4th time - Trip/Peyote

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4th time - Trip/Peyote

Post by StingRayNL »

I update my thread daily as i take a dose every night

First of all, i would like to excuse me for my English. I can speak proper English, but to clearly explain my experience i can have trouble with some word-choices.

About a year ago i discovered iDoser, and i tried like 2-3 out. Nothing really happened to me then, untill yesterday. I decided to take the Trip-dose. After a few minutes something allready started. Now here is the hard part for explaining what happened. I was lying relaxed on my bed, and after a few minutes, the muscles in my arm started to twitch (i hope you guys know what i mean, my muscles made some spastic moves...). A few seconds after that, me arms started to lift a bit slowly during every twitch.

I was wondering: Is that something that should/could happen by taking that Dose, or was it just my body by not being used to lay still like that, and iDoser had nothing to do with it.

Further more nothing actually happened, and at about 53% i stopped the dose because the sound was falling down everytime (the dose stopped for half a second and then continued, i guess that's not how the dose goes right?).

So i just did my 4th dose of Trip. I'm feeling a bit disappointed because i experienced the same effects 4 times in row:
- Arms lifting automatically (arm's felt weightless)
- A little tingle in my arm
- Feeling a bit warmer then normal
- Everything seems to sound metallic-like afterwards for like 5-10 mintues

Those are the only things i've experienced so far. I do the doses lying on my bed, this time with a towel covering my eyes.
I'm just wondering if the effects will get better, and i will really "trip". What am i doing wrong? Should i continue on Trip or something else? Would be nice if somebody could help me.

UPDATE 22 March 2011 - Peyote
Just before i wanted to go to sleep i took a dose of Peyote. This is the 2nd time i did a dose of Peyote. After about 5 minutes my arms began to feel weightless again. While the muscles in my arms spazzed (spelling?) a bit, they started to lift slowly. A few minutes after that, they slowly dropped down again. Almost the complete dose, i felt a light tingle in my arms, legs, and sometimes in my spine. They seem to have come in waves.

For one moment i thought i had a closed-eye visual: some orange dot flashed in my eyes. I'm not quite sure if it really was an closed-eye-visual.

While the dose went to the end, it felt like the room i was in was sort off spinning. I only felt that really small. When the dose did end, i didn't had any strange views or weird effects. The only thing i kept feeling untill like 10-15 minutes was the tingle, especially in my arms and legs/feet (and sometimes in my spine).

For some reason it felt good, so i'll be probably taking one of Peyote again tonight. Ofcourse, i'll update it in here. I might buy Condition, and listen to it before Peyote.

UPDATE 22 March 2011 - Peyote
Again, i did a dose of Peyote before going to sleep. I wasn't so relaxed as normal, i don't really know why. I didn't really feel/experience anything except a small tingle trough my whole body during the complete dose.
Afterwards i thought i saw the red light comming out of my TV bouncing up and down, like it had a heartbeat. I just didn't think it was an effect comming from the dose, cause i felt completely normal afterwards, and it wasn't really strange what i saw. I guess i was just tired or something. Tonight will be the same again, and i'll see what happens.
Last edited by StingRayNL on Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:56 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: "First" Experience - Trip

Post by owlmaid »

I haven't done the Trip dose, so I don't know exactly what it's supposed to sound like, but I can say that sometimes they sound pretty strange and more than once I've been afraid that something was wrong with the dose file, that that couldn't be what I was supposed to be hearing. I'd go ahead and try the whole dose next time if I were you. That quiet part could just be a quiet part, now if it stays silent for like 3-5 minutes, then I'd say you have a problem. Don't worry about the arm spasm, that happens sometimes, it happened to me when I did the Acid dose, my left arm just started spazing out for no reason.
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Re: "First" Experience - Trip

Post by StingRayNL »

Alright, thanks for the reply. I'm doing it again tonight, and this time i'll finish it no matter what and i'll post my experience!
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Re: "First" Experience - Trip

Post by arijas »

well there is some doses when it stops for 1sec and goes on again so dont worry.After u listen u may see some halliuciog(dont know how to say it)anyway u understood me.
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Re: 4th time - Trip

Post by StingRayNL »

I updated my starting post. Would be nice if somebody could give me some advice/answers..
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Re: 4th time - Trip

Post by owlmaid »

I've found that some doses just don't work with some people. I don't know why. For me, Peyote (which is a favorite among a lot of people) doesn't work, and I've tried it 3 times. Just because Trip didn't work for you doesn't mean none of the doses will work for you. Peyote may not work for me, but plenty of other doses work awesome for me. I think you just need to forget Trip and try some others. Maybe search the forums for more tips on how to make doses work and then try something stronger than Trip. Peyote may actually be good, most people like it. Good luck!
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Re: 4th time - Trip

Post by StingRayNL »

Thanks for the info. I guess i'll give Peyote a shot this evening.
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Re: 4th time - Trip

Post by idoser »

And if your using torrents or doses NOT obtained directly through the I-Doser store, dont expect any results. 90% of them are fakes. http://www.i-doser.com/store
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Re: 4th time - Trip

Post by StingRayNL »

I definately use te legal ones (bought from the store).
I guess Trip does give me some effects, only not (yet) the effects supposed to.

I'm doubting about doing another Trip dose, or buying the Peyote one and try it. Maybe i should just give it some time. I heard some people have done doses for many times, and it took many days-weeks to get a breaktrough
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Re: 4th time - Trip

Post by _Benny_MeXXcaline_ »

StingRayNL wrote:I definately use te legal ones (bought from the store).
I guess Trip does give me some effects, only not (yet) the effects supposed to.

I'm doubting about doing another Trip dose, or buying the Peyote one and try it. Maybe i should just give it some time. I heard some people have done doses for many times, and it took many days-weeks to get a breaktrough
For me is easier try doses that realx you and make you feel good because for do a trip you need a lot of concentration!
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Re: 4th time - Trip

Post by arijas »

on every dose u need alot of concentration (i dont know if i spelled it right)
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Re: 4th time - Trip

Post by Nook »

I'm training in meditation(in meditation center) and all the symptoms you wrote above,are the symptoms of relaxation, ALL OF THEM,just clear your mind and believe that IT WILL WORK, you'll get placebo for couple of times but still, better than nothing :D
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Re: 4th time - Trip

Post by arijas »

more u try , better results u get :P
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Re: 4th time - Trip

Post by _Benny_MeXXcaline_ »

arijas wrote:on every dose u need alot of concentration (i dont know if i spelled it right)
but in that doses you need more then the other...
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Re: 4th time - Trip

Post by StingRayNL »

Wow, u guys gave me some great tips! I just hitted my bed, so i'm about to take a dose of Peyote. Feeling calm right now, so i'll see what happen. I'll post the experience when i woke up (23:09 PM here right now)
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