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The "Sniffer"

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:31 am
by pjott

I remember being with some friends when we were
sniffing Glue and Ice Spray.

Is it possible to re-create this?
I remember I could hear a helicopter sound.
Like: Wof-Wof-Wof-Wof-Wof-Wof-Wof -all the time.
And my head felt like a small peanut :)

Anyways... If this can be re-created, then DO IT! :)
Cuz this is insane!

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:54 am
by pjott
... Guess this didn't really hit the score?
Some answers would have been lovely! :P

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 11:44 am
by idoser
I will pass this along to our developers. It may be possible.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:34 pm
by Kiddo
Then we need to know the effects of sniffing, your experience could have been very individual? =s

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 6:59 am
by pjott
Well, like I said: DON'T EVEN THINK TRYING IT!

When that is said, I can tell you this:

We were many at that time sniffing together.

Here's MY experience:
I sat with the bag in my mouth and breathing like I were suppose to.
The sound of the bag giving a little "knittre" sound started to become more
and more intence. I remember I fell into some kind of trance.
Then I got this vision... Some kind of a game, where it was two hammers
going from side to side, and that my sisters(!) head were in each of them,
and my mission was to jump through without getting hurt.
I've been told that I had been sitting with my hands like a squirl, and with
my head going round and round.
Many times I had screamed: "FUCK YOU IDIOTS! YOU ARE LOOSERS!"
When I think of that, I seem to remember it. Like I screamed to my
sisters... Heh...
Everything got more clear. The colors got more intence, and the air got
much more lighter.
My body felt thicker, and my head felt smaller.
Let's put it this way: I got real fucked up :p

As for one of my friends who sniffed with me:
He told me he was waching the TV. At some kind of rap at MTV, when a
big block of ice rolled out, and one of the rappers in the music-video told
him it was "all right".
Then he felt he saw snakes coming against him and tried to get him etc.

Some people might find this scary, I found it good enough.
But I will never try it again. And it's over 4 years since.

I tell you once again:

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:37 am
by Mr Mucha
WOW, you sure your still not mentally damaged? :eek:

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:11 pm
by pjott
Funny-Fuck? :P

Well, I'm not (or atleast, I think) since I know more now than I did at that time :P Heh... Well, I sure hope they can fiX this ;D