Some troubles an questions about Lucid Dream

Be aware in dreams
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Post by Dazino »

Ness wrote:Iunno. I'm just sayin'. I know someone who can induce the LSD state at will. Kinda wish I could lol.
That WOULD be fun! :p
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Post by DmagicXX »

I tried lucid dreams yesterday but fell asleep during the dose. I don't really remember what i dreamed or anything else. It might have not worked properly on me although i did get weird tingly feeling in the arms and legs before i dozed off..

Anyone else that dosed off during a dose? That got tips for me perhaps. Is it also possible to have lucid dreams during daytime. I mean without using this dose before you go to bed.
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Post by komuarashi »

i am new to i-doser, and i took lucid dream for a first try. I usually have really messed up dreams (things that seem very realistic, yet improbable and strange) and when i took i-doser, i got a strange high, and fell asleep when it was over. I had a very mellow dream, like a boring dream about a guy named john that worked at wendy's. I wasn't able to tell that i was in a dream, and when i woke up, is was back in rL. I'm not 100% sure that i dont have dreams like this all the time, maybe i do, and only remember the messed up ones, but i have never remembered a dream so boring in my life. I hope i can control the boringness of my dreams tonight.
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