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The Difference Between Astral Project and OBE

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:04 am
by titik.titik
let's straight to the point, what's the difference between those two dose? and to be honest, i have no idea what HQ means anyways. could someone tell me please for my optimum pleasure trip:) thanks!

Re: The Difference Between Astral Project and OBE

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:25 am
by SadLittlePony
HQ perhaps you mean QH means QUICK HIT

It is a condenced version of the full dose that with practice can give the same effects.

Re: The Difference Between Astral Project and OBE

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:02 pm
by titik.titik
SadLittlePony wrote:HQ perhaps you mean QH means QUICK HIT

It is a condenced version of the full dose that with practice can give the same effects.
i see, and now i realize why its price costs more than the regular one :P thank you. now could somebody tell me what's the difference between these two doses?

Re: The Difference Between Astral Project and OBE

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:51 pm
by chain_yanker
An OBE Is (according to eastern religions) when you are confined to the lowest astral plane.
An OBE is (according to scientists) a replay of the stimuli experencied while awake during sleep.
Astral Projection is (according to scientists) a type of Lucid Dream and only a produt of your sleeping brain.
Astral Projection is ( according to eastern religions) when your spirit has access to the higher astral planes and can meet with spirits. eg. Angels, Demons, Spirit guides, Gods, Goddesses, and oher astral travlers like yourself.
Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, and OBE's are (according to me) somthing to stay away from.

Re: The Difference Between Astral Project and OBE

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 1:35 pm
by Darklon
They are pretty much the same but I would assume by OBE they mean you will project to the Real Time Zone which is basically a mirror image of the world we currently live in except not exactly.

Astral projection is when your body falls asleep but your mind remains awake and then you get up and leave your body. You can also simply project to a higher frequency if you know how. When you project you are moving up to a higher frequency which will project you to the 4th dimension (one higher than our current) which is also known as the Astral.

Re: The Difference Between Astral Project and OBE

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:12 am
by VampLena
I'd reccomend Astral, I've had a OBE in the Real Time Zone (Naturally not induced) and it was very, very boring. I mean the experience was so strange but all I could do was walk up and down my quiet, suburbian street which was empty except for 2 children playing on the street which I think where ghosts but didnt interact with me.