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Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:56 am
by silveroaks97
-steinz wrote:damn they got owned bad...
Actually, the ones who "got owned" are the people who take their word for it without any evidence.

First of all, just saying they've done research doesn't mean they've actually done any. Let's see the research. Let's see the names of the doctors/scientists who conducted the studies (since their names would be included in any research that gets published). Anyone can say they've done research. Saying you've done it means nothing. Publishing it where other people can see it means everything.

And anybody can say they have a building with 50 people on staff, but it's just more empty statements when there's no address published anywhere.

NOTE TO I-DOSER: I'd like to speak to someone on the I-Doser staff about your research. Since you don't publish your phone number on your web site, send it to me via email instead, or contact me via email and I'll send you a phone number to call me instead. I'm sure a company with 50 employees has at least one phone line, and if you've done legitimate research I'm sure you won't mind talking to someone about it.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:21 am
by Kingjames88
I also agree with what he just said>

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:06 am
by f12button
If they give you the phone number, then why can't they give everyone else the phone number?

If they release it to you, then other people may ask for it, and pretty much it would be no different then them posting it on their website, which they took off since they were being harassed.

Plus, what would you say that you wouldn't say on the forums? It would be no different than just asking a question here, because you'll probably just post the conversation on the forums, anyway. Sure, you may get a quicker answer, since the forum admin seems to only answer every once in a while, but you also have the possibility of them not answering their phones.

Might as well take a chill pill dose and stop worrying. If the doses work, great, they work, placebo or not. If they don't...just move on. No need to get everyone on the forums riled up if everything's working just fine for them. You know what they call that? A party pooper. :)

You know, even if they'd posted an address, the only way you'd actually know if they had 50 people on their staff would be to visit them.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 10:05 am
by idoser
We have said all we will say on this subject already, and we will never release names of people or testers involved with I-Doser.