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Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:33 am
by kaizerchar
lol what are u talking about? there is nothing to have with conspiracy theory, dont bring that topic here :? And what u think is what u think, but to tell today with financial crisis, that the new world order theory is crap, sry man, take a look to the news, some countries already talked about a "economic world order" to solve the economic crisis. ... KxcHL2Pe8Q

I said the probably there are really voices is really short. But the fact is someone complained about it, so i cant ignore it thats all. I didnt say i believe, i will check and see, im sure there is nothing but i must check.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:07 pm
by N1-Mass_Murderer
im sure its just part of ur brain recreating the sounds..
you brain recreates sounds you are not actually hearing, you might be recreating voices too.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 12:03 am
by jstrasky
legendary thread is legendary.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:24 pm
by kaizerchar
legendary dumb is legendary, eh js"trash"ky

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:36 pm
by jstrasky
you betcha

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:17 am
by debo326
sometimes after listening to the same thing for a really F**kin long time it starts to sound like words. concentrate on the pink noise

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:50 pm
by UltimaWarrior
My theory: Your brain get's bored of the pink noise and starts to create sounds itself to amuse you. These sounds have the same frequency as I-doser and infact if you concentrate on them they make the dose work 4X better. I heard someone chanting some simlish (the language the sims speak) when listening to the OrgasmQH dose. I concentrated on the sound and after a few minutes I had the strangest feeling in my lower body (wouldn't say orgasmic but it was pleasant all the same).

I've also noticed people with a low attention span hear more clear sounds and voices than others.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:35 pm
by N1-Mass_Murderer
i have rarely heard voices besides the trip mp3.. but there really r voices put in it :-D

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 6:30 pm
by fueromagestik
Firstly,it's definitely eyebrow raising that an official statement from the i-doser people hasn't been provided in this topic.

Secondly,mind control is real.

Thirdly,I'm glad everyone has held nothing back and shown their true colors.We've now established immature from mature and paranoid from reasonable.Now let's have some fun.

This I-doser is for the people who like to experience new things.For some this technology seems to work TOO well,for others it has no effect at all.

Subliminals are a waste of time and money.I've listened to my share done a little research and for me personally,they're a waste of time unless you really like the music.

The guy who's hearing voice absolutely owes it to every single person too immature or ignorant to question i-doser.He absolutely needs to look into this if he really is hearing voices on the audios he has.Just because it is a big concern for him and the fact that it's illegal to put unnanounced subliminals in audios whether they work or not.

Here's an exerpt from an article on subliminals.

"Clearly, the published empirical data show that subliminal audio influence is either extremely weak or non-existent. And most of the theoretical rationales for the effect are questionable at best. By far, the strongest effects found have been those attributed to the belief or expectation of the listener that they were being influenced."

Rest of the article is here. (realmagick dot com slash articles slash 50 slash 550 dot html) first post can't post actual links my bad.

The research is good.But matters of the occult are discussed on that site so that unfortunately blows all of it's credibility for those who's minds are resting alone inside the steel walls that they've built around their minds.But,do your own research.I'm sure you probably have,otherwise you'd have no opinion,would you?

My personal experiences with I-doser audios.Trance states,body buzz,increased mental imagery and creativity while meditating to Theta.The pures are the best brainwaves I've experienced yet.The conditioner works great and helps increase the effectiveness of any binauarals even those not made by i-doser.

I've heard no voices.I've listened to plenty of subliminals I know what a voice masked by music or tones sounds like.In the i-doser audios it's just not there.I'm somebody who's had anxiety issues in the past and with anxiety you're aware of every little thing because you're fight or flight mechanism is kicked in alot of the time.I definitely know a voice whether it's through thin apartment walls,distant,or embedded in audio as a subliminal.

I've also heard things in regular music.I've heard my grandma calling me but it was just a sort of background tone in a piece of music that was the same tone as my grandma.I've also thought i've heard my dog but it was another sort of background tone in a song.I just now was listening to the radio and thought i heard my cat meow while i was working out,but i looked and he was sleeping.I listened closer and it was just another sort of background tone in a song.

As far as the ESP goes.Look into.It's possible that you're picking up on something really happening or that may have already happened.If you live on certain minerals like quartz or others they can increase experiences that are paranormal in nature or also check your emf radiation levels.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:24 pm
by Roffamaffia
I know what he means , i buyed some i-doser's from itunes and those suck and have voices and all weird things in it

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:23 pm
by burnination
i know your brain is programmed to recognize faces, which is why sometimes we see shapes or faces in the dark. maybe the same thing goes with sound? just a guess.

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 4:23 pm
by Cube
Good god you're dumb Montana.

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:15 pm
by MatthawK01
please allow me to end this pointless back and forth before it gets any more out of hand.

You Rage, You lose.

The end.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:38 am
by Shadowfox
MegaMontana wrote:
IronMango wrote:
MegaMontana wrote: Yes, not sure why you find this so humorous. Fact is, you don't know what these sounds are (other than what they tell you), you don't know how they work and you don't know what they are feeding to your subconscious mind. Ever heard of mind control? Look it up, it's real. You do realize that these sounds are trying to get you into the hypnosis state at which point it can start feeding whatever it wants to your mind. I don't trust these cats, I don't trust their inspiration (probably evil) behind this entire project, for all you know these guys are occultists (witches) feeding their message through these sounds.
Just because you dont know doesnt mean I dont know what these sounds are, how they work, and what they do. The world doesnt revolve around you toolbag.
Sure you do, because you've studied, researched and you know everything about binaural beats, of course you do.
Believe what you want to believe about Binaural Beats, sweetie, but leave the witches out of this. Speaking as a Wiccan, we dont have a "message" to feed. We let things be as they should be. :cool:

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:30 pm
by N1-Mass_Murderer