A more potent 5htp
A more potent 5htp
I've found the 5htp dose to be quite useful for night I won't be getting a lot of sleep, or the following morning when I've had minimal rest..It falls under the anti depressant category as "moderate". I'd like to have one thats VERY STRONG..It balances the serotonin and melatonin in the brain, but I feel that it could have a little more....kick
Re: A more potent 5htp
Yes that would be a good dose! There is a dose called Antisad which is labeled strong. Stick with that until they come up with a very strong onemcc23 wrote:I've found the 5htp dose to be quite useful for night I won't be getting a lot of sleep, or the following morning when I've had minimal rest..It falls under the anti depressant category as "moderate". I'd like to have one thats VERY STRONG..It balances the serotonin and melatonin in the brain, but I feel that it could have a little more....kick