My dosage

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My dosage

Post by Zero »

I'll try to list some of my experiences here and see what people think.

First off, I tried alcohol, and because it was a fairly new thing to me, I-doser, I didn't know what to expect. So I laid back and listened to the thing, and I expected some music like when I first heard the sample from the CD. When I first heard the sounds waves and the white noise, I then expected nothing to come of it. I didn't feel any effects, so I turned it off when it came around 50%, but when I stood up, I felt so dizzy but relaxed at the same time. It didn't last that long though, the effects.

Next I tried orgasm out of complete curiosity and the fact that I wanted to see if I would really reach an orgasm. This one I listened to the entire thing, but nothing happened. I did notice a change of pace of my heart beats, but that was about it. I tried it several more times and I was sexually aroused one time but it was probably due to me thinking sexual thoughts. Other times I tried to concentrate on the white noise but nothing came of it.

The most recent one I've tried would have to have been downer. For some reason I was really paranoid and scared that I would start hearing noises or feeling something grabbing on to my arm when there's nothing there, so I frequently kept opening my eyes. However, and very slowly, The more I opened my eyes to check if anything was there, the more tired I got and the more I didn't care if anything was there. Finally, I came to a point where I kept my eyes shut until the end and I was suddenly thinking very pleasent thoughts, like how in romance novels or movies the guy gets the girl and they live happily ever after. When the sound faded away, I didn't feel like doing anything but lying there in bed. Then I felt hungy so I had to get up and get something to eat.

I will continue to try more experiences as the night comes and I'll post them here.
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Post by -Almost »

Cool experiences.
It is believed that new users don't get effects as easily as experienced users.

And also many people reported Orgasm wasn't very strong compared to Ecstasy.

If your curious or interested in sexual doses, I would try Ecstasy.
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Post by Solyst »

That's interesting to know, that downer helps cure paranoia, even temporarily. What I want to know is did you manage to focus on the dose? Or did the paranoia cause you to constantly wander onto different thoughts? I'd appreciate to know whether this dose works without complete focus.
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Post by Zero »

To answer you question, yes and no. At first, yes because when I constantly kept opening my eyes to see if something was there I was thinking about how I would hear these screams or imagining getting a feeling on my arm and I wouldn't know where it came from. But like I said, even though I kept checking around, I slowly became more and more calm. So when I was calm and closed my eyes, I was able to focus on the sounds a lot better. When I was focusing on the sounds, I was starting to think of those pleasant thoughts, so you could say that I only focused on the sounds for a bit.
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Post by Zero »

Yesterday night I tried Ecstasy as reccomended by another user. First, when it started out, I didn't feel anything, because most doses are just like that. Further into the dose (I couldn't see how far because I was lying in my bed, eyes closed) I noticed a change of pace in my heart beats, kind of like Orgasm. Now, because it's almost summer and the nights are getting A LOT hotter, my body was already hot as is. Although, while listening to this dose, my body got even hotter, as though if I were sexually pleasing myself. It came to a point where I was sweating so I turned off the dose and told myself that I'd try it again on a cooler night. almost had the same effects of orgasm but faster.
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Post by Legsta »

you might want to try trip man, nice doses i think
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Post by Zero »

This morning...well, yesterday morning I tried Content just because I felt that I would be less paranoid if I did a dose in the morning than at night. I did the dose while I was really pissed off and angry (can't remember what now) so I expected it to help calm me in one way or another. While listening to the dose, I couldn't help but feel pissed off and was concentrating too much on what was pissing me off. Because of this, the dose didn't seem to work until I was about at 80 - 90% done. At that time, I become quite tired, relaxed my eyes, and didn't really think about anything. I was starting to get an out of body experience as though I was about to go into the dream world, but then the dose ended. Maybe next time I'll try it while not so pissed off.
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Post by f12button »

The effects might be better if you not so much listened to the white noise, but the pulsating beat.
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