Another example: The speed signs here. This is considered by us a very serious crime due to the amount of lives lost via drunk driving. If the speed sign says 70 km/h, and you go over it, by let's say 71 Km/h. That's R500, convert that to your currency. Not really a lot for me, but there are times where it can hit the thousands. Now, with a typical cop, all you have to say "I'm from ____ and my children go to boarding school here and I'm really in a rush, they're late... but can't you just take R100? -insertyoursadfacehere-" done.
Imho I wouldn't want this type of attitude towards breaking laws change because, well, you can get away with almost anythng (except murder. You'll get hanged in front of a crowd

Another epic way our government handles thieves: say you steal something from someone. That someone won't be the only one chasing you. The cops, and the crowd will too. The crowd will get to you first though. What will happen? The cops will chill, smoking a cigarette while your ass gets beaten by the crowd.
I'm sure you've all heard of this saying: It's not the people who should be afraid of their government, but the government afraid of it's people.
That's how it is with us