Ecstacy 1 - First Experience

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Ecstacy 1 - First Experience

Post by Kelli »

Well, so this evening I had my very first session with I-Doser. For my first dose I chose to start of with the Ecstacy 1. Why not start of with a bang, eh?

Anyways. I read about on the guidelines on the forum, so I descided to follow them to the point. I went into my bedroom. Got out the softest pillow i could and made sure I was lying comfy on my bed. Blinds was pulled shut. I already had the program installed on my laptop, so I put that next to the bed. I had brought out my best sennheiser headset. I shut the lights and started the dose.

At first all I heard was something I could best describe as white noise with pulsating tones on top. Nothing exciting really. After what might have been a few minutes I did however become aware of slight distant rhytmic and not quite musically notes hidden deep within the noise. While I was lying there my thought drifted away and after some time I must have fallen asleep or something. If it was sleep or not I cannot say for sure, but there are definately some time during my first half of the session where everything went blank.

About midways - or slightly after midways (hard to tell) - in my session i suddenly woke up. It felt as if I was no longer alone in the room. The sensation was an eerie feeling, and the more i thought about it the more it felt like that someone was touching my forehead. I can only describe it as rippling sensations like if someone was massaging my forehead. I pulled my self together - not really wanting to let go of the experience - and relaxed, knowing that there was noone else in the room (even though it was dark and I couldn't be 100% sure).

The sensation growed ever stronger and after what might have been a few minutes I felt warm in my entire body. My breathing got heavier and it felt like I was floating in the room. It was a definitive sense of arrousal.

Alas, when I felt like i was reaching the peak the sounds and noises changed - keeping my arrousal at that level for a while, but not taking it further. Then slowly the sensation faded away and the session was over. I felt extremely relaxed afterwards.


I am a true believer now and can't wait to buy my second dose. Too bad the shop is offline at the moment. Hope it wont be staying that way for long. I am definately gonna try some more - something else perhaps?
Last edited by Kelli on Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Brad »

:P sounds like it wemt well

Post by pjott »


Wow. I just gotta say: Thanks for the EXTREMLY detailed situation there! I am sorry to tell you, that the more I read of experiences, the more I wait for the same thing to happen to me :/ That kinda destroy it all, because... Sometimes I feel like the drug don't have any affect on me, since I'm waiting for the same thing to happen to me too! :/ Anyways... What do you do the best? Do you think of other things while listening, or do you just focus on the sound?
I use to fuck around with the wubbing sound :P
After a while, I can control it up'n'down etc.
Then I can make it go from "wowowowo" to "wooooowoooooowooooo"
and sometimes I can make it go: "wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" all the time :p Pretty nice, if you ask me! :)
I made a friend of mine take "Crystal Meth" -You should have seen him! :P
He started to look from side to side all the time, and suddenly, a little: "Uhm!" sound dropped out of him. Then he started to scream like if he had some sort of "need" for anything. He screamed he was warm, and that I could just "fuck off" untill I gave him what he wanted.
I must say I got pretty scared and said: "Erm... What do you exactly want?" and he answered: "I want metal-feathers with strawberry piano!"

Erm... That's the sickest thing I've ever came across on this program, and I've been buging him ALL day long because of this! :)


- Cheers ;)
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Post by mixtape »

oh man
i just tried it for my first time, as my first dose, and that was pretty cool. i had pretty much the same effects as you:
The sensation growed ever stronger and after what might have been a few minutes I felt warm in my entire body. My breathing got heavier and it felt like I was floating in the room. It was a definitive sense of arrousal.
my mom came in like 25 minutes into it though, so i didn't get to finish it all.
the only weird thing is that when i snapped out of it, my body slowly stopped feeling as if it were floating, and then my legs started kinda like, twitching. it was like my muscles were contracting and were all jumpy in my legs. i was sitting while i was listening to it though, so that might be why :O

i just read that ecstasy can cause muscle tension and muscle breakdown, which would explain my legs being all jumpy and tense. should i be worried, even though the website says the doses are safe?
Sweet Lemon
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Post by Sweet Lemon »

mixtape wrote:oh man
i just tried it for my first time, as my first dose, and that was pretty cool. i had pretty much the same effects as you:
The sensation growed ever stronger and after what might have been a few minutes I felt warm in my entire body. My breathing got heavier and it felt like I was floating in the room. It was a definitive sense of arrousal.
my mom came in like 25 minutes into it though, so i didn't get to finish it all.
the only weird thing is that when i snapped out of it, my body slowly stopped feeling as if it were floating, and then my legs started kinda like, twitching. it was like my muscles were contracting and were all jumpy in my legs. i was sitting while i was listening to it though, so that might be why :O

i just read that ecstasy can cause muscle tension and muscle breakdown, which would explain my legs being all jumpy and tense. should i be worried, even though the website says the doses are safe?

Yeah, those are effects from the chemicals; since there are no chemicals then there is no worry.
Mr Mucha
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Post by Mr Mucha »

Good stuff. Sounds like its starting to work for you guys. Enjoy!!! :evil:
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Post by Kelli »

Sadly though, the 2nd time I tried this dose I got only half the effect. The 3rd time it didnt work at all. :(

I might get back to trying more though, I really want that effect from my first time to work.

Meanwhile I have gotten cocaine, atom bomb and 5HTP to work properly, while for example the french roast and lucid dream does nothing for me.
Mr Mucha
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Post by Mr Mucha »

Lucid Dream will not assure you a lucid dream, all it really does is make you really tired and lower your brain level to have the dream. Lucid dreams have to be done by the user with practice. :evil:
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Post by G5-F0X »

I had the same exacts reactions to this dose!
Even the muscle tension and the heavy breathing and a damn great level of warm arousal all over my body.
It was awesome… It was my first working dose, and quite an experience for sure!!
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