Scared? Read this

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Scared? Read this

Post by VampLena »

So I've noticed people saying certain doses sound scary to them by the wording. I can see that, I-Doser uses intimidating words, but I wanted to translate for some people so they get a better understanding.

The truth is even if you havent done drugs, you've experienced mild forms of alot of these effects. Even more if you count medicine like Cough Syrup or nyquil, I think we all know how good some of those can make you feel. More so however if you meditate, closed-eye hallucinations are common in meditation, Im not expert meditater and even I experience them during meditation, I remember it scared the crap out of me after my very first meditation and I hallucinated (closed eye) with vivid detail. (It was Space I saw with hundreds of twinkling stars, it was like I was there).

But lets take 'altered reality', technically most everyone who does not have ADD has experienced this, everytime you get so absorbed in a video a game, a good book, good sex or even music. So much that your room, yourself and everything around you fades away and all that exists is whatever your focused on. Guess what? Thats an "Altered state of reality", and its fun isnt it? It can even be disorientating when your 'snaped back to reality' and realize your in your room.

Time distortions, same deal, anytime your focused on something and you suddenly look up at the clock and are "Woah! Look at the time!" Thats time distortion right there, this one is easy though everyone looses track of time. Annoying sometimes true, but not scary is it?

Thats basically what most of these doses are talking about, so there isnt much to be afraid of. I will say in some cases the effects are more intense, but that just means it feels better, unless your doing one of those weird doses that simulate negative affects IE Overdose and the like. I personally dont understand doses all about feeling bad, but some people love those, so who am I to judge?
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Re: Scared? Read this

Post by Nick420 »

Nice explanation,i loved it,even if im not that scared to do intense doses,but still its interesting to read what other people talk bout fear ;)
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Re: Scared? Read this

Post by masonraus »

This is great and this should be stickied :D
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Re: Scared? Read this

Post by SadLittlePony »

Agreed this should be stickied and or bumped continuously till everyone sees it cause there is no reason to be afraid. Its like boarding a rollar coaster that cant break down. But then again they said that about the titanic...
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