As you know, I-doser works via binaural beats, which are currently completely legal in all states in America, however many schools are taking action against it.
The first step was simple, they blocked the I-doser website and all websites related to using binaurals for drug like effects.
The second step however, is much worse. Students have been suspended, even expelled, for having I-doser doses on their mp3/mp4 players at school. The schools who have done this claim that it is possession of intoxicants on school grounds, but it is only a "song".
I believe this is unreasonable and a violation of privacy to check mp3s/ mp4s for i-doser programs and against basic rights to expel/ suspend students for having it.
The schools need to learn that power is a gift not a toy.
Haha nice Cartman. Anyway, nobody has even proved that they simulate what they say they do yet. I think they do but it's not offical. It's probably just a discration issue but i agree with you. But we can avoid all of this as long as students dont let their teacher see their ipods/lock them, and they have no right whatsoever to view the contents on the devices, but they can confiscate them.
They have all right to confiscate electronic devices that aren't necessary for school. They cannot however check the mp3's for Idoses without a search warrant. However, in High Schools/Junior Highs, they can expel or suspend you if you appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
It is also understandable to block the website, as it's really not used for schoolwork, as is MySpace or YouTube.
Agreed. Where I am, they can confiscate your Ipod's only if they give it back to you, or your parents, or whatever...
Keeping the stuff is against board rules. Also, checking the Ipod's and getting kids in trouble because of any "song" isn't allowed.
And yes, Idoser doses technically ARE just songs because they're "certain waveforms, specifically sequenced for listening purpose in the form of an audio file"
That's so fucking funny that they would do that. They would lose legally though, because technically it is only a song, and also has no bad/long lasting effects. I mean it's not like I can't focus while I'm on it, so I don't know what they're worried about.
Schools have the right to confiscate gadgets which do not contribute so much to the academic growth of a student. In the old times, they used to confiscate toys, I am okey with that as long as they will return it to the owner. Some schools have also posed restrictions on some websites in their school ground, thankfully i-doser is not one of them. Chrysalis School Montana
Last edited by jenchrysalis on Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Well, I'm sitting here on the doser forums at school, very surprised it isn't blocked. The again, I'm in Marin County, California in a town where pot possession will get you a warning and confiscation most of the time
Then again, the internet censors my school has block things for language, drug references, violence, and security. I think this site can be classified under language, drugs, etc.
That school needs to get the shit sued outta them.. They expell students for having mp3 tracks they dont like??? What are they gonna do next, suspend students for listening to metal? As long as these students arent listening to these tracks while in school, there should be no real problem.
dosefiend wrote:As you know, I-doser works via binaural beats, which are currently completely legal in all states in America, however many schools are taking action against it.
The first step was simple, they blocked the I-doser website and all websites related to using binaurals for drug like effects.
The second step however, is much worse. Students have been suspended, even expelled, for having I-doser doses on their mp3/mp4 players at school. The schools who have done this claim that it is possession of intoxicants on school grounds, but it is only a "song".
I believe this is unreasonable and a violation of privacy to check mp3s/ mp4s for i-doser programs and against basic rights to expel/ suspend students for having it.
The schools need to learn that power is a gift not a toy.
Dude whatever fucked up school that actually looks on someone's iPod is going to get sued because they don't have a search warrant so they can't check their iPods. And if you have a Touch or an iPhone and they find the iDoser app they can't suspend you. It's not drugs, it's binaural beats used to induce altered states of consciousness and synch brainwaves. If that school ever "searched my iPod for drugs" then I would probably sue them!
All schools hold the right to allow music players, but not school holds the right to search your music player unless stated in their policy. The search of a students personal belongings with out a reasonable cause is in fact illegal! There are things you need to do when someone asks to look at your music player for I-Doser.
First, QUESTION. Your power to question is your biggest weapon. Ask the following Questions to who ever is trying to look at your music player.
Why do you want to look at my music player?
What reason do you have to look at my music player?
What proof do you have that my music player contains what your looking for?
Where did you gain this proof?
If you wish to search my music player with out proof, can you gather all the students in school and search their music player before you search mine?
Is it against school rules to listen to music during school?
Is a audio file considered to be an illegal drug?
How is it possible that a legal audio file, is considered to be a drug?
If I-Doser audio files are illegal because they invoke effects and responses from the brain, why are songs that talk about rape and murders allowed in school?
If my choice in music is not allowed, then are you willing to ban all music from the school including music classes?
(They will respond with "Other music does not make people act as if they are under the influence of drugs")
Then why are songs that make people feel happy or sad allowed? Blues can make people feel sad, and county can make people feel loved.
Second Prove that I-Doser is not illegal and does not promote illegal drugs. This can be done in several ways. The fastest way is to take them to the I-Doser website. And having them search around, they can not suspend you for accessing a site that sells legal items. Or having products from a site where the members talk about their use of illegal drugs. No dose tells you to go out and use illegal drugs, no description tells you to go use illegal drugs. The only people telling you to use illegal drugs would be the members of this site, and even then your still not using drugs. If sally smokes pot, can you get arrested for her smoking pot? NO, Can you get arrested for her dealing pot? NO, Can you get arrested for you knowing that she smokes pot? NO, As long as you are not using, holding, selling, making, growing, or storing illegal drugs, there is no way for you get arrested for it. A school follows those same rules!
Now for any reason they have proof that you have files or applications from I-Doser and they are going to suspend you for use of illegal drugs or possession of illegal drugs, there are several things you need to do.
First off, make sure your legal guardian is present while any drug testing or search is happening if your under 18. A school can not search you with out a reasonable cause!!!!! If you are told you are going to be searched for illegal drugs tell them "Stop, I wish to have an officer of the law search me under the limits of the school" This will do two things, one bring an officer of the law into the matter which will play out to your side if you do not have any thing illegal on you, and two it will make sure that anyone at your school can not fake a report about finding something. Why say under the limits of the school? A school can ask you to remove all clothing except your undergarments(bra and underwear) They are not allowed to strip search you, unless they follow the following guide lines
* The immediacy of any harm or threat
* The source and reliability of the information triggering the search
* Alternatives to the strip search
A school must notify your legal guardian(s) BEFORE the strip search. STOP THE SEARCH, why? Do not allow the school to preform the search as it is invasive and demeaning. Once again ask for an officer of the law and also refuse to be searched until you have had contact with your legal guardian(s). If the school preforms a strip search with out contacting your guardian(s) you may pursue legal actions against them.
Now after all that is done and you are told why you are being suspended, QUESTION QUESTION QUESTION.
If a search proved that you do not have any illegal drugs and your being suspended for possession of illegal drugs, QUESTION THAT SHIT. how can you be suspended for something that they can not prove. If they state that I-Doser doses are the illegal drugs they are talking about, ask "How can a digital audio file be an illegal drug?" "Is it possible that something digital is also physical at the same time?"
If your being suspended for being under the influence of illegal drugs, ask them to preform a drug test. Then ask that the hold off any suspension until the results of the drug test come back. They may suspend you before the results, but do not worry. If you have not taken any drugs in the last year, you will test clean and the school will have no choice but to let you come back to school.
If anyone has a school who's principal is Castro himself you can have your iPod jailbroken and you can password protect the iPhone app and rename it to something that doesn't imply it's anything like iDoser
it's legal, has no negative effects, can be used for meditative purposes, wears off quickly, and there is no way to overdose or get any medical issues using it, so schools should not be able to suspend/expel kids for doing it.
--what schools can do--
1. ban idoser website (most content blockers already do this)
2. ban mp3 players during class (most schools already done this)
3. if this doesn't work then just leave the situation alone.
most adults think anything that gets you high is bad. but only some doses get you high. others can be used for meditation or as a sedative.