Few questions?

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Few questions?

Post by Keriosaga »

I recently tried this at a friends house, but with little effect. I feel as though I might be doing something wrong and I had a few questions and I want to try again before I decide if I actually want to buy this.

First off, what are the actual specifications for headphones you can use? He was using a Turtle Beach wireless gaming headset that he claims works for him. I also have the same set, along with a very good set of Altec Lansing earbuds. I can not find out any specifics for what headphones can be used. Other then the ones advertised by this site.

Secondly, when laying down listening to i-doses, should you concentrate on the sounds from the headphones? Or just not concentrate on anything and just clear your mind and not pay attention to the sounds? I think this might have been what my problem was. I was concentrating on the sounds, and the pulsing between the left and right. From what I've researched, I believe the sounds are supposed to harmonize into a solid new sound? And shouldn't be pulsing? At one point towards the end, I believe I was listening to Ecstasy, I started to feel a weird almost moving sensation in my head, then I tried to concentrate on the weird sensation, and it went away after a few moments, and then nothing happened again. Should I just let whatever happens, happen? Or should I try to concentrate on the feeling?

Thirdly, How long should you wait before trying another dose?

Thanks anyone for their time and any answers are appreciated.
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Re: Few questions?

Post by Keriosaga »

Oh, also, I downloaded the trial and I was going to try a test dose at home, my computer has Realtek audio manager with the EQ. Should I just turn the EQ off or would it not effect it?
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Re: Few questions?

Post by dashneo »

When listening to these beats I've read that you need to listen to the beats. You will need to relax and go into a meditative state for the beats to work too. this is something to try. If it doesn't work for you right away keep trying and it will work; it took me a month to get any results.

Turtle beach headphones are really nice so I'd imagine they would work. Any headphones with good bass and sound quality will work and the better the quality the better it works.

When listening to a new dose you might want to give your ears a good half hour rest. You can use the "reset" dose if you want to listen to other doses right after one dose. Listening to one dose and then another dose right away can have adverse effects.
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Re: Few questions?

Post by Keriosaga »

dashneo wrote: Turtle beach headphones are really nice so I'd imagine they would work. Any headphones with good bass and sound quality will work and the better the quality the better it works.
Thank you for your response. And you say good bass? My headphones have a option to turn on a bass boost, and also a stereo widener. Should I turn these on then? Or just listen to it regular?
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Re: Few questions?

Post by dashneo »

some tones are really low and bass boost will make them easier to hear. I found that headphones with good bass make the really low beats (like the ones from the "condition" dose) easier to hear. I'm not sure what the stereo widener is but it could help if it makes the beats more distinguishable. So I'd say definitely turn on the bass boost and try out the stereo widener to see what that does.
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