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Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 3:02 am
by blackplague
I haven't ever done shrooms or LSD or LSA.
I'm scared to try something like that.
I like weed.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:26 pm
by benjo
i do all sorts of drugs, but i try to steer clear of the addicting ones.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:12 pm
by Im_a_pistol
I know the topic of LSD and Benadryl was a couple pages ago, but I would like to add something. I personally use Benadryl to help me sleep when I have occassional insomnia. No drug, either indigenous to the earth or man made, is terribly harmful if taken in moderation. I don't understand why anyone would want to get "high" from Benadryl. But I suppose if that's the only thing you can find in your parents medicine cabinet, then that's what you'll use. I'm not that old (24), but I think it's a little ridiculous to get high from OTC meds. I guess I'm old fashioned because I'd much rather get a buzz from something I trust, either from experience or research. It may sound stupid to those who have never experienced "real" drugs, but drugs such as LSD, mushrooms, opiates, etc., seem safer to me than OTC pharmaceuticles. They may be a lot easier to get and less expensive, but the other added medicines in those drugs can be very harmful to your liver and kidneys. I've never heard of people dying from scerosis of the liver from smoking pot or dropping a couple hits of acid. But if you're gonna take Benadryl, it's probably one of the safest OTC drugs you can take. It only has one active ingredient (dyphenhydromine) and is non habit forming. And one last thing; if you're gonna take a deleriant, stay away from Tylenol PM. It does the same thing as Benadryl. Taking too much Tylenol or acetominophen can cause liver damage. All OTC sleeping meds have the same exact ingredient as Benadryl (dyphenhydromine). Check the label.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:33 pm
by Ness
^Yeah, taking enough diphenhydramine to get psychoactive effects isn't so much a high as delirium. And you're absolutely right, a large number of illegal drugs (esp. classic psychedelics like LSD, mushrooms, DMT, and mescaline (peyote)) are less harmful than OTC ways to get, including alcohol and tobacco.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:59 pm
by Tool33
Hallucionagens mainly LSD and Shrooms.
Marijuana is probably my next favourite.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:59 pm
by nitroglyceridimethyltrypt
RobDose wrote:dude, im sorry, but ive seen some pretty fucked up people who because of LSD are the way they are (take ozzy Osbourne and times by 10)... You have flashbacks from the LSD dose and that can really mess your life... Ive seen people who never came out of the hallicinations when they only took one dose of LSD... So im sorry, but i see benadryl being a much safer drug than lsd
I have stronger flashbacks from taking Rx doses of Robitussin for a flu than I have had from LSD, Shrooms and countless other drugs. Honestly those people who were "pretty fucked up" are the product of lifestyle, probably a combination of countless other drugs as well, and the fact that they were compelled to go do acid implies that they were potentially "pretty fucked up" to begin with. You are purposely overdosing when you take high quantities of benadryl and are NOT tripping. Drugs affect the brain/mind and because everyone's brain/mind functions in a way which is different from one another, it's kind of what makes this life beautiful and worth living. You kind of have to take the good with the ugly in life and realize once you experience anything intense (acid, war, etc.) you run the risk of changing who you are. Everything you do has some effect on the universe and yourself and you can't expect to put anything into your body without some effect.

P.S. Flashbacks are the psychological product of any intense, potentially life-changing, experience. Acid gets a bad wrap for flashbacks because it's stored in your nervous system and is also probably the most life changing experience on can have.

P.P.S. Don't act like an authority on anything because anything can be proven to mean anything and reality has a funny way of being a lot more relative than you think.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:35 pm
by benjo
if lsd is one of the lifechanging drugs i want to try it.
i need an epiphany.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:37 pm
by Tool33
benjo wrote:if lsd is one of the lifechanging drugs i want to try it.
i need an epiphany.
Yeah, LSD can be spiritually life changing. The good trips are amazing, You're bewildered by all of it.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:21 pm
by benjo
perhaps i shall do LSD then.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:06 am
by Tool33
benjo wrote:perhaps i shall do LSD then.
Yeah, Take it in a quiet area where you're not gonna be bothered.
It's also best if you go into it with the intention of expanding your mind.
Rather than getting F'd up. Also take it when you're relaxed and think of good thoughts.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 9:08 pm
by Unnamed
Personally my favorite are psychedelics, marijuana(it is officially classified as one and you can definately trip off of it if you take it orally) and DXM(i personally include dissasosiative's with the more traditional phens/tryps/empaths classes of psychedelics, though the trip is alot more internal, obviously, it can be just as if not stronger then the classic psychs)included. DXM and Marijuana is my all time favorite experience, as it really makes the former much more psychedelic.

As for the saftey of such drugs, yes, OTC/legal highs in general are more dangerous then thier illegal counterparts. DXM is somewhere in the middle of Ketamine and PCP in this regard, harder on the body then other psychedelics, but not as bad as some have implied here. It's recently been suggested to actually have neuroprotective properties. Most, if not all, negative effects on the body come from the mass amounts of syrup/inactives people take in unpure forms of dosing. The rest I'd argue probably isn't even as bad for you as a night of heavy drinking. There have been no evidence of any kind of damage to any part of the body with even years of heavy dosing of the drug. Even more recently the theory of onley's legions(NAN) in rats was proven to be false.

Beyond all that the experience itself is much more enjoyable as a psychedelic experience, that I view as mostly internal, aided by meditation anyway. DXM does all the hard work with meditation for you(and yes, I-doser works incredibly well on it), disconnecting you from body, mind and most thought. It's much easier to get a true psychedelic experience(at least IMO) on dxm then others. And yes, I've tried both LSD(and lsa) and mushrooms, and although I'm unsure if I took enough to fully reach the point that is required for a full on psychedelic experience(i did with shrooms once for sure, but also ended up adding some DXM and Pot on top of it lol, so it probably wasn't an accurate perception of the true shroom experience) I still found DXM to be more powerful and intense in that regard(not that the other drugs weren't enjoyable in thier own way or anything, as said that class is considered my favorite, i just include pot and dxm in it as well).

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If anyone has any info providing any information at all that even implies that DXM causes any damage to any part of the body/brain, I'd love to see it, as if you couldn't tell I am a frequent user. :)

On the topic of benadryl, it is indeed alot more dangerous then other OTC and illegal drugs, both mentally and physically. At recreational doses(much like it's counterparts, datura, cpm, belladonna, ect) it is actually quite toxic, and most people can feel this very well. It dries you out horribly, causes joint and muscle pain, aches all throughout your body, racing heart, trouble breathing, ect. Coupled with the actual "trip" itself, which as said isn't really a trip in the normal sense but a semblance to a fever delerium(it is a deleriant after all)this makes these negative feelings all the worse, and at times(dose dependant) you might not actually remember you took a drug at all. It is not uncommon for people to have entire conversations with people that aren't there without realizing it, or leave thier house and/or get into dangerous situations if the delusions become negative/paranoid(spiders/bugs crawling on/under the skin seem fairly common). I don't have sources for this but I'd also guess it is just as likley as other psychedelics(if not more so since most experiences tend to be negative) to cause psychotic breaks and/or trigger underlying mental disorders, I do know anectodally more people report HPPD after diph/dimen trips then all other psychedelics combined. Not that any drug use is recommended, but usually deleriant use is frowned upon as not worth it even within OTC (dxm mainly, for the one I am in) communities, right up there with huffing volatile inhalants.

my favorite..

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:31 pm
by sofitelle
Psychedelics and alcohol for the win!

I do psychedelics purely for the learning experience. Never just to get fucked up.
Fryed for my fifth time of of acid on Friday. 3 tabs, and it was the most intense, amazing thing EVER! That's the most I've ever done and I don't regret it at all. I learned so many new things, and have such a new perspective of things. As long as you can handle it, and be safe about it, I defiantly recommend it.

As for alcohol, that's my drug to get fucked up off of haha. I love being drunk :).

Deliriants FTW

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:27 pm
by RamzaDragoon
Deliriants allow my mind to take interact with the world in a completely different way from other drugs. While hallucinogens may make the world feel unified and natural, all swaying and moving together as one, deliriants make things as unnatural as possible.
It's like living in a dream, or nightmare....