Sexual Fantasies (MEGA REVIEW)

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Sexual Fantasies (MEGA REVIEW)

Post by SadLittlePony »


Warning: Due to the nature of these doses this review may not be suitable for family or office viewing. Please take caution reading this review.

Alright everyone I just completed my mission of doing every single sexual dose. I completed them consecutively and in order how I feel they would happen in real life. Each sexual dose is based upon a different stage of sex. This ranges all the way from catching the scent of somebody to the wind down after sex has happened. Having completed them all consecutively I will now begin my review of each of these doses as they happened.

I included condition in the beginning and excluded Viagra as it is a prescription drug rather than a sexual feeling. What you are all about to read will be my longest and most in depth review I have ever written. This review is to be my most legendary. I ask that you please share this review on your social feed using I-Dosers pitch line of "I-Doser can get you off" And now, the review begins.


Condition/ Brain Conditioner / 20 Minutes

Many have asked for a dose that will get your brain open and alert, and in the best optimum condition for taking any of our other doses. We have spent a long time perfecting this dose. Take Condition before taking any other dose in our expansive library, and it will prepare your brain to accept the dose more openly. Users have reported a ten percent increase in the effectiveness of doses when they are taken after our Condition dose.


Condition does exactly what it promises. It makes your dosing experience up to 10% better and more satisfying than without. I cant really say I feel anything when I use this dose except it puts me into the accepting zombie state of mind. I am without emotion when I finish this dose. I feel like a blank piece of paper ready to become what the wielder desires. I say with confidence that both beginners and experienced users purchase this dose.


Pheromone / Sexual (Strong) / 25 Minutes / A pheromone is a chemical signal that triggers a natural response in another member of the same species. There are alarm pheromones, food trail pheromones, sex pheromones, and many others that affect behavior or physiology. Their use among insects has been particularly well documented. In addition, some vertebrates and plants communicate by using pheromones. I-Doser has created an external reverse pheromone, a breakthrough concept that attracts other through subsection: I-Doser gives you a steady dose of confidence, allure, and ecstasy. A fully complicated binaural formula that makes you feel more attractive. This natural sentiment will make you more attractive to your allure through the quality you will emit after dose.
Much like condition this dose didn't really do much except for its intended purpose. It got its game on by putting me in my I'm sexy and I know it mood. This is the state that comes to me after I spend a good two hours showering, washing my hair, shaving me legs, and putting on my make up. I didn't have to do any that. It gave me my swag without putting on my swag. Feel sexy with this dose ladies. I wouldn't say I recommend it though because I like to get dressed up and wear make up.
First Love


First Love / Sexual (VERY Strong) / 30 Minutes / The feeling of love is such a hard thing to definem so we will let you experience it yourself. We interviewed hundreds of epople to ask them how they felt, mentally and physically, when they first met the "one." We took all those experiences and feelings and packed them into the First Love dose. You will feel your heart sink, a gentle warming, some arousal, a feeling of well-being, and everything will just be brighter, more beautiful, because you you are in love... love struck by one of our more interesting and powerful doses.
Ahh First Love in my heart is the greatest feeling you can have and Quite honestly I have fallen in love with someone very special and very dear to me and this dose nails those feelings right on the head. In fact this dose allowed me to relive those first moments that I spent with her when we started talking and getting to know each other. All those flirty gestures we throw at each other because we are starting to like one another.

This dose brought all that back to me and enveloped me in a big warm blanket. I felt fuzzy and I felt wonderful. I felt like I had her in my arms in a warm and ever so gentle embrace. I didnt want to let go. I just wanted to lay there with my headphones on in this feeling forever. However I have a girl in my life now and I can feel the real thing called love. So I pass on listening to this dose every day but for those of you who want to experience your first love all over again. Get this dose right away. This is my number one recommended dose.


Aphrodisiac / Sexual (Very Strong) / 30 Minutes / Our aphrodisiac dose is used to increase sexual desire. The name comes from the Greek goddess of Sensuality Aphrodite. Throughout history, many foods, drinks, and behaviors have had a reputation for making sex more attainable and/or pleasurable. While some may or may not, our years of design and research in sexual related doses have enabled us to create a dose that will get the listener there. Re-wire your brain to make what you want more attainable.
This dose here is another incredibly straight forward dose that doesn't really leave an impact. However if your struggling with your sex life you can try this one and see if it works for you. In simple when you walk by a person and they have a scent that makes you turn your head and look who it is, for me its a sweet orange kind of smell. Sometimes you are handed a meal that reminds you of your childhood by someone and it turns you on because you can find a bit of comfort in them. I love myself a nice half day old PB&J that's been sitting in the cooler all day like I ate at school. Its a nice gesture when someone makes that for me. This is basically a sound that does the same exact thing. It makes you go "Ooh that's nice" putting you in the mood to go that next step.


Excite / Sexual (VERY Strong) / 50 Minutes / Excite is the perfect dose to put you (or your partner) "in the mood." Designed to be used just prior to sexual activity, or to put you in a sexual brain-state, it takes you through several levels of brain activity to leave you fully charged, ready, and "able." Starting from your normal state, it eases you from slight euphoria into somatic responses, tingling, heat and then melts away anxiety to leave you in the Venus state of love, sexuality, sensuality, and harmony. You WILL be ready.
This is the fist dose where I actually felt anything physical. This dose is a metaphorical touch on your inner thigh. It makes you feel really really good about yourself and makes you want to spread your legs. Its that suspenseful moment before anything has yet to happen. When she places her hand inside of your legs and leans in to kiss you.

Your body is filled with bliss and lust and you cant help yourself. You embrace her kiss and you start to undress each other. Still nothing has happened yet. But you cant help but to feel so naughty. Your hot in the head and starting to get wet between your knees. That's how this dose made me feel. It made me crazy for sex and it's really a shame I was in a review or I would have leaped on top of her.

Guys and Gals this will turn your partner into a fiend. You got to try it out to believe it. It is Very powerful for a dose. It has a lot of hot euphoria that you cant get anywhere else but foreplay. I say this is one of the must need doses. Especially if you really want to get your partner in the mood. It turned me into a wild cat.


Ecstasy / Sexual (VERY Strong) / 30 Minutes / Let's face it. Sometimes you just want to MAKE it happen, and make it happen hard and good. Ecstasy was designed to bring you to the mind-state of near orgasm. Our strongest, fastest, sexual dose- we do not recommend this for casual users. Bring that experience to the NEXXXT level with Ecstasy. This is not for romance. This is not for cuddle. This was designed to make you explode in pure ecstasy, tingle your body, and melt your soul.
This is by far one of the better sexual doses. After your burning fire of temptation left you slimy between the legs you want nothing more than penetration. You want your lover inside of you by body part or by way of toys. Every push inside of you sends a frenzy of pleasure through out your body.

You start to moan and she penetrates you deeper and harder to make you moan louder because she knows it pleases you. Miniature orgasms make your body shutter and your body starts to convulse. You are on the brink of cumming on her but your strong and you want to make it last.

This dose is exactly that. That feeling of being in the moment. This dose can make you moan. In fact it made me moan quite loudly too knowing I was completely alone. It leaves you clutching your sheets. I highly recommend this dose as well. I am not exactly sure why this dose should be for advanced users. I think everyone needs to feel this dose.


Orgasm / Sexual (VERY Strong) / 50 Minutes / An orgasm is defined as the release of sexual tension built up during sexual stimulation such as masturbation or intercourse. It is a feeling of intense pleasure. Contractions of muscles occur, a world of pleasures and vibrations envelope your entire body and soul, and there is a release unlike anything you have ever experienced. You shake, quiver, and a sensation unlike any other in the world happens over every inch of your pleasured body. Orgasms are one of those things that are difficult to describe, but if you have one, you'll know it. With out orgasm dose, you'll know it!
This is the sequel to Ecstasy. This is the finish, this is the climax, this is the Big O. When you are on the verge of busting and your not quite there use this dose. I was using this dose and it made me cry out and orgasm.

I was on my bed and I arched my back convulsing I was almost ready to rip the headphones off and throw them because after so many doses to this point it was almost too intense. But the beginning of the dose feels much like Ecstasy where it puts you in that state of pleasure.

It builds you up and builds and builds until your mind wraps through itself and launches itself through its own paradox consisting of only pleasure and ecstasy. Guys you might make a mess of yourself using this dose so be warned. I highly recommend this dose.


MultipleO / Sexual (VERY Very Strong) / 30 Minutes / An orgasm is one thing: after your body is spent and you lay there in complete pleasure, feeling wave after wave of sensations. Multiple Orgasms are when you do it all over again. They are intense, your body is thrown into complete chaos doing over and over what makes it feel good, as the glow of sexual pleasure gets more intense with every time you explode in pure sexual glory. Start with our orgasm dose; it is more than enough for almost anyone. If ritual intense pleasure is what you seek, then it's time to feel an orgasm over and over: MultipleO!
This dose is tried and true. Have you ever wondered what its like to orgasm over and over again. I have done it and I confidentially say this dose does the job. When you orgasm once your usually tuckered out and cant go very much more unless your a sex fiend. I used to push myself to multiple orgasms on a daily basis with my own toys.

The Orgasm dose is certainly quite real feeling but without the feeling of someones warm body against yours. This dose is the same way. When you climax you think your done. But you keep pushing, you orgasm again and its more intense, you orgasm again after that too and you are writing in pleasure.

You cant stop but its getting too intense. Your body eventually halts and you lay there panting. This dose didn't nail it perfectly but it definitely left me panting and laying in my own sweat and cream. It smelled of sex in the room too but I hadn't done anything except use these doses. If you think you can handle multiple orgasms get the dose. Who knows it may trigger the ability in a real situation to keep going.


Masochist / Sexual (VERY VERY Strong) / 30 Minutes / This is NOT for the faint of heart. This is for that special breed of man or woman who associates sexual pleasure and PAIN! First, it forces the brain and body to release numbing opiates at a 2.5hz range, sending pleasure opium-like waves through the body. Just when your entire body falls numb, we surge you with hot beams of ecstasy where users have reported near-orgasm-like feelings in their sexual organs at 15hz with wetness, erections, uncontrollable sexual thoughts and feelings… finally, just as your body is wilting in sexual bliss, we administer the pain: .20-.26hz causes pain in the body. Reports of pings of pain in your teeth (like drilling,) under your skin (feeling as if you were getting a tattoo,) and vice-grip like sensations on parts of your body are not uncommon… this pain, mixed with the euphoria and ecstasy, make this a very powerful, painful, sexual experience that is NOT intended for all users. Use ONLY if you want an intense experience like no other. POWERFUL BEYOND BELIEF!
I placed this dose in this particular place because that's when I would start torture play after most is said and done. When your body still is filled with pleasure let the spanking and torture begin. When your exhausted and cant fight it. You are the toy.

This dose takes all the other sexual doses and some anesthetics and mushes it all into one. You lay there numb tingling. your going through the whole thing all over again and then the dose hits you with almost an electrical kind of pain vibrating through your body making you scream.

All you can do is moan and scream and take it all in. You grit your teeth and you bite your tongue. You even claw at your own body in hopes to make it stop. But it persists until just to the point of blacking out and it lets you go.

This dose is as powerful as the premium doses. It could be sold by I-Doser for a lot more money than they do sell it for. Grab this dose as soon as you can before I-Doser bumps the price. But be warned this dose is extremely powerful and Should be advanced users only.


Extend / Sexual (Moderate) / 20 Minutes / When the mood is right, you want and need to LAST! Extend is the perfect supplement to any sexual endeavor. Designed to be a quick dose right before sexual activity, it will leave you feeling refreshed, ready, and able to go all the way and more. Finish too soon? Can't finish at all? Never get started? Extend may be the dose you need.
This dose can be used as the warm up or the cool down from sex. This right after the Masochist dose allowed me to recover comfortably without being sensitive to any kind of touch. It cooled me down and left me somewhat horny after the dose finished. But it did it in a non painful manner. If I wanted to I could keep going but this was for the reviews and frankly I was already dosing for a long time. I wouldn't recommend this dose unless you really just wanna keep going after sex if your one of those people that take a couple hours to recover.
After Glow


AFTERGLOW / Sexual (Moderate) / 30 Minutes / The feeling of afterglow: when the heat of lust has passed, this is the content glow you bathe in... A quiet inner shimmering following the fireworks of orgasm. So, lean back, be still, except for breathing - cherish all the millions of tiny sensations as they change every second. This is AFTERGLOW!
This right here is the Prime Time feel good dose. I mean there are doses like Anti Sad and Quick Happy that make you feel good but this one if you use it after sexy time is going to be the best feel good dose. It locks everything in and leaves you with a mildly warm buzz through your body. I haven't tried After Glow by itself so I don't know how well it would work by itself.


Well my ears kinda hurt now from over Five Hours of throbbing inside of my head. It was an experience that I don't think anyone should do unless you consider yourself hard core. I am left dripping with sweat smelling like sex. I am very exhausted from doing these doses. I hope you all enjoyed reading this long review because it took a lot of work. Please take the chance to comment and share your thoughts and ideas. And don't forget to share this review on your social feeds! Until next time druggies!
Last edited by SadLittlePony on Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sexual Fantasies (MEGA REVIEW)

Post by Backspacez »

Wow. That is one hell of a review. Def makes me want to try one day minus the Machoist dose.
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Re: Sexual Fantasies (MEGA REVIEW)

Post by SadLittlePony »

Oh I say get the masochist one regardless it is really quite amazing.
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Re: Sexual Fantasies (MEGA REVIEW)

Post by csocializt »

I agree with backspacez haha, I'll be using them all but masochist. I don't like pain in my sex life, lol. But jeez, this was pretty intense. Would you do this again?
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Re: Sexual Fantasies (MEGA REVIEW)

Post by SadLittlePony »

I will never do this again for a few good reasons. I have an amazing partner. I love her very much. I dont need to do 5 hours of dosing to have sex. Also it is mind numbing and exausting, real sex isnt. It was a freaking awesome experiance, But no I will never do it again.
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Re: Sexual Fantasies (MEGA REVIEW)

Post by scream2011 »

I've read this thread before trying i-doser.. and now I'm reading it again after trying I-doser :-D I'll try MultipleO sometime but wow.. when u are about to cum there is the best feeling ever.. MultipleO should give u this sensation? cuz i just want it to stay for like 5 mins not only 3 sec :(
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Re: Sexual Fantasies (MEGA REVIEW)

Post by SadLittlePony »

Ecstasy Dose is what your talking about. That dose is when you are just about to climax and ready to cum. But Orgasm is the orgasm itself. Multiple O is the same thing but basically intensified as a real multiple orgasm does.

Hope that helps hun.
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Re: Sexual Fantasies (MEGA REVIEW)

Post by scream2011 »

SadLittlePony wrote:Ecstasy Dose is what your talking about. That dose is when you are just about to climax and ready to cum. But Orgasm is the orgasm itself. Multiple O is the same thing but basically intensified as a real multiple orgasm does.

Hope that helps hun.
Well sorry i meant the moment when u are going to cum the moment were ur body muscles tensions very hard and u feel very strong shock in ur body xD
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Re: Sexual Fantasies (MEGA REVIEW)

Post by SadLittlePony »

Yeah thats Orgasm or Multiple O
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Re: Sexual Fantasies (MEGA REVIEW)

Post by PiCiNk0 »

I just had to read whole this review again (I frikken love this review :)), i read this last when i was just lurking here and didn't respond :( Really it's still unbelievable for me that you wasted almost 6 hours by dosing but it looks like you enjoyed it :D And i have a question, were those orgasms in MultipleO as strong as in Orgasm dose?
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Re: Sexual Fantasies (MEGA REVIEW)

Post by SadLittlePony »

Multiple is much much stronger. But it isnt for the faint of heart.
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Re: Sexual Fantasies (MEGA REVIEW)

Post by idoser »

And also part of the new extreme sexual sims:
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Re: Sexual Fantasies (MEGA REVIEW)

Post by SadLittlePony »

Oh sweet so it has music now. That one has to sound like straight up porn. I have to get it now.
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Re: Sexual Fantasies (MEGA REVIEW)

Post by idoser »

and yes to pony: MultipleO is a refined version of O, came out a little after and is much much stronger - in the case that is is actually too strong an experience for some. Start with O to get a feel and work your way to MO would be my recommendation.
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Re: Sexual Fantasies (MEGA REVIEW)

Post by PiCiNk0 »

ok then :) I was considering between these 2 and fortunately i chose Orgasm... Now I'm gonna give it a try :D
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