Frustration so far...

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Frustration so far...

Post by OrganizedChaos »


I have a fellow manager friend of mine who introduced me to idose. As he first got me interested by his stories of his reaction to Gates of Hades. He has numerous other doses and I took the liberty to buy a few for myself. However much to my frustration many of these have little to no effect. The free versions did nothing, I'll admit Rave seemed to leave me confused, I could not put together a sentence well afterwards. Heroin I think I was coming back and forth between sleep and being awake, although I did have some odd thoughts while using it. Astral Projection did nothing, content did nothing(or maybe it did I felt just plain okay afterwards). So my big plan, my friend has Gates of Hades. If I don't respond they won't work for me. I did not feel like I was falling, my hands went slightly numb, nothing went dark, I saw no images. However I did throw off the earphones at around 72%, but afterwards I was left wondering if I was just startled by the complete change in tone.

All in all I really want this to work, but while I'm dosing my mind wanders. I don't know what to concentrate on, and I tend to snap back to the fact I'm just laying in bed while noises ring in my ear. I really hope I'm not one of the few who can't get the effects. I think my main problem is staying concentrated, anyone ever have these issues and how did you overcome them?

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Re: Frustration so far...

Post by adman101 »

I am new to dosing also, however i do read a lot of the forum posts. a couple tips that may help that have helped me.

use good STEREO HEAPHONES with a frequency range of 20hz to 20khz
when lying down have something over you eyes with almost no light pretruding.
dont think about the effects coming on to you or dont counter un-intentional movements
when listening to a dose make sure nothing is touching you EXCEPT for you bed or what ever you lying on.
when listening dont move and count down from a large number.

theses have helped me but what will help you even more is go to page 2 of i-doser experiences forum and look for MORE MUST HAVE TIPS and read all of them!! they are the best tips trust me.
it says to have your eyes open, but thats totally up to you. also stick with one (preferably moderate) dose and master the effects of that one and then move on. dont give up after 2 doses, try others!!
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Re: Frustration so far...

Post by owlmaid »

I agree with everything that guy above said.
What helps me a lot when I can't concentrate and am having all these random thoughts is while I focus on the sound I also count backwards from some big random number like 724 or 357. It helps me a lot. It can also be fun because sometimes as the dose starts to work, you suddenly won't be able to remember the number that's supposed to come next.
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Re: Frustration so far...

Post by OrganizedChaos »

Well Lucky me I found a store trying to get rid of all of their over the ear headphones. My earbuds we're 20-20.000 so I bought this pair which runs from 12-22.000hz so I figure that should be enough depth of sound for whatever the doses need to produce.
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