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Descriptions Of Every Dose, continued.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:12 pm
by The Fox
I like to refer to this post for descriptions because I doser doesn't give you nearly enough time to read the dose and think about it. So here are more doses that weren't previously mentioned!

Adderall / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 35 Minutes / Adderall is a central nervous system stimulant. It affects chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control. This dose was designed to work in similar fashion to Adderall: a psychostimulant medication composed of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, which is thought to work by increasing the amount of dopamine in the brain- you may experience a very high level of focused energy and concentration. This can work on many levels, enabling the user to focus and stay awake. You may become excited or talkative and experience a false sense of self-confidence or superiority. This dose is a strong physical and mental stimulant. It is the standard against which all other stimulants are measured.

Adrenaline / Recreational (Strong) / 30 Minutes / The term "fight or flight" is often used to characterize the circumstances under which adrenaline is released into the body. It is an early evolutionary adaptation to allow better coping with dangerous and unexpected situations. With dilated blood vessels and air passages, the body is able to pass more blood to the muscles and get more oxygen into the lungs in a timely manner, increasing physical performance for short bursts of time. Our dose gives you the true “fight or flight” experience. Highly effective in any situation where a burst of highly powerful, self-confident, energy is required.

Alert+ / Stimulant (Very Strong) / 25 Minutes / Some days require extreme focus and concentration so YOU can be at your BEST. It is designed to keep your brain alert and functional with none of the harsh effects of rough stimulants. Perfect for students who need to cram, before the big presentation, or just when you need that little extra something on an important day. For when you feel fried, wired, out. Stay alert. Stay ready. No crash. No burn. Alert+ is hours of focus.

AMT / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 35 Minutes / AMT is a long-acting, synthetic psychedelic and euphoric stimulant. The stimulant effects are like amphetamine, with the visuals being similar to LSD, though less intense. The mental effects are also similar to LSD, only less intense. This comes with a warning: there will be a definite crash. The intensity of the crash may bring on exhaustion or extreme tiredness. Positive effects include: increase in energy, mood lift and smiling, visual patterning and closed-eye visuals, increased awareness and appreciation of music, and empathogenic qualities. This is truly a powerful dose with a sometimes-strong comedown that makes this dose a true epic experience, a journey.

Aphrodisiac / Sexual (Very Strong) / 30 Minutes / Our aphrodisiac dose is used to increase sexual desire. The name comes from the Greek goddess of Sensuality Aphrodite. Throughout history, many foods, drinks, and behaviors have had a reputation for making sex more attainable and/or pleasurable. While some may or may not, our years of design and research in sexual related doses have enabled us to create a dose that will get the listener there. Re-wire your brain to make what you want more attainable.

Aura+ / Spiritual (Moderate) / 20 Minutes / An aura is a field of electromagnetic energy surrounding the body of living being. It shows itself as bright colors and can be used in healing. The colors of an aura can be used to determine a person's mood or overall energy. Aura+ is a psychological corrector. If you are currently experiencing a negative aura (black or grey), this dose will attempt to stabilize you to a higher lifting aura state of glowing variety: Red, headstrong. Yellow, happy. Blue, deep. Perfect for negative aura experiencing like when you feel down or out, with no obvious reason. You could just need aura alleviation through gentle soothing correction.

Chloroform / Sedative (Moderate) / 45 Minutes / Chloroform is a volatile liquid that was used as an anaesthetic during the late 19th and early 20th centuries and I-Doser has spent years researching the effects of trichloromethane as an Anesthetic Volatile Solvent. This is a slow reacting dose in similar mimic to the experience: After the 10 munutes you will not feel anything. However, after that threshold a slow intoxication sets in. Your head begins to pleasantly throb as the intoxication washes over you. There is a distinctive waah waah wahh in your ears that increases the further you go. Your vision may become grainy but detailed at the same time. As the dose passes 75 percent the experience takes on a bodily turn, your midsection and face becomes 'pseudo-numb.' It feels like jelly. Despite this, the feeling in your centre and extremities is still present; if it is touched the stimulation feels as it would always feel. As you come to the edge of consciousness, the dose will end, and leave you stranded.

Codeine / Recreational (Very Strong) / 35 Minutes / Codeine is a member of the drug class opiates. Opiates include all naturally occurring drugs with morphine-like effects such as codeine and all semi and fully synthetic drugs with morphine-like effects. While this done may feel similar in effect to out such as heroin and Demerol doses, it does have a distinct subtlety. The euphoria may not be as intense as some of our other doses, it still have an amazing mellow. You will feel light-headedness, but not dizzy or disoriented. Lucid mind, thinking about nothing in particular but focus, when required, is easily obtained. Calm exterior, with a warm fuzzy body feeling. Minor balance/coordination issues, similar to drunkenness, only without the idiocy and toxic body feeling. This is a great introduction, easy and mellow, soothing.

Condition / Brain Conditioner / 20 Minutes / Many have asked for a dose that will get your brain open and alert, and in the best optimum condition for taking any of our other doses. We have spent a long time perfecting this dose. Take Condition before taking any other dose in our expansive library, and it will prepare your brain to accept the dose more openly. Users have reported a ten percent increase in the effectiveness of doses when they are taken after our Condition dose.

Confidence / Antianxiety (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes / One of the most often asked for doses is finally here: Confidence. When do you need it? Before a big date, before socializing, before a test, before speaking or performing in front of a large crowd, or before any activity where you need that extra boost of self confidence. Shyness can grip us all, and this dose has proven highly effective in pushing back the tide of self awareness.

Crack / Recreational (Very Strong) / 30 Minutes / It’s a purified form of cocaine. Are you ready for the next level? The effects are produced in minutes, are intensely euphoric, and last between 20 and 30 minutes upon completion of the dose. The intense, short high is followed by a rapid and intense high that lasts about 5 to 7 minutes. There will first be euphoria with delusions and possible hallucinations. Get through the bump, though, and fall into bliss, with some jarring revelations, and a sometimes harsh comedown over the 30 minutes past mark. Not for the inexperienced.

Datura / Hallucinogenic (Experimental) / 45 Minutes / Are you ready for something like this: blind as a bat, mad as a hatter, red as a beet, hot as hell, dry as a bone, the bowel and bladder lose their tone, and the heart runs alone. Eat a little, and go to sleep. Eat some more, and have a dream. Eat some more, and don't wake up." The effects of Datura have been described as a living dream: consciousness falls in and out, people who don't exist or are miles away are conversed with, and hallucinations cannot be distinguished from reality. The only REAL trance available.

Ether / Stimulant (Very Strong) / 20 Minutes / Its influence is very quickly diffused over the body, causing an increased frequency of pulse, and excitement of the nervous system, especially of the brain, attended with a sense of fullness of the head and feelings of exhilaration. These are followed by drowsiness and after a short time not infrequently with perspiration, after which the effects pass off with more or less depression as your brain slowly resets.

Game Enhancer / ACTION / 15 Minutes / exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example ACTION games include: Arkaham Asylum, Prince of Persia, Red Dead Redemption, Alan Wake, Dead to Rights, Monster Hunter, Splinter Cell, and other action oriented games.

Game Enhancer / ADVENTURE / 15 Minutes / exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example ADVENTURE games include: Phoenix Wright, Sam and Max, Monkey Island, Endless Ocean, Heavy Rain, Silent Hill, and other adventure oriented games.

Game Enhancer / CASUAL / 15 Minutes / exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example CASUAL games include: Peggle, FarmVille, Scrabble, Bejeweled, Zuma, Tetris, and other casual oriented games.

Game Enhancer / FIGHTING / 15 Minutes / exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example FIGHTING games include UFC, Street Fighter, Final Fight, Fatal Fury, Tekken , and other fighting oriented games.

Game Enhancer / MUSIC / 15 Minutes / exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example MUSIC games include Tap Tap, Lips, Guitar Hero, Dance Dance Revolution, Karaoke Revolution, Rock Band, and other music oriented games.

Game Enhancer / RACING / 15 Minutes / exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example RACING games include Blur, Need for Speed, MotorStorm, Gran Turismo, Forza, WipEout, and other racing oriented games.

Game Enhancer / RPG / 15 Minutes / exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example RPG games include Final Fantasy, Borderlands, Fable, Fallout, Mass Effect, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Age, and other rpg oriented games.

Game Enhancer / SHOOTER / 15 Minutes / exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example SHOOTER games include Doom, Raystorm, Left 4 Dead, Army of Two, Battlefield, Bioshock, Call of Duty, and other shooter oriented games.

Game Enhancer / SPORTS / 15 Minutes / exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example SPORTS games include FIFA, Skate, Tony Hawk, 2K, MLB, NHL, NFL, NBA, and other sports oriented games.

Game Enhancer / STRATEGY / 15 Minutes / exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example STRATEGY games include Command and Conquer, Plants vs. Zombies, Tropico, Sim-style, Civ, Starcraft, and other strategy oriented games.

Gate of Hades / Premium (Unexplainable) / 30 Minutes / Smoke of their torment. Weeping and gnashing of teeth. Death. Destruction. No rest day and night. Tormented. Their worm does not die. Expect nightmares, near death experiences, and strong onset of fear. A failure of a creation that we offer only as a premium for those who want to experience both sides. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

GHB / Recreational (Very Strong) / 25 Minutes / GHB can relieve anxiety and produce relaxation. Combining use with other drugs such as alcohol can result in nausea, loss of muscle control and difficulty breathing. GHB may also produce insomnia, anxiety, tremors, and sweating. As the dose increases, the sedative effects may result in sleep and eventual coma-like trance. Other effects include difficulty thinking, hallucinations, slurred speech, headaches and amnesia.

Ginkgo / Stimulant (Strong) / 30 Minutes / Our Ginkgo dose increases blood flow so your tissues and vital organs receive additional nutrients and oxygen. Increased blood flow to the brain has been shown to improve alertness, short-term memory, and the ability to concentrate. It may also relieve tinnitus, improve mood, and counteract depression. Ginkgo may also help: Heart disease, depression, dementia, leg cramps, and impotence due to poor blood flow, clogged arteries, and diabetes-related nerve damage.

Hear / Sense Simulations / 15 Minutes / A breakthrough in binaural dosing, I-Doser sense simulations can be used to greatly enhance your daily life. Use one of our intricately designed audio doses prior to having a real-life sense experience. Your brain will be finely tuned so you have a more visceral and intense occasion. Improve life events like concerts, theatre, music, dining, outdoor events, dating, and so much more. Slipstream multiple doses for heightened effects. Take life to the next level. Hear - Opens new avenues of music and helps you truly experience the intricate aural details of concerts and festivals. Open your mind to lessons, lectures, and mentorship. Enhance movies, television, and games.

HGH / Steroid (Very Strong) / 30 Minutes / Our HGH super processed dose is a perfect addition to sports or exercise regimes. It starts with a high energy pack that hits in minutes. It attempts to cause a biometabolism brain sequence that triggers a subtle growth and cell reproduction and regeneration, performing a muscle repair for greater strength and gain through your process. This is also a perfect addition to our other steroid doses. Use JuiceIT right before your session, victory just before a competition, and HGH during your body repair and re-workout cycle.

Hibernate / Sleep (Very Strong) / 45 Minutes / We have synthesized the effects of animal hibernation on humans to produce the strongest and most powerful sleep dose available. Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression, characterized by lower body temperature, slower breathing, and lower metabolic rate. Hibernating conserves energy by tapping energy reserves such as body fat at a slow rate. It is this slowed metabolic rate which leads to a reduction in body temperature and the deepest longest sleep possible.

Kava / Sedative (Strong) / 30 Minutes / Kava is a tropical evergreen shrub with large heart-shaped leaves and woody stems. Its thick roots are mashed or ground and made into a cold beverage used similarly to alcohol. It has a long history of ritual and recreational use in Pacific Polynesia and is now a common herbal product. Most users report a slight numbness on their tongue and lips. Not only does kava seem to relax the mind, it also relaxes muscles. Do not characterize the euphoric feeling as being high or drunk. It is definitely a feeling that is like no other.

Ketamine / Hallucinogenic (Strong) / 35 Minutes / Ketamine is a dissociative anaesthetic, developed in the mid 1960's, used primarily for veterinary anaesthesiology. Ketamine is used recreationally primarily therapeutic and psychedelic use. Thr effects of this dose range from mild inebriation, dreamy thinking, stumbling, clumsy, or 'robotic' movement, delayed or reduced sensations, vertigo, sometimes erotic feelings, increased sociability, and an interesting sense of seeing the world differently to extreme difficulty moving, complete dissociation, entering complete other realities, classic Near Death Experiences (NDEs), and compelling visions.

Memory+ / Experimental (Very Strong) / 35 Minutes / Memory+ serves as an extreme challenge. This sequence was designed to be used frequently to slowly improve memory brain capacity. After extended use you may experience an increased ability to store, retain and recall information. It is the method and depth of processing that affects how an experience is stored in memory. Memory+ attempts to improve processing, rewire capacity, and clear static thought through extended use. This dose can be an asset to everyday life with overall general improvement through clarity.

Methadone / Recreational (Moderate) / 45 Minutes / Methadone is a synthetic opiate derivative / opioid that is most commonly used as a maintenance treatment for heroin and opiate addiction. Effects will mimic stronger opiates with a gentler come up and come down, although a sometimes intense middle cycle. Experience a numbness, warm, fuzzy feeling though the up and down. The middle is an attempted simulation of the distinctive electric crawl in the spine that tends to indicate opiate action. This is the complete and total absence of pain. Mentally, physically, emotionally, psychologically free of any imaginable pain.

Morning Glory / Hallucinogenic (Strong) / 30 Minutes / The seeds of several varieties of Morning Glory (Ipomoea violacea) contain a naturally occurring indole called Lysergic Acid Amide (LSA), which is closely related to LSD. Effects are emotional and sensory. The user's emotions may shift rapidly through a range from fear to euphoria, with transitions so rapid that the user may seem to experience several emotions simultaneously. Hallucinations distort or transform shapes and movements, and they may give rise to a perception that time is moving very slowly or that the user's body is changing shape. On some trips, users experience sensations that are enjoyable and mentally stimulating and that produce a sense of heightened understanding.

Nightshade / Hallucinogenic (Intense) / 60 Minutes / Atropa belladonna, commonly known as belladonna or deadly nightshade – bearing poisonous and deadly toxic berries. This is the epitome of recreational simulation because you can attempt to feel the insanely intense and vivid hallucinations and delirium that it produces without the overdose potential of the deadly plant. These hallucinations were commonly described as very unpleasant, or intense. We recommend this only the most advanced dosers.

Nirvana / Sedative (Moderate) / 30 Minutes / The Buddha described Nirvana as the perfect peace of the state of mind that is free from craving, anger, fear, hurt, pain, and other afflictive states. The subject is at peace with the world, has compassion for all and gives up obsessions and fixations. This peace is achieved when the existing volitional formations are pacified, and the conditions for the production of new ones are eradicated. In Nibbana the root causes of craving and aversion have been extinguished such that one is no longer subject to human suffering or further states of rebirths. I-Doser has achieved symmetry, oneness, completeness with the world, the universe, you.

Pheromone / Sexual (Strong) / 25 Minutes / A pheromone is a chemical signal that triggers a natural response in another member of the same species. There are alarm pheromones, food trail pheromones, sex pheromones, and many others that affect behavior or physiology. Their use among insects has been particularly well documented. In addition, some vertebrates and plants communicate by using pheromones. I-Doser has created an external reverse pheromone, a breakthrough concept that attracts other through subsection: I-Doser gives you a steady dose of confidence, allure, and ecstasy. A fully complicated binaural formula that makes you feel more attractive. This natural sentiment will make you more attractive to your allure through the quality you will emit after dose.

Quaalude / Sedative (Strong) / 45 Minutes / Are you ready to “LUDE OUT?” Methaqualone is a sedative-hypnotic drug that is similar in effect to barbiturates, a general CNS depressant. Its use peaked in the 1960s and 1970s as a hypnotic, for the treatment of insomnia, and as a sedative and muscle relaxant. It has also been used illegally as a recreational drug, commonly known as Quaaludes. Usual effects include relaxation, euphoria, and drowsiness, also reducing heart rate, respiration, increased sexual arousal (aphrodisia) and parasthesias (Numbness of the fingers and toes).

SMELL / Sense Simulations / 15 Minutes / A breakthrough in binaural dosing, I-Doser sense simulations can be used to greatly enhance your daily life. Use one of our intricately designed audio doses prior to having a real-life sense experience. Your brain will be finely tuned so you have a more visceral and intense occasion. Improve life events like concerts, theatre, music, dining, outdoor events, dating, and so much more. Slipstream multiple doses for heightened effects. Take life to the next level. Smell - The smell of nature’s scents increase over a fine walk. The detailed tastes of fine dining explode. The delicate scent of lover’s skin is intensified.

Speedball / Recreational (Intense) / 30 Minutes / Speedballing (alternatively known as snowballing or powerballing) is a term commonly referring to the intravenous use of heroin or morphine and cocaine together in the same syringe. This is a potentially incredible and powerful experience: the cocaine acts as a stimulant, raising the pulse, but its effects wear off more quickly than those of either heroin or morphine, which in turn slow the heart down. As a result, it is possible to experience a delayed feeling of binaural "overdose" when the stimulant wears off and the full effects of the morphine are felt in isolation. This is recommended for experienced dosers only, and recommended rite of passage include both the heroin and cocaine doses separate, followed in closer succession, before you attempt this done.

TASTE / Sense Simulations / 15 Minutes / A breakthrough in binaural dosing, I-Doser sense simulations can be used to greatly enhance your daily life. Use one of our intricately designed audio doses prior to having a real-life sense experience. Your brain will be finely tuned so you have a more visceral and intense occasion. Improve life events like concerts, theatre, music, dining, outdoor events, dating, and so much more. Slipstream multiple doses for heightened effects. Take life to the next level.Taste - Dining and the complex pleasures of food are better experienced with the taste dose. Your lover’s lips have never tasted so sweet.

Taurine / Stimulant (Very Strong) / 30 Minutes / Taurine is often included in energy drinks to give people a boost and to provide health benefits. This dose is a reproduction of the caffeinated and alert properties of the substance with the intention to increase physical endurance and reaction times, enhance concentration and alertness, improve memory, strengthen the heart muscle, reduce blood pressure, assist in exercise and promote success.

TOUCH / Sense Simulations / 15 Minutes / A breakthrough in binaural dosing, I-Doser sense simulations can be used to greatly enhance your daily life. Use one of our intricately designed audio doses prior to having a real-life sense experience. Your brain will be finely tuned so you have a more visceral and intense occasion. Improve life events like concerts, theatre, music, dining, outdoor events, dating, and so much more. Slipstream multiple doses for heightened effects. Take life to the next level. Touch - Fine cloth and that hot outfit – you will feel more confident. Feeling of luxury, warmth, and well-being is greatly developed. Touching and accepting another’s touch will blow your mind. You haven’t lived until you’ve kissed on Touch.

Viagra / Sexual (Strong) / 20 Minutes / Sildenafil citrate is prescribed in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. It is commonly referred to as a "lifestyle drug". Orgasms are initially the same intensity as normal, but the drug allows for new, strong erections minutes after orgasm, and later orgasms are delayed and more intense. Sildenafil is commonly and increasingly used as an aphrodisiac, i.e. to increase sexual desire. Our dose has been designed to be the perfect compliment to sexual activity.

White Sage / Spiritual (Strong) / 20 Minutes / We have designed this dose to act as a tool in a smudging ceremony, with the added benefits of after effects and strong feeling. Smudging is a ritual way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies, spirits or influences. The smudging ceremony involves experiencing the dose while focusing on the negative energy. Your transferred thoughts tuned through our process will cleanse the negative leaving a really strange feeling of extreme relaxation. One of our most spiritual and powerful doses.

Yerba Mate / Stimulant (Strong) / 30 Minutes / Yerba Mate was an incredibly complicated dose to develop. After years of research we are proud to present a close approximation: energizing, dreamy, fluid, floating, slight vibe, relaxing, enveloping, consciousness is decidedly altered, maintaining reasoning and stability, ineffable tactile sensations, tingling, ants on skin, feel it rushing in my brain, pleasant feeling of euphoria inside the body, enhanced sensorials - touch, hearing, taste, calming, centering, contemplative – You are ready, lay back, and watch the rush. Powerfully altering. It eliminates fatigue, stimulating metal and physical activity in ways you have never experienced through binaural simulation. One of our most "different" doses.

All descriptions were taken from the official I doser website. Hope this helps!