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First Timer

Post by lcrimsontidel »

Originally i posted this in experiences, but i think it might be better suited in this forum...

so i just got I-Doser recently, and i tried Orgasm first. It had no effect really (although i did take all the necessary precautions, yea i read the guide Razz). I didnt really know what to expect, was i gunna blow or just feel great? well neither Razz. but later on i tried Marijuana QH and i had little to no effect as well. But about 45 minutes ago i tried Cocaine QH and i 'think' it worked! i felt kind of weightless (bla bla, im sure u dont want to read ANOTHER user's experience Razz) Anyway, what Dosers did you have your first success on, and what do you find the easiest to have success with. Also, what do you think i will have most success with?
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Post by dark_aegis »

I'm kind of in the same boat as you right now. Not sure which to try to get the best effects as a beginner.

So far I've tried (with no success)
Lucid Dream
Lucid Dream QH
none of those have worked yet, though when I get better at this I shall try them all again (probably multiple times).

I have however noticed some effects from anesthesia. As long as I stayed lying still my body felt slightly numb and tingly, though if I moved part of my body (an arm, a foot, whatever) then that part would no longer feel that way unless I left them alone for another five minutes or so. It all stopped when the dose stopped too.

Also, last night I tried peyote. I eventually ended up stopping it about 20 minutes into it, so it might have worked for me but I noticed something strange about five minutes later (no dose currently playing). My room was completely dark, the only light coming from a small green LED clock on the floor just out of view. It made a cone-shaped light on the veiling and the longer I stared at it, the larger it appeared to get. Then for no reason, the entire room felt like it was getting brighter (kind of like when a car drived by a window even though the blinds were closed) but it kept getting slowly brighter and there were no cars outside my window. NOt sure if it was the dose, a placebo, or my sleep-deprived mind playing tricks on me, but either way it was cool.

I hear genesis is a good starter one too, but I haven't tried it.
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Post by lcrimsontidel »

well, last night i tried the Ecstasy QH, and i definatley felt something. maybe not the full intended effect, but i kinda had like a good "buzz" i guess...

Also, i was wondering when you do reset, is it necessary to actually lay down for the entire 20 minutes? Because, I just browsed the computer while reset played. Does it still work that way?
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Post by dark_aegis »

I think it depends. People talk about walking around, or using the computer during other doses and having them work just fine. I'm not really sure what the stipulation is, but I think if you just keep trying doses they will start working better for you. Especially when you repeat doses.
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Post by Hayabusa »

You should better get full doses as the first timers, your brain needs to get used to altering different hertz levels.

And yeh Trip was one of my first doses, it took like 10 times to feel anything.
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Post by denny58stout »

hi it's my first here..tnx
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Post by Rusty_Russian »

lcrimsontidel wrote:well, last night i tried the Ecstasy QH, and i definatley felt something. maybe not the full intended effect, but i kinda had like a good "buzz" i guess...
It's a SEXUAL DOSE!!! Use !RAVE! for the actual effects you're looking for.
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Post by M@Xo® »

:D doser is cool.. 8)
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