How to truly dose with ADHD! (The SpaceMiNd method)

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How to truly dose with ADHD! (The SpaceMiNd method)

Post by SpaceMiNd »

Please note! This was not designed for people that do not have ADHD! You may not experience any effects if you do not have ADHD and attempt to perform this method. Also note that there has been zero testing on if this works with people who have ADD or that do not take meds for their ADHD. If you do have ADD or do not use meds for ADHD, please post your experience report on here!
Hello guys, I have been for many months, and I have noticed, so has SadLittlePony. Now, to me, it's been too long, so how has everyone been? Any newbies? Oh and one of the main side effects of ADHD is not being able to stay on one topic, so if I am jumping from topic to topic a lot, please bear with me, it is simply my ADHD
The Technique
Anyways, back to the topic, I have learned a special technique for dosing with ADHD/ADD that will actually work (mind you, I am currently on 54mg prescription of Concerta, otherwise know as Ritalin or Speed on the streets, this may have made my dosing more effective, but I won't know unless I try without my meds) and it is very simple and it doesn't require simply concentrating harder (this would actually never work because ADHD is not a behavioral disorder, it is a chemical disorder in the brain) the way my method works (Let's call it the SpaceMiNd method) is by just thinking about whatever, go into detail about it, what you are going to do today, things you need to do, anything you want to think about, think about it, now, while you are thinking about whatever also try focusing on the dose, you don't need to and it can work just by thinking about whatever, but I noticed my doses work better focusing on the two. Now, you keep doing this until you can't think, (by this I mean, your mind will thinking, it will literally just stop) if you don't reach this point, then it's fine, you are literally just doing whatever your mind wants. Also, make it necessary to occasional slip out of your deep thinking and get a feel of what is happening around you, you should feel some of the effects of the dose your on start to build up, now return back to your thinking. Keep doing this until your dose ends.
The Science
Now for my favorite part, explaining how this seemingly impossible-to-work method works all starts by understanding how ADHD affects the brain, ADHD affects the brain is by essentially flipping the beta and theta waves in the brain, when something doesn't interest us with ADHD our theta waves kick, if it is a boring task like chores, we will literally not be able to focus on it, we will daydream (theta) and look for something that stimulates us, like say, watching tv, playing video games, or doing any activity that challenges us physically and mentally, often when we find this stimuli we enter a sort of intense, focused trance, commonly called "hyperfocus". "Hyperfocusing" is when a large release of beta brainwaves in introduced into the brain and we focus, let's say "hyperly", we focus solely on that one thing, completely ignoring the world around us, and becoming irritated if something distracts us. So, since doing things that don't interest us or challenge us causes an increase of theta waves, I-Dosing is really hard, and experiencing any effects is even harder if you are performing meditation and clearing your mind of thoughts. After studying this, I figured out something, I could bend the way my ADHD brain works into something that works with I-Dosing, since I am I-Dosing my brain will go into a theta state, I am not actively doing anything and thus I began to access my theta waves, because one of the main things about theta brain waves is daydreaming, I decided to actively focus on daydreaming, by this highly active day dreaming, my brain goes from a theta wave into a beta wave, and by also incorporating the dose's sound into one of the two things I am actively focusing on , I can "hyperfocus" on the dose and my thoughts, thus getting the effects of the dose, and getting the same experience as a person without ADHD. I am sure I have finally found the cure to dosing with ADHD, please I-Doser make this into a sticky, it will help keep your customers that suffer from ADHD and increase your profit from it, please make this into a sticky
Last edited by SpaceMiNd on Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:28 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: How to truly dose with ADHD (this could possibly work fo

Post by PcBuilder »

I've been very good and have gotten way better at dosing to where I feel the full effects nine out of ten times. Many people will get good use out of this guide and coming from an experienced user will prove it's effectiveness in time. Recently joined the Army and leave for basic and advance training in February so I won't be on here for more than a month but can't wait to come back and dose with all of the other members. Might be able to listen to them during AIT (Advance Individual Training) since I am a specialist in artillery and will be in dorms instead of barracks, this means I will have personal time though not much of it. This is the best decision I have ever made and won't be worrying financially when it comes to college and living expenses.

How have you been? Good to see you back welcoming members as well as making very helpful guides for experienced members and newcomers alike.
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Re: How to truly dose with ADHD (this could possibly work fo

Post by SpaceMiNd »

Thank you PcBuilder, hopefully you will be able to have enough time and be able to complete your training.
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd
Legalize It
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Re: How to truly dose with ADHD (this could possibly work fo

Post by Legalize It »

This is extremely...... awesome, just a...awesome idea. You, sir, are a genius. I will try this right now
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Re: How to truly dose with ADHD (this could possibly work fo

Post by SpaceMiNd »

Thank you Legalize, let me know if it worked and how well it worked. This is all to help in benefiting you by making a better technique and for others so that they well have better breakthroughs.
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd
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Re: How to truly dose with ADHD (this could possibly work fo

Post by SpaceMiNd »

I learned a few new things. Here is an update on my technique
1. Begin the dose, and any pre-dose rituals you enjoy doing.
2. As the dose begin thinking of what you will be doing in the future, don't guide what direction your thinking goes when thinking about what you will be doing in the future, just let it follow, however don't let your thoughts into the future go into detail, like say "I'm going to eat breakfast. I will be eating early for breakfast. For breakfast I will eat eggs and bacon" this is a no-no. You want your thoughts you flow over what will be happening, rarely ever going into detail. like "I'm going to eat breakfast, I'll probably try the toast for once, then I'll be driving to work, and then I will be working, then I'll be...." Really make an unconscious effort in using "and then" or "then I'll" this will help your brain thread events in.
3. Now a majorly important part of the technique is while your thinking of the "and then" and the "then I'll" events you will be doing in the future, incorporate a picture of what you will be doing, like if you were to be eating eggs in the morning, you will picture yourself eating eggs, but as always, do not go into detail about, just a simple picture.
4. After a little while, I want you to just let go of everything and focus less and put less details in your thoughts and accompanying images. Over time, when done properly. you will experience yourself slipping into a vivid daydream and may realize you are daydreaming, this is good, the more you daydream, the your brain is connecting with the dose. Now I say may because I am not sure if this "slip into a daydream" is simply because of the doses I were using were downers, or this happens on doses that are downers like stims and hallucinogens, but I shall find out soon.
4. Of course, when you start to slip into daydreams, you will occasionally realize that you are daydreaming and slip back into reality. When this happens, just go back to thinking about what you will be doing in the future, you will slip back into it more frequently the more you do this
5. Continue on until your dose is over and enjoy.
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd
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Re: How to truly dose with ADHD (this could possibly work fo

Post by dehe »


i do have ADHD too, and had really astonishing effects with i-Doser and this thread :D
here' how i do it:

first thing to do is to start with Brain+QH, for opening your mind. then get Adderall, let it run a few minutes and get into it.
while Adderall is still running, read this thread, the guy really knows what he says.

after that, you know how to get into the right state.
Loop "Study" for learning purpose (had REALLY good results, am normaly unable to read a whole page, and had no problem reading really heavy concepts, thinking and reflecting about them, getting additional questions etc - learning stuff which is normaly impossible to me)
or Loop "Aderall" for work (i had good experiences while coding on this dose)
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Re: How to truly dose with ADHD (this could possibly work fo

Post by SpaceMiNd »

Alright guys, I've been exploring my method even more and I have figured out yet another way to dose with ADHD that involves visualization, please note this is just another way to dose if you have ADHD, if you prefer the first way, continue using that method, this is just another way to dose if you prefer visualization,
1. Get comfortable and preform any pre-dosing rituals you do (eat, drink, meditate, whatever)
2. Begin folding a bandana or t-shirt and select the dose you are going to be using
3. Lay down in a bed or chair, place the bandana or t-shirt over your eyes, and begin playing the dose
4. Now, as the dose starts, you are going to say to yourself "Today, I'm going to be dosing with (insert dose name) and I am going to feel (insert what you intend to get out of the dose). For example, "Today, I'm going to be dosing with Ketamine and I am going to feel nice and relaxed."
5. After you have finished #4, you are going to visualize you doing or performing a simple and repetitive task, like tying your shoes, or making a bowl of cereal. Visualize yourself performing the task correctly and completely. (for example, getting a bowl out of the cupboard, getting your favorite cereal brand, grab the milk, pour cereal in bowl, pour milk in bowl, eat cereal) (Optional you can add one word vocal commands to the task you are performing,) Continue visualizing yourself repeating the task over & over again,
6. Feel free to change what you are visualizing to something different if you get bored with the first thing you were visualizing.
7. Continue doing #5 (or #6 if you grew bored with the first task) until the dose is complete, enjoy!

In the near future, I will attempt to see if you can successfully dose while visualizing anything you want instead of just performing a task, (what I mean by this, is instead of just visualizing yourself doing a repetitive task, you can visualize yourself performing something that makes you happy or that you enjoy, like winning 1st place at your favorite sport or event, visualizing yourself being the kind of person you want to be (rich, successful, has many friends) and other things. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd
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Re: How to truly dose with ADHD! (The SpaceMiNd method)

Post by Jdebz »

I visualize myself doing it over and over, as the last strategy suggests, but the doses still don't work?
I'm using A-Bomb, Opium, and Peyote
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Re: How to truly dose with ADHD! (The SpaceMiNd method)

Post by SpaceMiNd »

What were you virtualizing yourself doing?
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd
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Re: How to truly dose with ADHD! (The SpaceMiNd method)

Post by Jdebz »

I just visualized myself making cereal and tieing my shoes, and doing laundry. I also tried the first method. I'm starting to get very very minimal effects, such as from cocaine a small burst of energy, and after weed, I started to get hungry, but in the sense that I just wanted to stuff my mouth, and during I felt a bit relaxed.
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Re: How to truly dose with ADHD! (The SpaceMiNd method)

Post by SpaceMiNd »

Jdebz wrote:I just visualized myself making cereal and tieing my shoes, and doing laundry.
were you visualizing only one task at a time, (what I mean by that is, were you visualizing yourself only making cereal for a couple minutes then got bored and started visualizing tying your shoes? Or were you visualizing yourself making cereal, then tying your shoes, then doing laundry?
Remember, these methods are still experimental in nature and in there use, meaning one method may work for you and one method may not, so try all of them see which one works,
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd
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Re: How to truly dose with ADHD! (The SpaceMiNd method)

Post by Jdebz »

I focus on one thing at a time, just as the method suggests. i also tried the other strategies, but i cant seem to slip into a daydream. very rarely i do, but then my mind interrupts.
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Re: How to truly dose with ADHD! (The SpaceMiNd method)

Post by Jdebz »

Do you know if mindfullness, basically, just pushing out any thoughts that come into my brain, would work?
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Re: How to truly dose with ADHD! (The SpaceMiNd method)

Post by SpaceMiNd »

Jdebz wrote:I focus on one thing at a time, just as the method suggests. i also tried the other strategies, but i cant seem to slip into a daydream. very rarely i do, but then my mind interrupts.
It's normal for your mind to interrupt, you just need to continue what you were doing, you must remember that you are still learning and that it will take more attempts before reaching the success you are looking for.
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd
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