make it like one of you Itunes I-dosers with the music over it, but instead of weird music you could have the song Heavy Metal by Sammy Hagar lol :lol:

Cheesing is real. You WILL get effects from cat piss.
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Post by cameraboirzu »

Koz_92 wrote:
Master832 wrote:Oh and Cheesing from south park. You guys could make it like one of you Itunes I-dosers with the music over it, but instead of weird music you could have the song Heavy Metal by Sammy Hagar lol :lol:

Cheesing is real. You WILL get effects from cat piss.
Even if it is real, I don't think anyone here would degrade themself by huffing cat piss. A cheesing dose would remove that step.
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Post by lucidthoughts »

I want to carress his daughters awesome boobage.
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Post by Bloodbane424 »

lucidthoughts wrote:I want to carress his daughters awesome boobage.
Quoted for being truthful.
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Post by verrsili »

Yeah that would be awesome to have the spice from dune... make you think your seeing into the future and star travelling.
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Post by OneoftheFew »

Not to be a dork/nerd, but what about Soma? From Brave New World? The book by Aldous Huxley. It's supposed to make you completely free from any inhibition and make you happy and hazy and carefree. Well, I do suppose they have a few doses like that. Eh.
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Post by Charlatan »

Anyone ever read Vurt?

I-doser reminded me of that right away.

I want me some Curious Yellow. ;)
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Post by TheMoonlightSeedling »

I agree with the need for some NIN I-doses - Opal, as stated before, and though it wouldn't seem like Parepin would be a wanted dose, I am willing to bet there'd be quite a few NIN fans who would want to experience the world of Year Zero.

Also: Zydrate.

It comes in a little glass vial.

(Ask a GENtern if Zydrate is right for you!)
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Post by robbyam »

ZYDRATE from "Repo the Genetic Opera".

A powerful and highly addictive painkiller. It stimulates happiness and numbness at the same time and also makes you trip out with slight hallucinations. Amber Sweet (Paris Hilton) also gets horny from it but her character is a slut so not sure if it's from the drug or not.
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Post by TheMoonlightSeedling »

I've been reading up on it, and supposedly, yes, it is supposed to make you feel very euphoric - which I suppose for some people would be horny :P

SO basically - take anesthesia, then throw in bliss, orgasm, and trip, blend well, and amplify by like 10,000... and you've got Zydrate!

I'd be willing to pay a pretty penny for that - I'd totally take that to every shadowcasting/con I go to and play the part of graverobber/zydrate dealer to all the fans ^_^
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