
Share dose experiences
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Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:32 pm


Post by NightTerror2213 »

i noticed how this one had no experience posts yet and i think that was what made me want to buy this one even more, that and it sounded interesting anyway. it started out with a slight warm feeling in my head and not long after that i start to feel numb not numb like i feel during other doses it felt different i am not sure how to describe it but its not like the numb i usually get with doses. i felt like i could not move my limbs and when i tried it was very had to move even my fingers. my thoughts stayed the same which was weird to me usually if i am this numb when listing to a dose my thoughts are slower but they were not during this dose. i had some slight closed eye visuals mostly of faces that lasted a sort while than disappeared. during the mid to end my mouth became very dry and i would often lose all feeling that my body even existed and would enter these very vivid dream like moments. and than before i knew it it ended it did not feel like it was on a whole 45 minutes to me after it ended i had a feeling of anxiety and my heart was beating faster than normal but that quickly went away along with the anxiety. after that i felt very tired for about 20 to 30 minutes. over all i liked this one it was one of the first to give me anykind of visual. it was different than most doses i have tried but i still found it enjoyable
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