New Users experiences so far

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New Users experiences so far

Post by malburck »

I heard about I-doser at school and naturally i was skeptical as I'm sure almost all of you were. However, I decided to give it a chance. So i came home downloaded it, i tried rave (didn't work) masochist (felt slight tingles) and ecstasy (sent shivers down my spine and was sportin' quite a nice erection by the end ). I took all the doses in my bed eyes closed with the lights turned off, but so far I'm unimpressed. I am however going to try one or two more and hope for the best, because i really want this to work.
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Post by XthegrimrprX »

When i heard about i-doser i was really excited because i knew the things you can do by changing your frequency. I had actually being attemping to do it myself through meditaion, but the depth of meditation required for what we were trying to reach is insane. By changing your brain to the right frequency its possible to make things levitate or even walk through walls. I Didn't beleive until i saw my mentor do it. It was the most elighting thing i have ever seen. Again, its one of those things you have to see to beleive.
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Post by Travis* »

try french roast, it woke me up.
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Post by VoiceInside »

I have not had that great of an effect and I have tried it multiple times. The one effect I did have on morphine was when i opened my eyes and my vision was tinted green but nothing else other than that.
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