When the mind leaves body
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Post by gwise721 »

Would I be more likely to have an astral projection if I listened to ALPHA first because my brain would be in the "right state of mind" for astral projection.
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Post by Lance »

What the hell are you taliking about? You do Astral projection every night in your dreams. One way to do Astral projection is to stay up a whole lot and to tire your body out. Then sit down close your eyes and begin thinking in your subconcious mind about anything except for sex. You will soon slip past your subconcious thoughts and into a deeper level of your mind called the unconcious were you will notice scenarios will start playing themselves out in front of you without you even having to do anything. This is called your collective unconciousness and is the same things your dreams are made of. The number one thing is discipline. You have to be discliplined in your mind enough to stay concious while you slip into this state so that you won't actually fall completely asleep. This state of mind is just as real as your ordinary day to day life. It is just that this state is a test of how spiritual you are. Life is about remembering everything that has happened in your life and your dreams are just as apart of your life as anything else. Your dreams are a travel into the spirit world. It's just that you are at such a deep level of your mind that it is a very mystical state and you have to be disciplined enough to remember the events that take place during this time. In case you haven't noticed you can actually run jump and feel things in your dreams. Your dreams let you know what is going on with you and are warnings and messages from the other side. It is all about different versions of reality. There are many different versions of reality and the reality that you experience on a day to day level is only one of many. This is the same thing that happened to John in revelations of the Bible. What happened is he went into the spirit world and experienced another version of reality just as we all do. This is all astro projection is. It is simply your soul traveling outside of your body into another version of reality that is just as real as day to day reality. It is just as I stated earlier you must be on a high spiritual level in order to master these levels of the mind. Each state is more mystical than the next.
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Post by gwise721 »

Hey thanks for that long description :-) . Just to be clear I listen to astral (idose) and think in my subconscious mind but force myself to stay awake then it will work?
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Post by Lance »

Your best bet is not to listen to anything at all. Just do it when your real tired in a quite enviroment. But make sure u sit up on you bed or couch against the wall so when you start to slip into the deeper dream conciousness u may stay concious in order not to fall asleep. Do not force yourself to stay awake but allow yourself to slip away but try and stay concious the whole time. Once you are at the level were scenarios are playing out in front of you without you having to do anything you have just entered spirit conciousness and you are at a deep level in your mind. Next you should try and do anything to meet anyone important such as God himself are possibly Jesus Christ himself. One time I was having a crazy dream and I realized it was a dream because my rational mind kicked in and I figured that this had to be a dream because this crazy stuff would never happen. I then built a staircase in front of me and climbed it all the way to heaven were I met God himself. We were in a room that looked like we were underwater and God was wearing white attire. The room looked blurry so I could only make out his shape. He said the words Aku-nabi and when I approached him he darted through a doorway and I woke up. I looked up the word Aku and it meant prophet in hebrew. The word nabi was a moon God in Babylon. The whole thing is about opening your mind to new ideas and seeing past preconceptions. What you must remember is that you are living in a reality so real that a 27 million degree light pops up all over it everyday and everyone sees the same light. Once you see that you will see that it's not about just simply life here but this is only one version of life itself in it's entirity. Life is about conciousness. Because u can live without a body but without conciousness what are you? Conciousness is the gift from God who is the first one with the possesion of conciousness who commanded the creation of everything you see around you. How else can you explain a 27 million degree light popping up everyday all over the world that just happens to literally float in the sky everyday constantly non stop. Once you understand what I just said the closer you will become to accomplishing the goal you've come to accomplish. And the closer you will become to find the courage within yourself to fulfill your inner salvation and have hope for the other side. Because that is all religion is about anyway is mans hope for something greater after his death. Astro projection is a good exercise to gain disclipline and become wise.
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Post by gwise721 »

I can tell you are an expert thanks for the advise. :)
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Post by Cpt1Eye »

Lance, all the same, I think he was just asking about a helpful combination for using the i-doses to maximize the effects. And Gwise, I'd go with this progression: Condition for overall improvement, Alpha to get to the 8-13hz range, then Theta to step down to the 4-8hz range, which would be the range where dreaming and whatnot occur, then throw in Astral. Yeah, it's a two hour sequence, but seems like it'd be the smoothest way to go. If you wanna cut the time down, you can drop alpha, and just go straight to Theta after Condition.
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