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Re: Fear of SP

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 3:17 pm
by starlightsurprise-xo
dunno... lol :lol:

Re: Fear of SP

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:37 pm
by dp100
I heard once you get a small amount of sleep paralysis when you sleep normally. no proof of this but I heard it.

Re: Fear of SP

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:27 pm
by ampakine
I get sleep paralysis every night. Its great fun. Only superstitious nutjobs are scared of it cuz they think they're getting possessed by demons, raped by ghosts or gang probed by aliens etc. When you see it for what it is (something similar to dreams) then its fun.

Re: Fear of SP

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:41 pm
by Its Haywire
I have never had a lucid dream. But I do have sp almost every day. For some reason it always happens when I fall asleep at school sitting. It is somewhat scary and annoying. But it's not that bad. The only problem is I forget what's happening until I actually get up. And I look like an idiot because I freak out.

Re: Fear of SP

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:49 am
by gparask
This post will explain it all.

Sleep Paralysis is not dangerous, people say you see demons only because, you expect to see demons. During this step you either open your eyes or you dont. If you plan on seeing demons you will, and if you do just think to yourself this is just a dream, they cannot hurt me and sure enough they will start to dissapear. You can also skip sleep paralysis by W.I.L.D (Wake induced lucid dream) basically wake up 4 - 4 1/2 hours into your sleep (REM Sleep) and stay up for 30-60 minutes and be sure if youre on the computer to turn the brightness down to the lowest so it doesnt wake you up that much. And when you go back to sleep think to yourself "I will have a lucid dream, I will dream and remember it" and most likely you will. By the way YOU CANNOT DIE IN REAL LIFE JUST BY DIEING IN A DREAM

Re: Fear of SP

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:18 am
by gunggang777
Sleep paralysis

During REM sleep the body paralyzes itself as a protection mechanism to prevent the movements that occur in the dream from causing the physical body to move. However, this mechanism can be triggered before, during, or after normal sleep while the brain awakens. This can lead to a state where the awakened sleeper feels paralyzed. Hypnagogic hallucination may occur in this state, especially auditory ones. Effects of sleep paralysis include heaviness or inability to move the muscles, rushing or pulsating noises, and brief hypnogogic or hypnopompic imagery. Experiencing sleep paralysis is a necessary part of WILD, in which dreamers essentially detach their "dream" body from the paralyzed one

From wikipedia

Re: Fear of SP

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:45 am
by kbaikfndakfofm
I don't know why people are afraid of demons and stuff like that cause they don't actually exist. Demons do not even exist. It's your imagination thats making these things up. If you are afraid you could try this: start to play "Left for dead" and start bashing zombies in the face with shotgun. That would actually help you to kill the things and creatures in the dream because you already got in your spine that the thing to do here is to shoot them. I personally don't remember having "Nightmares" anymore in the traditional sense of the word because I play alot of computer games and thefore I kill everything evil that comes in my way in a dream. It arouses no fear cause I know I can just kill them.

I think I had SP once. I was still dreaming and seeing all the things that happened in the dream but I also heard the audiobook I was listening and also felt the mattres and my breathing to the pillow. It was kinda interesting experience.

nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so - Shakespeare

Re: Fear of SP

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:39 pm
by potheadnamediain
Sleep paralysis is SCARY AS HELL, but thats what it takes to lucid dream, Ive had it happen before but never because of a dose, you know your awake but like can't open your eyes or move your body, you can get out of it by being extremely strong willed if you try moving your arm and other body parts as hard as you can

Re: Fear of SP

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:24 pm
by Mats1107
"Sleep Paralysis" is the process when your body is in the middle of being awake and asleep. Your body lock itself down to a state where you cannot move at all, to prevent your body from acting out your dreams. It happens every night, you just don't remember it. Now while this is happening you might see"Hypnagogic imagery", aka sleep hallucinations. It's simple hallucinations wich WILL be very scary the first time experiencing it. It can come in many forms, for example: Aliens in your room, someone sitting next to your bed/in your bed, and my personal favourite: Big scary spiders from hell. Still DO NOT let this discourage you, they CANNOT HARM you in anyway. Just relax and think of a beautiful beach... Soon you will find yourself in the dream, thus becoming lucid. Please ask me if you have any further questions. :-)

Re: Fear of SP

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 10:03 pm
by Snipeaphobia2
Guys don't worry I'm 11 and I did this. Throw a blanket over you! Or wrap something around your head and cover your eyes. I hope this helps everyone.

Re: Fear of SP

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:35 am
by StealthTheUnknown
Okay, I am going to go over this ONCE. Sleep paralysis is not dangerous at all, even though it may be scary. It is a subconscious procedure of your mind to disconnect motor functions while sleeping to avoid real injury during sleep. People who walk in their sleep lack the ability to enter sleep paralysis, which can cause a lot of complications and, occasionally, death. Sleep paralysis allows you the sensation of motion during a dream, but prevents you from actually moving physically. The majority of the time, you are in deep sleep as this occurs. Sp basically prevents you from getting up and running into a wall or something if you are being chased in a dream. However, if you do wake while in this state and it does not deactivate, your first reaction will be to move. You will be unable to move, and you may panic. After that, you may see something like a shadow on the ceiling or the lights of a tv, and you may see something scary in them, such as a dark figure on the ceiling or eyes in the lights. This will scare you even further, causing extreme panic and paranoia.

Now, the correct procedure to follow if you wake during sp, at least from my experience, is to acknowledge you are semi conscious, verify sp is present, close your eyes, remain calm, and try to solve a complicated math problem. By closing your eyes, you reduce the risk of seeing something that frightens you. By attempting to solve a complex equation, increase your conscious activity and can disable sp and wake up completely. After you get up, drink something, calm down, and go back to bed.

Alternatively, you could could follow the first three steps: acknowledge semi-consciousness, verify sp, and close your eyes. After that though, try to lucid dream by breathing deeply, relaxing, and entering a floating sensation. You fall asleep quickly, and can remain lucid in the process.

Re: Fear of SP

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:47 pm
by archangel88
jont96 wrote:Can someone explain what sp is? :retard:
SP, or Sleep Paralysis is a phenomenon that occurs when you partially wake up from any kind of dream, your mind is awake and you can move your eyes and simply, you are awake. The fun thing about sp's are that although your mind is awake, your body isn't and that's the frightning part of it. Based on experiences from numerous of people, during sleep paralysis, usually it feels like there is someone or something on your chest or next to your bed, you feel threatened or about to die. You really can't do anything during sp, other than move your eyes and think. Sleep paralysis always stops immediately if you are being talked or questioned to. SP's can be very creepy experience but one should know that there is absolutely no danger of staying in that paralyzed mode nor that there is no real danger around you. I have never had one even though I am fascinated about LD's and have had them too. For me LD's has had no affects whatsoever on SP's. Pardon my english since it isn't my first language, hope my answer helped you.