A question about safety for IDoser

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A question about safety for IDoser

Post by sendbib »

From the FAQ:
Is I-Doser safe?
Absolutely! I-Doser has been tested on many people of many different age ranges and there has never been an issue with the safety of the I-Doser doses. However, for doses marked "strong or long program doses, it is highly advisable you do not operate heavy machinery or drive under the influence of a strong I-Doser dose. Use it with the same respects you would a doctor prescribed or recreational drug.
What I don't really understand is the last sentence. It seems like kind of a cop out to blame any bad experiences on "oh, well that would happen if you took the real drug too." Isn't that kind of against one of the main points of this product, to help people refrain from using real recreational drugs?

I wouldn't use heroin in real life; does that mean I should be just as careful using the heroin dose?

I may just be misunderstanding what you are trying to say here. If that's the case, then I'm sorry, and I don't mean to antagonize you or defame your product or anything.
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Post by Kingjames88 »

The doses are compleatly safe.
That just means don't operate heavy machinery while your hallucinating or on a dose that really messes you up...
it's common scense. (although it doesn't seem common anymore :lol:)
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Post by Kloger »

they mean about physical safety, not like killing brain cells or anything. they dont want u like driving a car right after u listened to hand of god.
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Post by Kingjames88 »

they just put that so they aren't liable if some guy takes anesthesia or sleeping angels and falls asleep driving or some thing like that.
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Post by Ness »

Anything that is mind-altering should be used with great respect. Maybe you should ask yourself why you would use the Heroin dose but not the substance. If the answer is something along the lines of "Drugs are bad, mmkayyy" maybe you shouldn't be using I-Doser. Mind-altering substances (including I-Doser) should ALL be used with respect. Problems arise when people abuse these things, not when people use them (many people use these terms interchangably but they are not interchangable). If you used the Heroin dose and got full effects from it, you could easily become addicted to it regardless of the fact that you aren't using the actual substance. Don't make the mistake of using I-Doser lightly. I'd say don't do anything on I-Doser you wouldn't do in real life (Crystal Meth and Inhalant are excluded from this because of the particulars of those drugs. They both causem massive, often irreversible physcial damage. Use the in I-Doser freely.) Please, I-Dose with caution.
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