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Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:39 pm
by whoiam
hey guys. I have tried many doses including opium, OOB, HOG, trip, anasthesia, DMT, bufo toad, hash, tripQH, vico, and yaba.


-- My first dose(trip)did almost nothing. Then I tried a few more and noticed my feet would go numb. Then I tried yaba(The First *sort of working* dose for me)
It was cool cause I felt like my face was being pulled and distorted from a giant magnet or something.

A few days later I tried Out of Body.This one made me feel real heavy and i got to a point were my eyes were constantly blinking and I sew lights flash(not extremely bright, but noticeable).

Then I tried DMT, Hash, HOG, bufo, and a few others and it seems like they all gave me similar effects...When I look up while my eyes are closed my eyes flutter and i see some legs go numb and tighten up...I feel (mildly) like im falling. ( these were over the course of a few days not one after another)

These effects seem to come up during almost every dose...just sometimes more extreme(HOG)


could this be because I didnt start on something smaller?

is the eye fluttering when I look up a plesebo effect or is the dose working?

What should I do? What else should I try? just some advice please.


P.S -- I did all of these the correct way just how the tutorials say
(dark room etc...)

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:03 pm
by Cleansation
Only one that ever worked a little for me was A-bom (or whatever it is called... Something with bomb) and i thought that might just have been me telling myself i was feeling something, but then today i tried you choose and damm that works ! :shock:

ur not supossed to use speakers dumb ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:49 pm
by coolzerguy
Lucid Dream: I actually have no problem remembering my own dreams, and I listened to this one on speakers, and I might have even fell asleep before it ended, so I'm not sure how good the actual effect was. But I do remember I had more awareness in the dream.....
ur not supposed to use the fucking speakers dumbass!!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:51 pm
by coolzerguy
vinz wrote:Tried Marjuana smoking a joint and it worked!
lmao ^^

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:11 am
by feedbacker
i tried several doses and didn't get any of the advertised drug effects, i just felt relaxed, probably because i was lying on my bed in the dark

it seems binaural beats are quite useful for entering a meditative state but i can do that without headphones

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:16 pm
by BlazedGanja
id say some work some dont, but i have had some work one time and the next time they guessing thats based on my own focus/technique.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 2:56 pm
by Alf
It DOES work, :thumbsup: even if not always, or sometimes it doesn't do what it's supposed to do.

BUT ONE CRAZY THING: for me, I usually don't feel much while the dose is playing - but I feel it some minutes or hours later, when I completely forgot about having taken the dose. I donno if it would be working as only as a suggestion effect - placebo - whatever. I know it DOES something.

So... Some doses do the trick, some don't. I stick to the ones which have an effect and I like it (cause I got some fuckedup shit fx already from some - LSD's CRAP imo :finger: It's even worst if you're stupid enough to piggyback one dose after the other - I fucking was :smoke: ).

AntiSad is GREAT for me. I LOVE inspiration.

Ps.: if u get bad fx or a bad trip with a dose, try the dose RESET and KEEP AWAY from the dose that didn't do good to you.

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 2:36 pm
by livelonger87
The admin needs to post a guide supplying a clear answer on how to maintain the effects of each dose, rather than to suggest for ourselves to listen, as it won't work all the time.

However, although this is most likely a placebo, a guide or technique should be supplied in relation to maintaining a placebo effect, eliminating the conscious regulation of the effects.

this made me trip for the rest of the day

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:02 pm
by winterbreaks
if u guys want to get the effect i got, lay down and close ur eyes, and turn your headphones up until u cant here the outside world. and count down from one hundred, and then start to think of your favorite song(especially the beat), ur gonna start to feel sort of a pull at ur so called mind, but dont resist, cuz then youll have the most amazing experience in your life!!! (that is created by sound =) )
its really that simple, and i did it with ipod head phones, but the ones that cover your ears work the best

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 4:47 pm
by tranaonu
i am noob...have taked only 12 doses or so....uhm..lately i have felt some tickeling in my arms.....hehe..thats kinda fun...and yea..trance ...when i listen it..then i go to trance..thats yea..i wait..and i wont quit...lets see what hapends..

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:45 am
by jstrasky
Some have worked for me (LSDQH, Divinorum, French Roast) but others (Chakra, Lucid Dreams, OpiumQH, TripQH) have not worked. I don't know if Marijuana worked or not but I'm listening to music and I love it.

Give A-Bomb a try

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:21 am
by fluf fluf
shikaru wrote:so far i have tryed :

Marihuana i think this worked, but i dont know for sure.

Opium Didnt worked

Divinorum didnt worked

French roast my sleepy eyes were gone before i went to school, but i dont know if it was because of this, or just because i was really focusing.

Anyone got tips for me ?

- Shikaru
Everyone seems to experience something with the A-Bomb. It personally blew my mind.

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:02 am
by rockchick
I've tried about 10 doses, but i never got any effects. When I used HOG it just made my legs go slightly numb :( what should I do to make it work??

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:40 pm
by CanwllCorfe
I remember the first time I heard about this program and thought it was so awesome. It's so bizarre yet such an awesome and original idea. When I read a lot of the reactions on the forum many of the people said it was neat but I didn't really work for them. It didn't discourage me though and I proceeded to download it. I read all the things you are supposed to do because I know if its like meditation, you have to prevent any distractions from occurring. Coincidentally, it was night time so it was perfect. When I read Gate of Hades I was just :shock: . I had to try it. I've always been drawn to things with dark imagery and when I saw the picture I was so giddy :lol: I made it until I heard a whisper in my right ear and that was enough. The next time I did it with all the lights on and in daytime, just to make it through. Then I closed my eyes and I heard a big crack, and once again, that was enough. Still haven't done it properly. So far I have tried Quick Happy, Genesis, Calm Me, Lucid Dream, Black Sunshine, Sleeping Angel, and Insomniac.

Quick Happy : Half way through, or thereabout, my body started shaking and I couldn't stop laughing. Then I decided to try and stop, and I couldn't seem to NOT smile. It was so bizarre but it was fantastic, definitely one of my favorites.

Genesis : Fell asleep, i'll have to try it again another time :lol:

Lucid Dream : I really did have quite clear dreams, but didn't control them or anything, as I already knew I wouldn't. That takes a long time to be able to do

Black Sunshine : My legs stayed flexed and bent for like 10 minutes. I went to turn my light on and my knees buckled. I must have fell about 4 times until I eventually had to crawl back to my chair.

Sleeping Angel : It calmed me, but was a bit too weak to have much of an effect.

Calm Me : After I took it, all I could use to explain it was transparent. My mind was clear, I couldn't even tell I was breathing, I was almost sure I stopped at some time in the dose. That was a lovely feeling.

Insomniac : The first time I tried it I didn't fall asleep but at one point it felt like I was sinking or getting pushed into my bed. After it was over my mind was completely blank, I wasn't thinking about anything. THAT was really really weird. The second time it had me sleeping within maybe 5 to 6 minutes

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:47 pm
by oja666
This works quite simply like hypnosis, i've voted that it's a placebo. I heard about idoser 2 years ago almost but never thought to try it because you have to pay. I recently downloaded a cracked version with all sorts of free drugs and stimulants, so far i've tried, peyote, absinthe, abomb, dexies, marijuana, french roast, white crosses, black sunshine, out of body, lucid dream, nitrous and HANGOVER CURE

wow what a reminder, i tried the hangover cure once, it sent my head west because of the sound travelling round my head and i had to throw up immediately 5 minutes into it, then skippd uni because i felt so awful! man id hate to see the side effects if you released a "cancer cure"

the only other one that "worked" was lucid dream, i've had lucid dreams before though so i can see i would have kind of been expecting this one to work.

the others had no effect but i still try them every so often to see if any luck.

I'm a heavy believer that this works through auto-suggestion and people's minds being easy to manipulate like hypnotism, especially when it comes to how the whole scheme is setup.

Like hypnotism you have to believe in it for it to work otherwise you cannot be hypnotised, so what better deal than to SELL the tracks, because the majority of idiots who PAY for the tracks will believe!

No one and nothing else can control your own mind, only you can!