Marijuana and The Truth!!

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Post by ethan1134 »

Wow i knew pot wasnt as bad for you as its put out to be, but assuming half of that is true then it should defanitely be legalized. Assuming it's all true, wow, messed up goverment.

happy_crab wrote:everybody smoke pot.
wow, great attemt to increase you post count saying a stupid thing nobody cares about
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Post by B0b »

SylverMaelstrom wrote:Hell, yes. I live my life by it. I swear when I'm 90 years old I'll still smoke weed every damn day.
I'm 51 already and have smoked weed since 15. In my state 100 grams in a single container is a $100 dollar non criminal offense, but many cities have ordinances against paraphernalia. A used pipe will get you a $250 fine and a minor misdemeanor. The weird loophole is that a rolled joint is considered weed, and a pack of papers have other legal uses. So I you go to Ohio, leave the bowl at home and start rollin'!
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Post by EmbryonicHydra »

UnknownFear wrote:I just dont see why we cant get enough people, thousands and thousands of people, and protest to legalize marijuana. If it is truly good in some cases, why cant we have it?
most marijuana users would never gain enough motivation to be able to do that though i would definitely join in if there were one
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Post by ninty »

i have a feeling it will be taken off of federal regulation in the u.s. within the next 10 years. then it's up to the states to decide. the voters of mass have already chosen to decriminalize possession up to an ounce which is now a 100 dollar fine. the other states will follow suit and obama will make his move to take it off the list of scheduled drugs. i bet in 10 years it will have the same limitations of alcohol (must be 21, no driving, no public intoxication etc. etc. etc.)
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Post by HellzMessiah »

i think this SylverMaelstrom cat is my new best friend. 420 til the end man
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Post by tbrown01 »

I do not agree that marijuana should be legalized. Sorry but I couldn't agree with you guys. Just my opinion. :D

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Post by Kitaroija »

Marijuana was too much for a 14-year-old... I smoked for a few times, the last time resulting in a derealization disorder, which is still going on for a little bit. It's been almost 3 months from that time.
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Post by Lance »

Marijuana is illegal because it is not in Satans plan for it to be legal. When you smoke marijuana what you are doing is unlocking your subconcious mind and going into a higher state of conciousness. Why do you think music sounds better,colors appear brighter, food tastes better, sex feels better etc. It is because you are going into a higher state of conciousness and partially/ temporarily gaining back what was lost in the Garden of Eden.If you smoke marijuana with the proper spiritual focus you will be suprised at what you will discover. The government dosen't want you to see the truth and they want you to live in the fantasy land that they teach you to live in from day one. They don't want you to see how stupid the big bang theory is or how stupid and pointless everything on television is. Satan has introduced drugs such as crack, heroine, cocaine etc. only to let people destroy their mind bodies and souls on them in order to make getting high look bad. The government began spraying tobacco fields with deadly chemicals for population control in the mid 1900's and it is Satans way of making smoking look bad. Alcohol is only legally tolerated to pacify stupid Americans in order to make all mind altering substances look bad along with the synthetic drugs I mentioned earlier. Getting drunk is the destruction of conciousness and smoking marijuana to get high is the enhancment of conciousness. Just imagine all of your senses such as touch, sight, smell, taste,etc all laid out on a table. When you get drunk imagine someone with a hammer bashing and destroying these senses. When you get high imagine these senses expanding and becoming more powerful. The bottom line is that sense marijuana is indeed the plant of truth and righteousness if it were legal and widely respected then it wouldn't be long before people would start waking up and realizing how Satan has decieved them. Uprisings would start and the American government along with the constitution would be destroyed. If marijuana were so harmful then It would make no sense for me or anyone else posting on this forum who has smoked it to be so intelligent. And believe me I smoke lots of marijuana no joke! The big bang theory is garbage because theres no way a rock the size of the Earth, Mars, Neptune, Saturn,Venus, Mercury and every other planet in the solar system materializes out of nowhere without any higher power causing this to happen and guiding it. And then if there is this higher power then freedom of religion is a Satanic deception considering if it is not in the will of this higher power for manknd not to follow it considering it created everything. Don't be an idiot and believe that a 27million degree light pops up in the sky everyday for no reason. That is evidence of God right there. But did they teach you that in school nooooo. That taught you some damn bullshit. You can believe what you want but that is the truth and anyone who can prove what I just said wrong please do. Marijuana is great and I look forward to smoking it everyday until my final breath. R.I.P Bob Marley
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Post by ericdeko411 »

Kitaroija wrote:Marijuana was too much for a 14-year-old... I smoked for a few times, the last time resulting in a derealization disorder, which is still going on for a little bit. It's been almost 3 months from that time.

I second the motion with you Kitaroija.Hoping that we could prevent all sorts of dicorders that results in taking marijuana.
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Re: Marijuana and The Truth!!

Post by idioteque90 »

As much as I am and advocate for legalization and love smoking marijuana, I think some of you guys are being completely ignorant to the fact that there ARE adverse effects. I've had several panic attacks from smoking marijuana that made me collapse in the streets and had to get taken away by ambulance. Honestly the fear I felt in that situation was so intense that I thought that I was dying and it was extremely terrifying. Also, like Kitaroija had mentioned, it can onset psychiatric conditions in some people.

The cannabis community loves to claim that marijuana is a harmless plant that grows in the dirt, but at least own the fact that it isn't totally free of side-effects. Whenever people see arguments on the internet that favor their own opinions they are less likely to question them but if, IF, you ever did wish to protest for the legalization of marijuana then at least consider both sides when creating your argument. Everyone can pull up websites they find on the internet claiming that marijuana is the nectar of the gods, but it's still a substance to be used with wisdom and discretion.
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Post by FuckYou99 »

SylverMaelstrom wrote:One thing I have always said ever since I started smoking weed every damn day I can, is

"I would rather drive on a highway which every person driving is high, than drive on the same highway with but a single drunk driver"

this web site is just ferther evedence that Canada/US has an extremly hipocritical drug policy, laws, and enforcment. The way I see it is that alcohol should be criminalized in place of marajuana. You drunks can argue all you want, but you know, deep deep deep...deep down inside, you know I'm right. In fact, a point that that site does not adress is that it is not humanly possible to overdose on marajuana, unless you know someone who can smoke fifteen hundred POUNDES of weed in fifteen minutes.
seriously, if you know someone tell me now. We can go blaze up later.
if everybody was high...IT WOULD REALY BE A HIGH WAY!
and they would all be driving like 20 mph???
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Re: Marijuana and The Truth!!

Post by FuckYou99 »

i dont know why people are soooo scared of WEED...i smoked weed a couple of times...and had a lot of fun :)
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Re: Marijuana and The Truth!!

Post by dp100 »

once the US made alcohol illegal and then they made it legal. and it has side effects 100x worse than weed.

weed has been illegal way longer than alcohol and it has almost no negative effects. besides people getting shot because they shot at the cops so they would not go to jail, no body dies from weed. and if it is legal then that problem wouldn't happen. I bet some government people also want weed to become legal but the stupid congress won't let it.
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