Music that Influences your state of mind?

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Music that Influences your state of mind?

Post by UltimaWarrior »

Sometimes when I'm listening to dubstep tracks non-stop (while sober) for a really long time, or ambient music, and then I stop, my brain feels "number". It's hard to explain. I feel really doped, nothing substantial, I just feel like my brain is no longer material and is just electronic matter inside my head. It feels pretty good.

Sometimes when I listen to some tracks like Trip-hop or Ambient I sometimes have strange thoughts, or a rise in creativity. I might post some of my artwork I make while im in these states.
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Re: Music that Influences your state of mind?

Post by spitfire1080 »

its very possible any sound can effect ones state of mind,
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Re: Music that Influences your state of mind?

Post by Narcissique »

Music can influtences your state of mind and it can changes the rythm off your currents actions too. That's the music on te walls are often speed, so the customers make their shopping faster ^^
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Re: Music that Influences your state of mind?

Post by epicgamer50055 »

I fell I experience the same thing at times, often after listening for extended periods of time.
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Re: Music that Influences your state of mind?

Post by mickle_john »

Music can influtences your state of mind and it can changes the rythm off your currents actions too. That's the music on te walls are often speed, so the customers make their shopping faster ^^
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Re: Music that Influences your state of mind?

Post by millionseeds »

Music is the healer of all diseases and it gives tone to brain and nerves
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Re: Music that Influences your state of mind?

Post by VampLena »

Im not sure if any studies have been done recently other then parents groups claiming Metal and Goth Music influence kids brains negatively, but it is a scientific fact somehow Mozart and like Beethoven somehow unknowingly or brilliantly made their music like I-Doser.

Its been a well known fact listening to such music from them can make you smarter, indeed for a long time child development specialists have told people to play Mozart and the like for children in the womb and even small children.

Its like Brain+ somehow, though we'll probably never know if Mozart and company knew their music affected brainwaves like that or not. I believe even Einstein claimed Mozart played a part in his intelligence.
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Re: Music that Influences your state of mind?

Post by badpup »

The myth that metal has negative effects is imo flase and un true... Who ever says so should watch a documentary called "metal : a headbangers journey"...

Mythbusters had once done an experiment in which they had subjected plants ,in the same physical conditions, to different kinds of music including metal... They found that plants subjected to metal and orchestra music did the best.. Some other plants (ones subjected to other kinds of music) had become droopy and half dead...
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Re: Music that Influences your state of mind?

Post by Nick420 »

Punk rock makes me go crazy as hell,but bob marley makes me a very chilled dow to earth guy :D
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Re: Music that Influences your state of mind?

Post by LucidGamer »

Mythbusters only proved that the styles of music causes the plants to be more active. We cannot gauge if the plants wanted to kill each other or punch someone in the forehead because plants don't express feelings.Its a proven fact Imo that music changes behavior because if you listen to music all the time, and your selections are depressing, angry, and there's no diversity you will end up being grumpy and depressed to an extent. the music I believe would seep into your subconscious to a point depending on how often you listen, and how susceptible you are to accepting subliminal suggestions into your subconscious. Then again I'm no scientist. (:
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Re: Music that Influences your state of mind?

Post by PcBuilder »

I really enjoyed Blackmill chill step while driving and every time I go to the Hookah bar I get thdm to play the full album. It effects my mood in a euphoric sense but recently I have been listening to Matchbox 20's older stuff and that effects me by making me feel well off. I guess most of it has to do with the experiences in my life that I had around the time some of those songs were released or made main stream.

A good friend of mine got out of BCT and is studying the concept in class, we had quite the discussion on it a few days ago and it lasted for a couple of hours. Which, all and all, was great since we listened to Foo Fighters while doing BBC it. That was one of the bands we always listened to before he went off to basic and I moved for a few months. I think most of the music we enjoy so much and listen to have to do with a time period in our lives or reminds us of something. For example take the last song you listened to and it will remind you of something. Hence why I love music from Ocarina Of Time!
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Re: Music that Influences your state of mind?

Post by LucidGamer »

I agree-- and great game :P
Most music I listen to I can relate to a situation or feelings I had around the time I had listened to it originally D:
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Re: Music that Influences your state of mind?

Post by PcBuilder »

That is why I know stay away from love songs hahaha. I like to listen to relaxing or happy music while dosing and I am getting much better it. I want to remake some of the Ocarina of Time songs into chill step counterparts. Lately I have been making 30 minute songs that consist of some of my favorite relaxing artists. Makes the doze fly by although some songs can be distracting.
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Re: Music that Influences your state of mind?

Post by Jeffrum Thompson »

I'm a big fan of Romantics like Mahler, Strauss, Bruckner, Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Chopin and Ravel. Mahler symphonies are wonders of the world and should be heard by everyone before death, in my opinion. It's that good. If any of you are interested, I wouldn't mind giving a nice list of recordings for symphonies to listen to.
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Re: Music that Influences your state of mind?

Post by Legalize It »

Well when I'm in a certain mood I'll put on appropriate music and walk around day-dreaming for hours
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