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Sometimes I feel as if I am imagining

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:02 am
by Basikx
Well I'm sure a whole lot of you have also felt this your first few times, but since I'm a newbie in iDosing and I have only tried a few, sometimes I get so fucked I feel as if I'm imagining, for example, a sound whose pitch is going higher and higher and then stops. Sometimes the pitch goes high a bit and fades out quickly, sometimes the pitch goes high, but takes a motherfuckin' long time to do so.

So for those who have tried almost every dose (I've tried MarijuanaQH and it did this), is it part of the dose, or is my mind fucking with me :-D ? Also, is it possible that my mind gets so used to the dose that it can start imagining sounds that go into the dose which are not there?

Re: Sometimes I feel as if I am imagining

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:52 am
by SadLittlePony
You are just hearing the construction of the dose. Your good. Hoever I halucinate thimgs like trucks driving by and banging metal on metal sounds.