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Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 8:02 pm
by B-savage
when i first started dosing I was a huge skeptic. I tryed a couple of doses and got no results! As i continued to use use i-doser i started getting strange feelings. everytime i used a dose i got more and more effected by it. now i get some crazy shit out of these doses! My suggestion is if you try I -doser and dont get any results dont give up! keep trying it and soon the effects will kick in and kick your ass!

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 9:41 pm
by cameraboirzu
B-savage wrote:when i first started dosing I was a huge skeptic. I tryed a couple of doses and got no results! As i continued to use use i-doser i started getting strange feelings. everytime i used a dose i got more and more effected by it. now i get some crazy shit out of these doses! My suggestion is if you try I -doser and dont get any results dont give up! keep trying it and soon the effects will kick in and kick your ass!
Right! Its your brain becoming used to feeling the effects of a dose. Took me like 10 times listening to a dose to finally break through. Now i'm susceptible to most doses, with INCREDIBLE results.

Vico didn't work for me at first last night (some effects, not much) and it blew my mind this morning when I did it again.

how i know it works

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:30 am
by Meighen
It does work, but not in a completley obvious way. if you go into trance whilst listening to i-doser, it feels a lot more "turbulent" as opposed to trance without i-doser, i don't know that's why i think it works. :?

i belive

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:49 am
by RoboChris
ive only been a user for 2-3days now, im going to assume that im still begining thats why im not as strong in these noises but i have had times where it worked and i hear things and odd dozing off dreams, but im sure the more i get used to it it will "Blow my Mind!" (love I-dosers)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 12:32 pm
by infectedmushies
i think every or most doses work but only for some people and only after a while. some of the doses you have to listen to it a few times before you get the effect.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:23 pm
by Gmanx
Well I am new to I-doser but I have had some OK experiences, Im convinced that this does work, but maybe its just cause im doing something wrong anyway heres whats working for me

Alcohol-Couldn't walk straight, everything became blurry


... and thats all I've tryed but im looking forward to buying more doses and trying them out.

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 9:34 pm
by ninty
the ones that work best for me are states of mind that I've already experienced. for example that's why I think multiple-o may be hard for me to achieve since I'm a guy. regular orgasm works great. i think it helps to have already experienced something, and this software helps to gets that state of mind back to something it was at previously.

I think it also helps to have an open mind and realize that anything is possible. to help get other doses to work where I have never experienced a specific state of mind, I first try to simply imagine myself experiencing that state of mind (after reading other people descriptions of those experiences). I've never done LSD for example and I don't want to try it so instead I'm going to imagine myself having an LSD trip based on other's descriptions of the drug. the I'll listed to the LSD i-dose to see if that works. the mind is a powerful thing and the subconscious mind can't tell the difference between an imagination and the 'real' world.

remember. thought is real. it is just as real as physical reality. because our perceptions of reality are based on brainwave signals we receive from the universe. and thought is made up of brainwaves. therefore thought is real.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:21 am
by SomeRandomGuy
I have tried Gate of Hades and Nitrous, and both worked. I will try marijuana today.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:45 pm
by HellzMessiah
i think its pretty tight. i've done the marijuana dose a bunch already and im fairly new. its not exactly like the real thing but it works for me every time.
i tried lsd and i saw colorful circles everywhere that looked like they were rotating. it was wierd

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:28 pm
by blackchristian888
Great Forum!! I'm Cesar and I'm new here, just browsing for some good stuff and informative posts..

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:00 am
by dos88casas
Nice!! Learned something today! See Ya!!..

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:41 am
by denny58stout
Fantastic!! I'm Denny Stout ..I'm new here and I Just want to share this quote as my first post here...

"The less you can live on, the more chance your idea will succeed. This is true even after you’ve 'made it.'.

Make it a Great day people...

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:08 pm
by torrentula81
I've had real positive results with most of them Favs are kava, anesthesia, morphine, dexies. Divinorum I had to take off the headphones fearing what was just about to happen. I swear its as good as the real stuff. I like the relaxing sedative type stuff that works almost always since binaurals seem to have a relaxing effect anyways. Just tried the new Yerba mate and wow. So I'm hoping that you guys go back through your old ones and spiff them up a bit with any new knowledge you gain to make them even more effective since a lot are like 4 years old. Overall, this is awesome stuff. Some people must be more receptive then others.

works for me

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 2:35 pm
by crazybuddy
I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. Every dose I've tried has worked for me. I like this stuff. It's better than the real thing. How come I feel confused and, my chest feels funny afterwards?


Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:45 pm
by Draklor
This is proof that I-doser is NOT placebo. I got my friend to play me 5 of the quick hit doses without telling me what they were, apart from one where I didn't feel the full effects, I HAD THE EXACT SAME EFFECTS DISCRIBED before the dose. Obviously I have no proof and you'll just have to take my word for it, but why would I lie?

I seriously think that the people in charge of I-doser should set up simmilar experiments to prove once and for all that even though placebo can help with a dose, it is not what makes the dose work. That idea is for narrow minded people who can not open their eyes to the concept of something great, either because it bores them, they aren't interested or their scared. :cool: