Be aware in dreams
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Post by Beanmaster »

Tholey died in his bed, sleeping..
Maybe with enough experience it is possible to die there, who knows?
"the body cant live without the soul", yes its still an unexplored world..
OOBES are just very vivid lucid dreams, look at the effects when leaving the body.
The same like sleep paralysis, and all maybe "real oobes" wwere never proven really.
The subconsciousness doesnt want to show everything, it wakes you up, it will create a bad sleep paralysis experience or whatever to keep you away from lucid dreaming, or seeing/doing things in the dream.
The dream paradigma, people in the dream telling you you are awake..

Some scientists believe that lucid dreaming was the "Normal" dreaming in the past and the today's normal dreams were the special ones
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Post by subway »

To answer all of your questions, it is possible to die in your sleep due to dieing in a dream. However, this rarely ever happens, and it is due to extreme mental and physical stress. You dont just die. You have a heart attack, or your brain tells your body to stop breathing.

It rarely happens, but occasionally it does happen. Usually the dreamer has to really be ready to face harsh reality, and dies due to somthing he forsees. Scientists know this from reports, when people have the same nightmare every night, or a nightmare in general at a consistant rate. It is once they have overall controll over thier dream, and they decide what happens, Usually resulting in either them giving up their life to save someone else, or them comiting suicide.

But you have to be hitting rock bottom in stress, and or have some real mental problems.
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Post by N1c3 »

subway wrote:To answer all of your questions, it is possible to die in your sleep due to dieing in a dream. However, this rarely ever happens, and it is due to extreme mental and physical stress. You dont just die. You have a heart attack, or your brain tells your body to stop breathing.

It rarely happens, but occasionally it does happen. Usually the dreamer has to really be ready to face harsh reality, and dies due to somthing he forsees. Scientists know this from reports, when people have the same nightmare every night, or a nightmare in general at a consistant rate. It is once they have overall controll over thier dream, and they decide what happens, Usually resulting in either them giving up their life to save someone else, or them comiting suicide.

But you have to be hitting rock bottom in stress, and or have some real mental problems.
So basically though, it's not dieing in a dream that will kill you, it is being so scared from the dream, that it gives you a heart attack, which inturn kills you?
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Post by subway »

yea. Your brain tells your body that your dieing and shuts down. you believe soo intensly in the dream, that body follows mind. If you've ever felt pain in a dream, this is why.
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Post by krispykreme »

Ness wrote:Suppressing nightmares can't possibly be healthy.
I haven't had a nightmare in over 10 years. :)
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Post by N1c3 »

krispykreme wrote:
Ness wrote:Suppressing nightmares can't possibly be healthy.
I haven't had a nightmare in over 10 years. :)
Dude, I haven't even had a dream, good or bad, in like a year...
Wonder if that means there is something wrong with me??
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Post by krispykreme »

N1c3 wrote:
krispykreme wrote:
Ness wrote:Suppressing nightmares can't possibly be healthy.
I haven't had a nightmare in over 10 years. :)
Dude, I haven't even had a dream, good or bad, in like a year...
Wonder if that means there is something wrong with me??
You've had dreams, just no dream recall. A good way to remember you're dreams is when you wake up, don't move. Just lay in bed and try and remember what happened. Work backwards, that way you can remember the whole thing. It's easier that way.
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Post by hejduk »

sorry to bring back an old topic (8 days) but its logical to believe that dying in a lucid dream is entirely different then dying in a regular dream because when lucid you are aware of what is happening, but your kinda communicating with your unconcious mind as opposed to your concious (like when awake), so your brain could make the association that you really are dead.

despite that, dying in a lucid dream does not kill you, because i remember i died in a lucid dream not all that long ago (not intentional), i was hit by a transfer truck head on while flying fast along the roads, in which i then seen a large blur of lights and shapes, then i opened my eyes in awe, looked at the time, and fell back asleep.
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Fall and Die? In a dream

Post by eVILKIM »

Ive fallen sometimes in my dreaming, I got control over my actions, but sometimes I just fall, (btw I often fly when I lucid dream, Its the feeling.. the butterflyes in the belly..) anyway I fall and I just wait for my feet too touch the ground. and they always do. so hard! Im terrified everytime i fall because I know how the landing feels.. anyone had same sort of experience?
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Post by TooBig4Joo »

Hate to break it to you all, but no, you do NOT die if you die in the dream. Ive had many, MANY dreams where I die. I hve fallen and landed on the ground, i have been nuked, drowned, you name it. Often, after my "death" i am re-incarnated and go to heaven, hell or wander about as a spirit. I know this is uncommon, but i have had more dreams than i can count on my hands where i KNOW i died in my dream. Its a myth, plain and simple. And yes, it IS verifiable, i have just done it.

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Post by bouthy »

yeah. i have died in dreams alot too. you dont die if u die in a dream...
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Post by brosef »

Completely off topic, but I'm from South Carolina, where might your friend be from?

I'm not a creeper by the way, just a curious person.
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my LD

Post by Dreamy »

thanks for sharing your LD, now its time to share mine LD. my english isn't very well, but i will try to do my best ^^

first time i had a LD was when i was really young and lived in vietnam in a very small town. i was picking up flowers with others girls in town for a festival. but then i hear something... one of the girl screams out 'zombie's zombie's and run away.

i was running with some girls to biggest house in the biggest house in the town. there we are screaming hard as we can that there is zombie's attacking the town, that everyone must gather together here and we will close all doors and windows. everyone came as planned and we closed everything. the zombie's couldn't get inside the building, but we were really scared.

after a while, we are not hearing anything anymore outside, so i did the door a litlle open to check. there was nothing to see, so i walked around the house to make sure there's nothing more. but then there was 1 over. when he saw me, he walk really fast to me. i was so scared that i couldn't move, but then at that very moment i realize it couldn't be real. zombies and ghost doesnt exist. so then when the zombie was right before me, i touch him and he suddenly change his form in to a dog and i smiled and wake up.

i have train a little and can sometimes do LD in the past. but because im very busy in the several last years, i couldn't train and do it anymore.
i hope i dose can help me to get LD again, because its really nice. i will try it to night...
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Post by samson721 »

[quote="Ness"]Can you find me any actual proof of it being true?[/quote]

you dont think lucid dreams are real? google it or something. i thought most people had them
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Post by cameraboirzu »

samson721 wrote:
Ness wrote:Can you find me any actual proof of it being true?
you dont think lucid dreams are real? google it or something. i thought most people had them
Ness meant people who think that if you die in a dream you actually die. The poster who said it was possible erased his comments out of embarrasment, and Ness, left his.
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