Greetings from the Aztec Lands!!! :D

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Greetings from the Aztec Lands!!! :D

Post by Liustares »

Hello everybody! I registered on this forum a year ago, but I wasn't a really active user, in fact I just created one small topic talking about my experiences and that was all, so here I am to finally introduce myself.

Greetings, I'm from Mexico and I'm really interested on the concept of binaural beats, and I-Doser is the perfect example of that. I've had the i-Doser app in my iPod since at least 2 years ago and I've been experimenting a little with it. In all honesty I've gotten very few results but that won't stop me, because I know this stuff requires time, dedication, concentration and of course some faith.

The most awesome dose I've tried so far is the "A-Bomb" and that, for me has been enough evidence to prove that i-Doser works, so it inspires me to keep trying and training with it.

Recently I recovered my interest in i-Doser so here I am again, and this time I'll be a more active user than a year ago. There's lot's of stuff to discuss and to talk about here and I hope to have a lot of conversations with you guys.

Something to add? Well, I'm 19 years old, I like a lot to read, and to write down my ideas and also to develop some fictional stories that come out of my imagination, and I also play videogames (Xbox 360). I'm also very interested in Universal History, military stuff, politics and everything related to it (Economy, Diplomacy etc).

Finally, there's something that I love and that's Parapsychology, which is an "unrecognized" science dedicated to the study of paranormal phenomena (such as Telepathy, Near-Death Experiences, Psychokinesis, Precognition and many others), and I think that a lot of things and practices related to parapsychology can use the power of binaural beats, you know, things like reaching a state of trance, Astral Projection, and Telekinesis can be facilitated and very possibly improved with the use of binaural beats.

So, yeah, that's me and see you in the forum ;-)
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Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:28 pm

Re: Greetings from the Aztec Lands!!! :D

Post by SadLittlePony »

hey well welcome back to the forum glad to have you here. keep active and share your experiences
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