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Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 7:08 pm
by Et Je taime
I've never had a bad trip, but I certainly don't want one.
I've heard about people going crazy because of the things that happen on a bad trip.
All in all, horrible idea.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 7:26 pm
by Ness
^People rarely "go crazy" because of psychedelics. Almost all stories where that happened to someone have another angle ie the person has some sort of mental disorder to begin with in which case they shouldn't have been taking psychedelics in the first place. Even so, difficult trips are not a whole lot of fun, although they do tend to be very informative.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:46 am
by UltimaWarrior
I'm new here btw so i havent tried many doses. When i tried LSD dose I ACTULLY HAD a bad trip. I'm only 13 so my imagination CAN run wild. It was wierd at first, it hits you so hard like someone stabbing you, then the fear comes and it wont stop. You feel like you're caged... :cry:

I still havent got over it quite yet, i only use the Nitrous dose from now on lol :oops:

I do see where you're coming from though, but maybe BAD TRIP could just be a quick 5min dose. Just to scare peeps...

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 2:06 pm
by kr3wskater
NO, worst idea ive ever heard. NO NO NO NO NO. And you think an lsd dose bad trip was bad, imagine that times 10 million and you can't just end it by taking off the headphones and waiting 5 minutes. I thought my heart was going to explode and time was going by 30 times faster than normal it was horrible. I couldn't walk or keep my focus on anything. It's a horrible experience and you fear for your life. End of story.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 4:02 am
by carlsoti
There is no such thing as a bad trip, only bad experiences during a trip. The only TRUE bad trip, is the one that does nothing. I've sat and talked to my folks, the police, etc... while off in "LaLa Land" and never had a "bad trip" because I knew I was under the influence, and that it would wear off in time. Bad Trip= Weak Psyche. Ask a shrink that's in thier late 60's.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 6:34 am
by hippie

Just because you have never had a bad trip doesn't mean they don't exist. And the trip that doesn't do anything is NOT a bad trip, it is just NO trip.

There are people killing themselves when going bad. I have gone bad several times, the worst were on weed and on mushrooms and even though you don't expect it, weed was the worst. I was completely out of control and my brains where fucked up for an entire week.

When I wen't bad on weed I just didn't remember who I was and how I got where I was, I didn't trust anyone anymore, I was scared like hell and completely panicked. When somebody told me I was going bad I punched him in the face because I thought he was talking bullshit, I didn't even remember I smoked the stuff.
After 4 hours somebody finally took me home but the whole trip felt like weeks.

Going bad is something you just don't want to happen, like breaking a leg. I have never broken a leg but I'd prefer breaking one in stead of going bad again.

So next time say bad trips don't exist when you have had one before, I'm sure it will be one of the most horrible things ever happened to you.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:34 pm
by Ness
Dude, weed makes you trip a LOT harder when consumed with psychedelics. Basically, you started to experience ego death (something many, MANY people including me would LOVE to experience) and started freaking out. The trip didn't turn on you, you turned on the trip. The instant you start trying to fight the effects of a psychedelic, you're definitely going to get shown what's up.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:27 am
by carlsoti
Ness, the force is strong within you. If any of you know anything about the original "Woodstock" concert, you know there was an announcement to the effect of "Don't take the brown acid, it's bad." The guy selling it, later came forth, and said he'd only sold about 2 dozen hits. It was LSA, instead of the LSD people thought they were buying. So it was actually WEAKER than what people wanted. There were HUNDREDS of people that claimed to have taken the "brown acid" and sought help from paramedics and the like. Set and setting affect a persons perception of a "Bad Trip". In the example above, near mass hysteria was caused by an outside influence, and that caused the people under the influence to believe something bad was going to happen to them. And it did. Does that mean they have supernatural powers? NO! It means they let their mind get the best of them. I've dropped strips of 'cid, and lit off for nearly 30 hours, and NEVER, not even once, forgot who I was or that I was on drugs. Weak minds, people, weak minds...

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:55 pm
by AcidHead
Bad Trips are Real !!! I have had plenty of them, mostly when i dont smoke weed when im tripping on lots of REAL mushrooms. If you you have never used real drugs that make you trip then it is absolutly impossible for you to know even remotely close to what a bad trip is. U have no control over your brain. I cant talk, see, feel, understand anyone trying to talk to you or try to help you even if u know that they are trying to help you. This last for an unexplainable amount of time, total prison in your mind. Ive tripped so hard i have forgot who i was, where i was, that i took drugs, that these effects will stop eventually. Out of all the real drugs i have used the only legal one, Salvia Divinourum extact gave me the worst bad trip of my life. I smoked about a half gram of 15x in one hit, just stacked about a 2 foot bong 3 times until it was cashed. I held it in for about 45 seconds. the last thing i remember I was that i coulndt hear anything exept my heart beat, then i blacked out. I had no idea i was ever alive or who i was, or what i was and the same things happend over and over for what honestly felt like forever even though it really lasted prolly less than u few minutes. But coming back to reality is the best feeling in the world. when i came back from that trip i was on the other side of the room i was in. I didnt even remember gravity when i came back, I grabbed onto my sitter cause I thought i was gonna fall down onto my wall and out my window. It was insane beyond belief and i couldnt wait to do it again.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:41 pm
by Ness
@carlsoti: If you've never forgotten who you are, then you've got a long way to go, brother. I haven't either, though on my last trip I think I was about one hit of acid away from it. To experience ego death is one of my goals in life :D
Ego death is the absolute annihilation of your knowledge of who, even WHAT you are. Ego death is a state of pure mind, pure freedom. I can't wait! :D

But yeah, psychedelics are very susceptible to the power of suggestion. A great many people will say things like "This batch of acid has great visuals" or "This batch of acid is a great body high and really mental, but the visuals are weak" and other such nonsense. LSD is LSD is LSD, if what you have is LSD then its effects will be the same as any other batch of LSD. The reason people get consistent effects with batches is that they are told before they take it what to expect. The psychedelic experience is subjective enough that you're pretty much going to get what you expect to get, not including the people who expect to see flying purple elephants and elves and shit like that.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:44 pm
by Ness
I'd like to point something out here. Two reports of "bad trips". Two reports where the person in question freaked out when they started tripping a little harder than they were comfortable with. With psychedelics the best possible advice is this: JUST. LET. GO. Do not ever try to fight the effects of a psychedelic. If you start to experience ego death (start forgetting things like who you are, where you are, how to talk, move etc.) don't try and fight it, just experience it. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:37 pm
by AcidHead
can u guys define ego death to me? im not trying to be a smart ass or anything. Is that where your mind stops working and all u can do is witness what the trip your on is showing you?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:47 pm
by Ness
Ego death is hard to define. Do you know what the ego is, in the Freudian sense?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:32 pm
by Swikity
Basically, if you're afraid to try a drug like LSD or Shrooms, DONT!

You will almost certainly have a bad trip, as you're expecting it to go wrong.

So don't trip unless you're excited to.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:43 pm
by Ness
That isn't entirely true. Being uncertain and a bit scared your first few times is entirely normal. You're diving into uncharted waters. It is utterly impossible to truly explain tripping to someone who has never tripped, so a first timer will never truly know what they're getting themselves in to, and that is frightening. My first time I was pretty nervous, but had a perfectly good first trip.