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Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:52 pm
by ADRemember
my favorite dose so far. Sure,the sounds are scary...but if you last through it,you will get dizzy...after it is all over,I couldn't stop laughing.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:25 pm
by BlurryFreak
Oh my god. Well, be sure to hold tight. Expect that you will freak out probabbly @ 35%. OMG. I almost passed out... It's like someone sneaks up your back and tries to strangle you. Damn, that's scary. I think this is the only one I just can't finish off. My heart almost jumped off my body...

This one is godlike. Be sure if you wanna take it up. I just can't get rid of this nasty sound. And it changes a few times during a dose.

IF anyone makes this out, please share experiences with us, because I just wanna know if this are reasons why you get dizzy and stuff. Anyone?

Oh and: Yes, this one is INSANE. Completely relaxed you think that the sounds are pretty same throughout the dose. But they AREN'T! From the normal sound it didn't change to dementic but demonic.

Anyone knows more fucked up doses? Guys, you must hear:
Crystal Meth

As i heard, they're all insane, but not so much as inhalant. Keep posting and telling us wich doses we must try, if we wanna scare-the-shit-out-of-us. :(

Best dose ever

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:58 pm
by johan
Well, I hadn't read this thread before trying inhalent... And of course, I almost shat my pants when it got to 35%, but I kept listening... Here's what I told me friend at the time it was happening:
"FUUUUUCK!!! Dude I can't do this.... Inhalant... at 35%... it's as if a demon enters your head.. I'm SERIOUS! It's not funny! D: It scared the SHIT outta me! I really wanna continue, but this sound is just demonic..."

After the dose, my friend asked, "What did the demon do?"
My answer:
"Oh God.. that dose... was so euphoric! It scares the shit outta ya when the demon comes... But then the dose chases him away.. and you enter this state of calmness and euphoria.. and you're so happy. But then the demon comes back, more furious than ever.. the dose fights the demon, and your head feels like it's about to explode from all the chaos... but the dose wins, and you start floating away... and feeling...great"

So to sum things up, this is the most intense doses I've ever listened to (other than Hand of God) and I DEFINITELY suggest trying to listen through it all :)

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:05 pm
by Adf
This dose actually got me to take a break from using I-doser. (At this time, I had been using I-doser nearly everyday for about a month) When it hit the 35% I got so scared that i just went from sitting in my chair to laying down on the floor, praying for it to stop, but i wouldn't stop it, cause I never stop something i started (stupid stubbornness) After 5 minutes I passed away. I really thought i was dead. Everything was light, and I heard both deep and light voices. I suddenly awake when the next "wave" hits with variations of high and low sounds. I tried to stand up, but i couldn't i was to dizzy. So i continued to lie down until it was finished. I took an attempt to stand up again, with no luck. I think i must have lain on the floor for 30 min. before i got to a more or less "normal" state where i could actually stand. This is by far the most extreme dose I’ve tried from I-doser. I won't recommend it, if you are not ready to take the consequence.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:30 pm
by Ionica
daaaaaaaamn :-D ... from what I saw here .. the dose really make your brain go insane :-o .. I will try it and I will tell you my experiences ..

PS: My fav doses are Anesthesia & Vico ;)

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:18 pm
by sundown
Ive got this now fromthe shop so i will give you my feedback later :)

edit: got to 35% and couldnt do the rest, too bad if ye know wht i mean

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 10:50 pm
by Ionica
at 35% that sound scared me a little bit .. but I have completed the dose and no effects , no hallucinations , no dizzy feelin` .. nothin` .. this dose didn't worked 4 me .. Vico & Anesthesia had 100% effects on me and those are the best ;)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:05 am
by MattMan
Trying Inhalant now...
i'll tell u guys what happened later,
Wish me luck,
Matt 8)

30 mins later...
I've finished the dose and the same thing happened to me that happened to ionica.
Nothing, no effects :(, Except for a stinging pain near my right knee.
Although the spacey thing was scary :shock: .

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:40 pm
by xilla
WTF that creeped the hell outta me!

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:21 am
by Rickles
well it scared me, but then i just put then back on after i about jumped through the cieling, then i was fine lol


I got to 63 and i switched to a diff demon i got so scared i just quit

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:33 pm
by Xeyon
I got scammed into doing it. Shouldn't have read this thread :? What happened was the same as everyone at the start...

I got to 35% or so and then i was Freaked the fuck out by those demonic sounds .... I jumped out of bed and tripped over a ball next to my bed, fell head first into my wall, pulled the headphones out of my computer which let the sounds come out of my speakers which were turned up from earlier. I was so confused and scared i just ran out of my house and jumped in my car for the rest of the dose.


Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:43 pm
by c2zero
ok i dont know what you guys are babbling on about..; i think this dose is my favorite!

ok i started out thinking the dose didnt start because its so quit.

but i restarted it and relaxed .

soon i started seeing stuff with my eyes closed(lights patterns)

then came the computer sounding noises (i admit it surposed me and felt bead for half a second)

after that one half a second it was just a huge rush of this great feeling (sensation mainly in my stumoc)

that went on for atleast 5 minutes and then it started to sound repeditave (when that started t9o happen it felt like some guy with big hands was massaging my back)

then it go quiet agian (back to the patterns and lights with my eyes closed)

then came the computer noises (FELT LIKE PURE EXTACY)

then i fell asleep.

next thing i know my shirt is soaked with cold sweat. (eww)

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 3:58 pm
by umbra1010
once I get a good pair of wireless headphones, I am going to have to try this.

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 5:29 pm
by sharperguy
right i'm thinking of trying this dose, but I'm not sure if it'll damage my headphones i really hope not

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 5:34 pm
by Xeyon
Ya I luckily was wearing my ok pair and not my 100 dollar ones. :)