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Posts: 44
Joined: Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:21 pm


Post by Tombstoner »

Hello! I am yet another newcomer to this fascinating practice of I-Dosing. Two of my (albeit mild) interests are neurology and drugs (not the taking of them, just the subject,) so you could assume that this phenomenon would catch my interest. I'm not intending to go too far with this until I have a decent amount of experience; I plan to start with weak/pure doses and perhaps go up to stronger stuff in the future. I'm in it just as much for the experience as for the experimentation. My name is NOT derived from the term "stoner"; it's actually a very obscure Pokémon reference (I play Pokémon, deal with it; if you think it's immature then you're probably not familiar with serious online play) rather than an open proclamation that I'm a stoner (which I'm not. :p)
I'm 16, by the way. Aaaaaand, that concludes my relatively verbose introduction.
Some questions:
- what is the view here on piracy?
- what are some weaker doses to begin with?
- are there any combinations that work well?
- is Condition worth it?
- how to become a dealer (not planning to become one right when I join but I'm interested in spreading the word around)?
Posts: 1334
Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:28 pm

Re: Hello.

Post by SadLittlePony »

I would say dont pirate because the conversion process that pirates use will either kill the effect or change it in some way. Also why not support something that you like. I mean its 5 bucks at most. if you want take a look at my reviews http://www.i-doser.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10016
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