Yerba Mate

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Yerba Mate

Post by 885RIOT »

I just finished the yerba mate dose. I had the heater on as to not get cold and i had a t-shirt covering my eyes. I did some light meditating before hand because i heard that it was an easy way to clear you thoughts. Anyway, i lyed down with the dose playing and chose a random triple digit number, 786 i think it was. i had gotten to 670-660 when it started to feel like i was falling, i think this was me starting the trance exept it startled me and i jumped out of the trance. I was still able to reach the trance later on, at least i think it was the trance because i wasnt able to move my arms and legs. I was getting SOME of the stuff the description said, but im positive i didnt get the most out of it. Altough i just noticed that my arms are really red and my veins are popping out. I got more effects than the first time though. If anyone can tell me when you know your in the trance or an easy way to concentrate, not involving counting backwards, because i find that to get really boring really fast. PLEASE REPLY :p
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Re: Yerba Mate

Post by dolemite »

wow man, glad to hear you got some effects. as for getting into the trance, some people like to focus on their breathing. I've yet to try this, but it sounds promising. i think the problem with counting backwards is that you have a point of reference as to how far you are into the dose, and it keeps you connected. i'm not sure, but that's just my 2 cents 8) . anyways, i would try this dose again but using other meditation techniques, and see which one works the best for you. cheers.
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