Questions About My Experience

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Questions About My Experience

Post by zakattack_92 »

Hey Everyone,

I just have a couple questions for some more experienced dosers.

I just did a dose of Condition followed by Peyote. I took the dose while lying in bed with the lights off using good headphones. During the Condition it felt like I feel asleep half way through and then woke up at the end. During Peyote I counted down from 899 until it felt like I again fell asleep. When I woke up, about 5 minutes before the end of the dose, my body felt tingly momentarily and then I felt sober again. Once the dose ended i stood up and just felt a strange feeling in my head. My body feels "bubbly" but thats it.

Is this the full effect of peyote? If not how can I achieve the full effect?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Questions About My Experience

Post by Jakvortex »

Dear Zakattack:

When i bought peyote i didnt know what to think about it. Excitement, fear, happiness? Then i tried it(Note:i am an experienced doser) peyote made me feel unreal, the walls were fuzzy and when i looked at myself in the mirror it felt like i was spinning. In this link i give a detailed list of steps for the perfect dose AND note that effects of doses affect people differently so dont judge your dosing offa another persons perspective :)

Happy dosing,

Signed, Jakvortex
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Re: Questions About My Experience

Post by _Benny_MeXXcaline_ »

the first time I had the same your effect...with time will be stronger...
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Re: Questions About My Experience

Post by Sloth »

It took time for me with Peyote, but I got it to where I would float in and out of my body, and through my bed (felt like, not ltierally unfortunately)
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