Re: My first experiences
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:50 pm
Hand of God requires the high-grade headphones recommended by the site...Makt wrote:I found out about this program this morning and decided I'd try it for "fun" and "experimenting".
So today I have tried: Genesis, extend, French Roast, Reset, Orgasm, alcohol, hand of god, acid, insomniac.
Almost all with little success.
I started with Alcohol, around 8-9 am.
The reactions I got there was dizziness and my writing got worse (on MSN).
I then tried Genesis, this time I sat and concentrated only on the sound and my body reactions, the noticeable things was that I had stress attacks and I got sudden colds.
Then I tried French Roast, just to see if it worked. Which it did.
I put on Hand of God about 30 minutes later, but I didn't do it all the way because nothing happened.
I then tried extend.
In hope that I would have more success, I moved myself to my bed and lied there. There I tried Acid, it had NO effect at all.
I took reset to see if that was what I needed, and proceeded on to Orgasm, which my friend stated worked great for him. Nothing happened there so I cancelled at 50%, may I also add there that I had already relieved my sexual tension the morning with extend.
And proceeded to the one I wanted to work most.
Insomniac, which did not work.
I don't know if I have to have be in any specific states before using them? for example being tired before using Insomniac?
I think that when I lied in the bed I was half-asleep or something, unable to focus, because my mind may wander off to think of the previous week or the future and such.
So if anyone has any tips or help I'd appreciate it.
cheap headphones render it useless...
the primary problem with dose failure is the headphones...
I would be very interested in feedback on the Hand of God with proper headphones
Alcohol = 2 beers and a couple hits very good pot per use, using cheap but good headphones
French roast = combine with coffee for a good schiz, others not yet tested...