Any Suggestions

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Any Suggestions

Post by Willic676 »

Im fairly new to this but I recently downloaded the I-doser app for my i pod. iv been using it for a few days and iv had some good experiences, my favorite so far is the A-Bomb, but i would like to know what you guys think would be some good doses to use and start with.Thanks
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Re: Any Suggestions

Post by _Benny_MeXXcaline_ »

Try morphine or doses that give you a feeling of wellbeing,is the best for beginning!Next you can try also trip or peyote!
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Re: Any Suggestions

Post by Sloth »

For the App, I like Divinorum, or Peyote

For the DRG computer ones, definitely Demerol
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Re: Any Suggestions

Post by Jakvortex »

Morphine, my favourite at the start and still my favourite today :D , great starter dose is probably alcohal or adrenaline
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