Newbie to I-Doser...not binaural beats though

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Newbie to I-Doser...not binaural beats though

Post by neofrost83 »

So I've been meditating for about 15 years now, studied binaural beat, astral projection, and any other ways to temporarily alter reality and enrich my life. I hear about this from another forum I belong to and decided to give it a go. I figured the best way to do this for my first time is to take a dissacociative mind-altering substance....just to break down my skeptical barriers and see where this takes me.

I decided if I was tripping on DXM or smoking weed, then taking the same "I-Dose" as the substance I'm using would be redundant and retarded. Instead I might as well use some Doses that would be enhanced by whatever I was on.

Being spiritual and curious I decided that Hand of God sounded like the best one (talk about wanting to jump in the deep end the first time you swim, right?). But I soon chickened out. Why? Well coupled with whatever I was on, I felt that if it DID work and I was confronted by Our Creator, I'd be overwhelmed and was unworthy. Not to mention it dawned on me that, like any conventional drug, taking the hardest "dose" the first time is generally a bad idea...

So I went with Out of Body Experience! It was awesome. I was aware of my body but my mind was drifting off and it was like my mind could tell my body to move all it wanted - but my body wasn't going to respond. I just layed in my bed, made the room pitch black and free of any outside sound. I started the OBE dose and just concentrated on my breathing, and some closed eye visuals I had, probably due to what I was one. Then I just slipped away and for the first time in as long as I can remember - my problems were irrelevant! I didn't have a single stress in the world because I could finally get to a different plane of existence/reality. Very Soothing.

Right after that I wanted more!!!! So I decided on the most popular (Gee I wonder why) - ORGASM!!! Yea I didn't blow it all over I hoped :D . I got aroused and my mind drifted to sexual thoughts....then it was over. Since I was already aroused I figured I'd finish myself off and go to sleep...but here's the funny part (for the reader...for me it was frustrating): the substance I was on can make you impotent or never actually acheive orgasm. I gave up after an hour (YES AN HOUR!!!!!) frustrated. Not too worried about it though. There's always tonight...and I'll make sure I do the Orgasm dose when I'm sober.

Overall I had an excellent experience - and I think it's because I've used binaural beats before for mediatation and have conditioned my mind to let go and just "go with it". Why not? I almost pity those people (here and other places on the net) who are too skeptical for their own good. Just take some deep breaths and let go. Just enjoy yourself and stop going into everything as a critic!

And speaking of enjoying yourself - why the hell (no pun intended) would anyone want to listen to Gates of Hades?!?!? Especially BEFORE they listen to HoG?!?!? Out of everything that's here - orgasm, marijuana, ephoria, etc.....why the hell would you choose the worst one?
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Re: Newbie to I-Doser...not binaural beats though

Post by NeapolitanHusky »

First off, welcome to I-Doser. I'm glad to hear that your first experience with dosing was a good one.

Obviously, you had a good advantage over a lot of I-Doser newbies because of your previous experience with things such as binaural beats, meditation, and controlled breathing. I find that the key to making a dose work for you is simply to relax, clear out your mind, control your breathing, and ride the dose.

The best part about I-Doser, is that as you continue to use it, your experiences will continue to become stronger and more vivid. With tangible drugs, your body builds up a chemical tolerance and you begin to need more to get the same effect. With I-Doser, on the other hand, the only thing that might limit the effectiveness of the dose is your brain's inexperience in simply accepting and understanding the tones. As you keep dosing, your brain slowly becomes more accustomed to figuring out the doses and translating them properly.

You know how you get burned out doing the same thing over and over again, but then after you rest for a couple days, you come back to it and you're actually even better than you were when you stopped practicing? From my experience, doses are the same way. If you do the same dose every night for a few nights, around the same time, and then stop dosing for a few days or so, your brain's typically "recharged" a bit, and takes to the dose even faster. I don't know if it works for everyone, but that's how it is for me.

Experiment around with different things after you've found a dose you really like in particular. Try using the same dose multiple times in a row, or using Condition before that dose. Try it on a full stomach, or an empty stomach. Try it on pot, try it buzzed, try it sober, try it at night, try it in the daytime... I've even heard that some people get interesting results when they have certain types of music playing very softly beneath the dose, like trance or techno. Heck, if you eat a banana before bed, you tend to have more vivid, memorable dreams. Does the same go for hallucinogenic doses? Try it all, there are a lot of different things you can experiment with. Who knows what may or may not influence your ability to accept the dose or how the effects might even change?
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Re: Newbie to I-Doser...not binaural beats though

Post by neofrost83 »

Thanks for the response - so I tried Orgasm and Extacy in the middle of the afternoon yesterday. Both had GREAT results (I actually did them both a few times :D ).

I did Hand of God and felt a sort of sense of awe, but didn't have any sort of "break through". Maybe because I had just done several others in a row before that. Funny side note - HoG actually has the best music in my opinion. It almost feels like a rock/metal beat in the beginning which was pretty neat. I'll definitely be trying this one several times until I "get it".

Tried "Rave" with basically no results. Felt kinda happy and felt like I was in a crowded room with happy people. But no real breakthrough. Oh well. All I got is time right? And since I know for a fact that this works I considerably more likely to try most of the collection until every single one works for me. Except dumb shit the Hades one. Still don't understand why anyone would want to put their head in that place of horror and misery when they could just as easily have a fun and exhilarating time with any other dose. I guess it's a "curiosity killed the cat" type of thing.
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Re: Newbie to I-Doser...not binaural beats though

Post by dp100 »

Why is everyone afraid to do hand of god? just like with most doses if you don't like it you can make it stop by removing headphones. unless you use anesthesia or another seditive dose you are not sleeping.
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