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"Super Dosing" (Poppers) Complete Experience List

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 3:55 am
by Blink
My Status : Awaiting Two Bottles of Jungle Juice Plus :D

Hey iDosing community :D

In this thread.. Well actually more like an experience log /compilation, I will be listing the experience of every single dose I have (a lot), while using Poppers.

Now, some may ask "What are poppers?". Well Poppers, are slang for amyl nitrates (now illegal) or other types of nitrates. These are completely safe, and cannot harm you, unless you far overuse them, in which case they have inconvenient side effects, more on that later, however nothing harmful. These nitrates are legally purchased online or through sex shops / night clubs / occasionally gay bars. Now, these are NOT only for gay people, however they are popular as they reduce pain sensitivity, and relax anal muscles, while increasing sexual pleasure. These are often used before sex, during sex, and recreationally. Poppers, inhaled, provide a rush, and a sense of relaxation, as it increases the amount of oxygen in the brain. The effects of these nitrates generally last 2 - 3 minutes.

Now, the reason iDosers are so much more effective during Poppers? More oxygen in the Brain = More Brain Activity. Plain and simple.

Now on to the experience compilation and a little of my iDoser Background..
I will mainly be doing doses by request, and may have to re-order poppers every once in a while, as they are about $20 / Bottle (with shipping) so I don't load up on 10 at a time :P
Now I have done nearly every single dose in the history of iDoser (Not literally, and not the Premiums, as I actually buy my doses, and have only tried hand of god because my friend claimed he bought it - Yes I know more about pirating now but enough about that).

Now the headphones I use are Beats by Dr. Dre Solo's. They work pretty well for me.

The easiest way to use poppers with iDoser, is to simply wait until you are starting to feel effects (or when the sounds start to change), and then take a hit. For example, A-Bomb, when the first 'bomb' goes off, and the sound changes, take a hit. Now fly through a detailed galaxy far away, completely lost in this world.

Now on to the Doses I will be Doing ( More will be Added by Request )

A - Bomb :
Effects Without Poppers : Saw Stars rushing Past, saw a strange Green and Black Planet (Almost like the matrix haha)
Effects With : To Be Filled out.

Going to continue working on this every day.


Re: "Super Dosing" (Poppers) Complete Experience List

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 6:28 pm
by SpaceMiNd
Changes the meaning to pop and play. Post them up.
Happy popping - SpaceMiNd

Re: "Super Dosing" (Poppers) Complete Experience List

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 7:23 pm
by SadLittlePony
Hmm I am not exactly sure how I feel about this. Seems pretty dangerous to me. But lets see the results.

Re: "Super Dosing" (Poppers) Complete Experience List

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 9:18 pm
by SpaceMiNd
Well, this could either end extremely cool, extremely bad, sense there are not many reports on how other recreational drugs affect dosers while dosing, excluding marijuana. You may experience a really strong good experience, or a really strong bad experience. I suggest not using any really strong dose if you have them (ie HoG, GoH, Satan's Jackhammer, The heaven dose whatever it's called, aftermath, peyote, things like that)
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd

Re: "Super Dosing" (Poppers) Complete Experience List

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:19 am
by Blink
SpaceMiNd wrote:Well, this could either end extremely cool, extremely bad, sense there are not many reports on how other recreational drugs affect dosers while dosing, excluding marijuana. You may experience a really strong good experience, or a really strong bad experience. I suggest not using any really strong dose if you have them (ie HoG, GoH, Satan's Jackhammer, The heaven dose whatever it's called, aftermath, peyote, things like that)
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd
Thanks for the reply. I don't plan on doing HoG, GoH, Satan's Jackhammer, Heaven's door, those types of things for a while, not only because of the cost, but also because I HAVE done Hand of God and had a very extreme reaction to it ( I don't usually react to doses :P ) Anyways I HAVE Done this before, and had a very positive experience (it always does exactly what the dose says, except amplified).
SadLittlePony wrote:Hmm I am not exactly sure how I feel about this. Seems pretty dangerous to me. But lets see the results.
Not dangerous, poppers are safe, and are sold in Sex shops etc as sexual stimulants. You're choice, however I will be posting results. :)
SpaceMiNd wrote:Changes the meaning to pop and play. Post them up.
Happy popping - SpaceMiNd
I will.

Re: "Super Dosing" (Poppers) Complete Experience List

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 12:11 am
I have to agree with SadLittlePony. Poppers can be dangerous as you have to inhale it it can cause brain damage and other stuff. I wouldn't do it and if you want to do it, in my opinion you should be aware of the side effects and damage it can cause. You can find more info here:

Maybe they can make a dose for this, so its safe to use without any side effect.