My Experiences... By far...

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My Experiences... By far...

Post by Liustares »

Ok guys, first, I have to say that I'm new here, but not new to the I-Doser concept which actually is a really interesting one, here are all my experiences till this day (excuse me for my grammar errors but english is not my main language):

Lucid Dream
I haven't felt anything special wih this one, the music is pretty good but most of the time I have fell asleep during it. I haven't got anything interesting with this one, but I always awake scared when the woman's breathing nears to its end.

Astral Projection
I only felt once like if somebody was shaking my bed. Two times I briefly felt my hands and feet out of my body, but nothing spectacular, I've got better OBE's by accident.

Again the "bed shaking" and i started to dream somehing weird about my school, trees and something related to art, hell i dont know, but it was incredibly brief, nothig else other than few involuntary movements in my right arm and my feet.

Hand of God
I only had a weak and brief hallucination about a white light shining direct to my eyes. Few involuntary movements in two ocassions. Again that wierd bed shaking sensation. And a terrible headahe after that. It wasn't scary, awesome or something like that... Instead, the results were really annoying.

Absolutely nothing.

Again nothing

White Crosses
Did I felt somehting? Hell no

Brain plus
Mmmm... No

First Love
I just got kind of sad.

I've tried them several times with no distractions around or anything like that, just me lying in the bed. Sometimes I've got some weird random toughts, but, everytime I focus on them, they simply dissappear. I've been thinking on going directly to test the full Gates of Hades or Black Sunshine to see what happends but I don't really know what to do. I started to I-Dose myself with high trust on the doses and their possible effects, but I feel that I'm getting more skeptical everytime they don't work, it is becoming frustrating and that really pisses me off.
SERIOUSLY GUYS, How the hell do you make this thing work???!!!
I want to hallucinate, get the effects or wathever the results are, but nothing seems to work at 100%.
Oh and by the way, I use the iPod i-Doser.

:-( :-( :-(
Last edited by Liustares on Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Experiences... By far...

Post by arijas »

mp3 or drg? eardbuds or big headphones?
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Re: My Experiences... By far...

Post by Liustares »

arijas wrote:mp3 or drg? eardbuds or big headphones?
I don't know the format of the files but I am using the I-Doser iPod App, I'm also using earbuds but those that are suposed to isolate the external sound so it doesn't disturbs what you're hearing, and I hear the Doses when there are no sounds around me, only me and the iPod App.

I still looking foward to try more doses till they work, maybe I'm not so suceptible to them, maybe I need more practice.
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Re: My Experiences... By far...

Post by owlmaid »

You really have to have good headphones for them to work. They don't have to be hugely expensive, I got a pair for $20. Even high quality earbuds just don't work really well.
You're lying in a dark room with something over your eyes right? And concentrating just on the sound?

As for hallucinations, it doesn't look like you've tried the doses that are really supposed to make you hallucinate. Go to the I-Doser store, look under "Hallucinogenic" and pick doses from there. I've done LSD and Heroin with a little success. I've been a little scared to try others, since I had a bad trip on Acid.

Black Sunshine was interesting for me, not because of the hallucinations, which weren't intense, but because of what exactly they were of and what it meant about me. Kind of soul-searching for me.
I tried Absinthe, it was one of the first I've tried, and I don't know why they gave it a VERY STRONG, because it doesn't seem that strong to me or anyone else I've heard mention about it. I think it's good for beginners who are kind of still afraid, but you're beyond that.
Lucid Dream you're supposed to do right before you go to sleep and then at night you're supposed to have a lucid dream, you're not supposed to have one during the dose. I've never tried it, that's what I've heard.
I wouldn't go directly to Gates of Hades because you're not having good success with other doses yet, which means you wouldn't get as much out of it.
Some of my favorite doses are A-Bomb, DMT, DXM, Vico, Aftermath, and Anesthesia is worth trying.
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Re: My Experiences... By far...

Post by adman101 »

owlmaid wrote:You really have to have good headphones for them to work. They don't have to be hugely expensive, I got a pair for $20. Even high quality earbuds just don't work really well.
You're lying in a dark room with something over your eyes right? And concentrating just on the sound?

As for hallucinations, it doesn't look like you've tried the doses that are really supposed to make you hallucinate. Go to the I-Doser store, look under "Hallucinogenic" and pick doses from there. I've done LSD and Heroin with a little success. I've been a little scared to try others, since I had a bad trip on Acid.

Black Sunshine was interesting for me, not because of the hallucinations, which weren't intense, but because of what exactly they were of and what it meant about me. Kind of soul-searching for me.
I tried Absinthe, it was one of the first I've tried, and I don't know why they gave it a VERY STRONG, because it doesn't seem that strong to me or anyone else I've heard mention about it. I think it's good for beginners who are kind of still afraid, but you're beyond that.
Lucid Dream you're supposed to do right before you go to sleep and then at night you're supposed to have a lucid dream, you're not supposed to have one during the dose. I've never tried it, that's what I've heard.
I wouldn't go directly to Gates of Hades because you're not having good success with other doses yet, which means you wouldn't get as much out of it.
Some of my favorite doses are A-Bomb, DMT, DXM, Vico, Aftermath, and Anesthesia is worth trying.

I tried anesthesia but I might have fell asleep. i really dont know the 30 minutes went by fast. what is is supposed to be like after the dose? it says dizziness i guess but i was tired and when i was done it felt like i was gone for a long time so i probably fell asleep
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Re: My Experiences... By far...

Post by Liustares »

owlmaid wrote:You really have to have good headphones for them to work. They don't have to be hugely expensive, I got a pair for $20. Even high quality earbuds just don't work really well.
You're lying in a dark room with something over your eyes right? And concentrating just on the sound?

As for hallucinations, it doesn't look like you've tried the doses that are really supposed to make you hallucinate. Go to the I-Doser store, look under "Hallucinogenic" and pick doses from there. I've done LSD and Heroin with a little success. I've been a little scared to try others, since I had a bad trip on Acid.

Black Sunshine was interesting for me, not because of the hallucinations, which weren't intense, but because of what exactly they were of and what it meant about me. Kind of soul-searching for me.
I tried Absinthe, it was one of the first I've tried, and I don't know why they gave it a VERY STRONG, because it doesn't seem that strong to me or anyone else I've heard mention about it. I think it's good for beginners who are kind of still afraid, but you're beyond that.
Lucid Dream you're supposed to do right before you go to sleep and then at night you're supposed to have a lucid dream, you're not supposed to have one during the dose. I've never tried it, that's what I've heard.
I wouldn't go directly to Gates of Hades because you're not having good success with other doses yet, which means you wouldn't get as much out of it.
Some of my favorite doses are A-Bomb, DMT, DXM, Vico, Aftermath, and Anesthesia is worth trying.
Well, thanks a lot for the tips, I'll try them, cause, seriously, I want this to work, I'm actually looking for some new headphones. I'll submit my I-Doser experiences again later after I see what happends.
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Re: My Experiences... By far...

Post by Oblivion9122 »

Listen here is what you need to do. Everyone acts differently to these doses and you might need to use lucid dream multiple times before it works... Try usimg a resetqh and then hit it with condition THEN try lucid dream.. My brother saw me using it and i blacked out and my feet were shaking and i had a weird type of dream. Not lucid but i could recall it. Hope that helps!
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Re: My Experiences... By far...

Post by Liustares »

Oblivion9122 wrote:Listen here is what you need to do. Everyone acts differently to these doses and you might need to use lucid dream multiple times before it works... Try usimg a resetqh and then hit it with condition THEN try lucid dream.. My brother saw me using it and i blacked out and my feet were shaking and i had a weird type of dream. Not lucid but i could recall it. Hope that helps!
I'll try it. Still dosing here with some few results. Condition may increase my chances.
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Re: My Experiences... By far...

Post by Liustares »

LOL :D , I tried the A-bomb one today, during the first half almost nothing interesting happened to me, I briefly felt a weird shaking all over the bed like if someone was pulling it and pushing it fastly, but then, at the end it got really crazy, everything just turned insane :retard: and I was like "Holy Crap!" :shock: I started to feel a ridiculous amount of energy running throught all my body and the sensation that my spirit could escape from my body (yep :) , I was entering the vibrational stage of an OBE/Astral Projection :D ) the dose ended and I continued trying to get into the OBE, but then my brother opened my room's door and everything was over, damn! :lol:
I'll give it another try right away to see what happends, It's the first dose that actually has made me feel something really interesting. Definitely goes to my favorites :finger:
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Re: My Experiences... By far...

Post by ClassicGamingWizz »

:finger: nice !!!
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