Answers Round 17

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Answers Round 17

Post by idoser »

I have a question about an order, past orders or technical issues.

We can't answer these kind of support questions in the forum. Please visit and use the 'contact us' link to submit a support request.

if i take a dose will it have any negative side effects that the actual medications have? Such as tiredness, slurred speech, slow reflexes etc. Or is it the point of the idoses to have none of these side effects, as there are no bad chemical involved. If there are effects, does it stop with reset?

We try to describe an average user's feeling in the dose descriptions. The human brain is complex, so results vary (as you can see from the varied experience reports). It is completely possible you can feel effects such as tiredness and slow reflexes, as an example. It really depends on the person and the dose. Some doses even attempt to mimic uncomfortable effects (masochist, as an example). Yes, the reset dose can alleviate negative effects.

Would doses like gray-b-gone and HGH still work if you listen to them while sleeping?

We only recommend sleeping for doses that were intended to enhance or alter sleep: Sleeping Angel, Lucid Dream, etc. Other doses should be listened to while awake but relaxed.

I am a gold form member now but i didnt get my 2 free doses! why?

When you reach an upper level status member by posting relevant, thoughtful and good posts (not posting just to raise count), you will get access to the VIP forum. There is a information in this VIP forum on how to obtain your free doses.

is it normal to hear in some of the tracks (confidence) change tone, play static or white noise, or raise in amplitude?

Dose sequences are incredibly complex patterns that contain a carrier sound (white noise) and two distinct hrz-controlled tracks to create a full binaural. It is completely normal to hear what sounds like static or white nose, and for there to be variation in amplitude, volume, or range.

What would happen if you were doing the dose and expecting something to happen and then the dose doesn't work correctly.

You should begin each dose with no expectations. Let the dose sequence control the outcome and try to stay as blank and open-minded as possible.

Are the effects of the dose lasting or do they end when the audio ends?

The effects of a dose may last for an extended period of time after you listen to a track. How long this lasts depends on the dose and the person. You can use the Reset dose to end effects that are lasting too long for your preference.

How can I increase the effects of dosing?

Keep practicing and using doses. Try a variation of doses while you adapt to the process. You can enhance your experience with the condition dose and control duration with the reset dose. Some have reported that meditation helps, so you can practice some meditation techniques. Make sure you have a quality pair of headphones. Dose in a quiet relaxed environment. Try closing your eyes or using an eye mask to block light.

Some of your doses are very expensive. Why?

95% of our doses are priced in the "few US Dollars" range. A select few doses are experimental and not intended for general use, have had incredibly development and testing put into them, or are of a "premium" line - and those can be priced substantially higher. Keep an eye on prices throughout the year because we very rarely offer surprise discounts on higher priced items.

Could you use bass boost, or something like that to increase the dose, by lowering the pink noise and increasing the actual frequencies?

Absolutely not. You should disable all audio effects or equalization. They can actually severely hinder the dose or make it completely ineffective.

Does I-Doser audio someone posts on youtube or another video service work?

Firstly, all I-Doser content is copyright. It is illegal to post any of our content on any social or otherwise sharing site. Additionally, the audio compression technique of video sights make the sequences infective. They simply will not work streamed online. I-Doser offers several free ways to try our products. Visit for more information.

Every time I dose I fall asleep during it. Is this supposed to happen?

No, you should not be falling asleep unless it is a sleep-branded dose like Sleeping Angel or Lucid Dream. You should practice relaxed meditative states for dosing, and not let yourself fall asleep.

What about accepting BitCoins as a payment option in the store?

We have no plans to accept bitcoin payments.

Is the mobile or desktop doses stronger? Are they the same doses?

Doses on our mobile Android+iPhone Apps and doses available for the PC+MAC software share some of the same names, but they are completely different by design. The mobile doses contain ambient backdrop music and are often shorter as they are intended to be mobile, quick and effective. "Shorter" does not mean we just chopped the doses short - they were completely designed from the ground up to be enhanced, compact, mobile versions of our software doses. The PC+MAC doses run though the I-Doser player, a free software application for Windows and Mac OS. These doses are binaurals and carrier sound only, are often substantially longer, and are without "music." You can update to the premium version that allows for ambient music mixing. There is no answer to which is more effective as it depends on the person, but many of our more advanced users use both the mobile and the computer version.

iPhone+Android Mobile:
Mac+Windows Software:

I know you guys are always hard at work with new Doses. How often do you release new doses. Does it range a lot from a couple months to a year?

No set answer on this. It is our policy to not pre-announce products in development or release dates - since we never release a dose until it passes at least 80% or so effective through QA. Some doses have taken months to develop, some have taken years, so we can't honestly announce release dates.

How do you get the free doses for forum registration? How do you get other free doses?

The forum doses are included as a link in your forum welcome email. Other free doses can be obtained here:
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