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Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:49 pm
by UnknownFear
-Almost wrote: Read all of this, I'm trying to make a solid point.
You made your point very clear. giveaname is just being a douche.
Finneus J. wrote:
-Almost wrote:
giveaname wrote:trip is nothing like shrooms so you shouldnt be sayin anything you're probably a 12 year old kid that wants to get high, without using real drugs.

Peyote is similar to shrooms but peyote is it's own drug.
Your an idiot.
I will second that.
Ha. Thirded! :lol: :lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:33 pm
by viroblade
UnknownFear wrote:
-Almost wrote: Read all of this, I'm trying to make a solid point.
You made your point very clear. giveaname is just being a douche.
Finneus J. wrote:
-Almost wrote: Your an idiot.
I will second that.
Ha. Thirded! :lol: :lol:


Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:33 pm
by guitarhero
Guys lets give, give a name a break. He just tried the new Experimental called: Asshole.

Asshole: strength; very strong.

effects: asshole will make you look like a total jackass in front of everyone you meet. You will surely offend even the most chill people. We believe that this new dose will appeal to a very small audience but we feel it should still be released for those select few. Stay away from this one if you like making friends. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES USE THIS UNLESS YOU'RE A TOTAL DOUCHE.

That is all i have to say >__>

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:01 am
by Magic
guitarhero wrote:Guys lets give, give a name a break. He just tried the new Experimental called: Asshole.

Asshole: strength; very strong.

effects: asshole will make you look like a total jackass in front of everyone you meet. You will surely offend even the most chill people. We believe that this new dose will appeal to a very small audience but we feel it should still be released for those select few. Stay away from this one if you like making friends. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES USE THIS UNLESS YOU'RE A TOTAL DOUCHE.

That is all i have to say >__>

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:14 am
by repeldarkness11
I-doser can't (at least not now...) simulate the exact feeling of a high, and it can not give you the hallucinations you would want from a "shroom" dose... Simply enjoy the ones you have now. Another thing I should bring up, no offense to you almost about your age, but if you start a fight with a kid/teen and you are an adult, then the real kid is you...

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:52 am
by ddaygames
-Almost wrote:
giveaname wrote:the purpose of i-doser is to not get high but relax and put you in the state of mind as if you are doing the real drug.
Now what do real drugs do? (The answer is get you high)
Why would the purpose of I-Doser be to get you to relax when doses like Cocaine, Speed, or Energizer are available.

Yes there are doses that are meant to relax you, but check out the majority of the doses out.

Drugs, drugs, and more drugs. If anything the purpose of I-Doser is to get you high without the side effects of a real drugs

Just because you take I-Doser doesn't mean your a pussy to do real drugs. Let me ask you, do you do Heroin? So if you take the Heroin dose are you now too much of a pussy to do real Heroin?

Just chill man. If a 15 year old wants to experience the effects of a real drug without side effects, getting caught, etc.. Let them. You really don't need to bitch about every kid who decides to use I-Doser. If curiosity gets the best of a teenager, let them do what they do, because most of the people who type like "OmG D00D i JUst d1d h3ro1n!!!! NOW IM COOLL" aren't usually 15.

And there are 15 year olds know more about binaural brainwave beats than you do. Is that whats set in your mind? Because your older you automatically know more than a 15 year old.

Don't get angry, all I was trying to tell you in the first place is that a binaural brainwave set isn't going to replicate actual shrooms. I was also trying to back up the person who told you to try Trip, when you instantly flamed them back with a nice "trip is nothing like shrooms so you shouldnt be sayin anything you're probably a 12 year old kid that wants to get high".

Read all of this, I'm trying to make a solid point.
Dude, I'm 16 and I use it the exact same reason you do. And I know binaural beats too. You just spanked this ftard.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:10 pm
by Tool33
Did this thread REALLY need to be bumped up again? Any way, OP is an idiot either way.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 1:33 am
by nitroglyceridimethyltrypt
Fighting in general is an abuse of the gift of communication and if you're going to do it don't do it through a computer, that's weak. What's weaker is a bunch of people making a big deal about someone being a jerk-off, basically errrbody's wrong. Haha.

Because shrooms are extremely elusive in their effects it'd be kind of impossible to make a dose. The three times I've done shrooms were completely different experiences and each of those contrasted my friends' trips. "Bad Trip" would be a saucy little dose though for sporting folks. =)