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Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:42 am
by yahshua
Salvia Divinorum is an herbal plant
How do you "inject" it. You could smoke it or drink it in a tea.
Does it give you side-effects? None that I have known of.
Can your brain shrimp (or get damaged)? Do something often enough and maybe.
Is it legal? ...In Norway? I don't know about Norway, but in the USA it is currently legal to purchase for non-drug use. You can buy it if you want to do some spiritual/religious thing with it. I recommend looking up a Salvia 10x crystalization of the plant. If you consume the leaves rather than a concentrate, the effects are much different....closer to marijuana unless you consume a LOT of it, hence the 10x.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 12:31 am
by carld2002
pjott wrote:Wow!

Hold yer horses!

A few questions from me.

What is "Salvia". Ah, a PLANT, yes.
How do you "inject" it. Smoke? Pills? Eat? ...?
Does it give you side-effects?
Can your brain shrimp (or get damaged)?
Is it legal? ...In Norway? :P

Someone just gotta answer this :P
been using for about half a year... anything you read in my post here is from the internet and I have personally comfirmed it through my experiences. remember, everyone is different.

if you try it, buy off the interent because it is usually better quality and is much lower price that in store

basically... i have never hallucinated... i have done up to 30X which is considered very powerfull... i have been high off it but never hallucinated.. i would describe it as a pot feeling but you really don't like to socilaize. There are certain people who can't hallucinate off it and i believe I am one of them.

You smoke it... I have chewed it but it tastes nasty and you have to chew for half an hour. I have never done tea but supposedly it works. Chewing has given me the best effects but... you have to chew alot.

No proven side effects... thats no PROVEN... it has been around for hundreds of years though, so I assume it's safe. Don't forget though, if you smoke it, it has the same negative effects from the smoking as smoking everything.

a smoke trip lasts from 20 mins to an hour. After chewing, i have had it last many hours (despite what you read on the net).

can't say for brain damage... but it's like anything you do. you cannot get permafried and there are no long-lasting effects.

its legal in most parts of the world ... all of canada, most us states, illegal in australia i think. Make sure you check with the laws of your area first.. not sure about norway.

check here for your country:

thats all i can think of unless you have other questions, check out this internet link:

...well i'm happy cause in a bout half an hour, im gona try i-doser for the first time... trying peyote.. hope it works

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:18 pm
by PeeR.
is it a soft or a hard drug? softdrugs are legal in holland :-D
Norway isn't that far, is it? just come to the netherlands ^^.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:12 pm
by nwa
i wanna go to amsterdam :)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 4:53 pm
by OAR RAider
its probally a soft drug because its legal here in the states

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:17 pm
by Purrtyful
Australia was the first country to prohibit Salvia divinorum and salvinorin A. The committee responsible for the ban has admitted that there is "no evidence of a major public health hazard." The ban went into effect June 1, 2002. Anyone living in Australia or its territories who is considering being involved with this plant is urged to first obtain professional legal advice. Readers are urged not to ship Salvia divinorum, or products made from it, to Australia or its territories because the person who receives the shipment could face severe criminal penalties. Please go here for more details on this recent action by Australia's government and to learn what you can do to fight it.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:50 pm
by HippiexChild
This drug has nothing compared to skittles.. Take about 32 skittles.. and trip ballz.. you get a better feeling of euporia or w/e and Just beware.. tripping in the dark is intense.. skittles are called Coricedin cold and cough pills.. the only ingrediant thats in it gets you fucked up.. its called DXM.. try it.. if you want to trip nutz.. i can't do that anymore around where i live.. all the stores know about it.. plus the cops do.. but if your lucky.. you may find them in your store.. even on the shelf.. just beware.. take 8 for your first time.. unless your experienced with cocaine and shrooms at the same time.. this drug does eat your insides up so don't do it all the time.. i can take 30 at a time without od'in.. everyone calls me the skittleking. xD

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 3:15 pm
by Unnamed
HippiexChild wrote:This drug has nothing compared to skittles.. Take about 32 skittles.. and trip ballz.. you get a better feeling of euporia or w/e and Just beware.. tripping in the dark is intense.. skittles are called Coricedin cold and cough pills.. the only ingrediant thats in it gets you fucked up.. its called DXM.. try it.. if you want to trip nutz.. i can't do that anymore around where i live.. all the stores know about it.. plus the cops do.. but if your lucky.. you may find them in your store.. even on the shelf.. just beware.. take 8 for your first time.. unless your experienced with cocaine and shrooms at the same time.. this drug does eat your insides up so don't do it all the time.. i can take 30 at a time without od'in.. everyone calls me the skittleking. xD
Actually CCCs are a combination of DXM and CPM, an anti-histamine deleriant similar to benadryl/dramamine. The combination is alot more intense then DXM alone(obviously) and alot more dangerous, the biggest reason being that both CPM and DXM compete for the same enzyme, so they stick around in the body longer and take a longer time to absorb. This can cause problems since both CPM and DXM can kill you at high doses, and alot of people have problems with anti-histamines even in small doses. "Skittles" are pretty hated in DXM communities actually, due to the mostly ignorance filled unsafe use that brings attention to the drug with all of the hospitilizations and death caused with the combo.

If any of you are going to take a drug please please have a bit more knowledge beyond "take a few skittles, they are great!" behind you. :)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 6:31 pm
by HippiexChild
Hmm.. I know alot about skittles man.. I'm not going into detail.. if you want to see my livejournal.. Thats it.. trust me. I know about skittles.. I'm the skittle king niggggga.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:51 pm
by Unnamed
HippiexChild wrote:Hmm.. I know alot about skittles man.. I'm not going into detail.. if you want to see my livejournal.. Thats it.. trust me. I know about skittles.. I'm the skittle king niggggga.
Well I just assumed when you noted that skittles only contains one drug that you didn't know everything about it. The link didn't really reassure me at all, you're little warning to not take anymore then 1g of cough and cold medicine is pretty uhh... horrible. 300mg of dxm(alone) is more then enough for anyone inexperienced with the drug and anymore could possibly kill someone who is enzyme deficient, and that's again ignoring the added CPM.

I'm not really sure where your information on it, especially regarding adrenaline rushes being the cause of the increased heart rate(which arguably could be done any time even when sober, DXM does have stimulant effects, but most of it's recreational effects come from its work on NMDA receptors and possibly it's sri action playing with serotonin/dopamine). You've also totally ignored the fact that CCCs are a combination and not a drug, you're expeirence with "MP.15s(diph or dimenhydramine)" being the most relatable experience to CPM.

Oh and as for duster, it has no psychedelic effects, at all. It's effects come directly from nerve/organ and brain damage. It doesn't work on receptors or transmitters or anything like that like drugs, it's basically just poisoning yourself, and you could have done actual damage even with that one use.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:55 am
by HippiexChild
Ahhh.. You are pretty smart hmm.. maybe You need to talk to me on aim sometime just in case i have some questions about any drugs i try.. xD

Aim = HippiexChild

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:42 pm
by reaper
You people really don't know much about drugs, or how to utilize them correctly. Salvia Divinorum is an herb and it's active ingredients are dissociatives, not hallucinogens, that can shatter your ego like a pane of glass and leave you as a fragile shell of a person if you aren't prepared to handle it correctly. I highly suggest you guys do some credible research before putting ANYTHING into your bodies, go to and read read read before taking any drug. If you use Duster or other inhalants such as glues, markers, paints, etc then I would bet money you're still in middle school, can't get real drugs, think it's cool to get high at such a young age, and will probably fall victim to Alzheimer's disease before you graduate. Someone said that the high is only caused by brain damage and this is correct, if you really need to get high do yourself a favor and get some weed. I'm not trying to knock anyone here but if you want to end up misusing some drug and wind up in a horrifying catatonic state for possibly the rest of your lives, or dead, then please continue with your huffing... BTW internet/legal drugs aren't that great, get a solid connection for some weed and the occasional MDMA roll and you'll never go back, there's a reason why all the good drugs are illegal in most parts of the world. Also, if you are in a position where the only thing you can get is OTC drugs.. or i-doser doses.. then go get some Benzedrex inhalers, take out the cotton rod (NO MORE THAN 1 AT A TIME!), cut it up and eat it, best thing you can get legally. Do some research on propylhexedrine if you're thinking about trying this!

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:25 pm
by HippiexChild
This just keeps getting better and better doesn't it... Well next thing you know another person if going to be trying to make you look stupid by posting another worthless thread or course. And then another for them.. WTF am I talking about.. I'm on skittles right now.. and it feels great.. Weed has gotten old.. and i've moved up to shrooms and LSD and skittles.. thats about all I do anymore.. Ex sometimes because it makes me feel great and shit.. ya know?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:19 pm
by caligirl95070
Sativa is a sacred plant and is not meant to be abused and used as a "party drug"....

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:41 am
by Unnamed
caligirl95070 wrote:Sativa is a sacred plant and is not meant to be abused and used as a "party drug"....
You mean salvia?:)