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How I get doses to work

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:40 pm
by kagalive
Hey Guy's and Gal's,

I've recently started reviewing doses and have been asked to share how I get the doses to be so effective, so I'll use this thread to offer you some tips and tricks. These are especially pertinent if you have not had success with iDoser, or, if your success has been decidedly limited.

1. Prepare

I cannot emphasize this phase enough. Practice, Practice, Practice. I have been dosing for over two years and it took me several months before I started seeing results. This is obviously the most boring phase of your iDoser career, but, it is also the most rewarding.

Practice means listening to the same dose more than once. If a dose does not work for you, try again! If it still doesn't work, after several tries then try taking some of the other tips into consideration.

1. 2 Get yourself in the right mindset.

Be creative. Be imaginative. Be open-minded. I'm a science student and sometimes my mind can be stuck in a black-and-white, pure logic mode. Do some creative writing, read a book, watch some fun TV, go for a walk, a ride, spend time with friends etc... the bottom line is to get your mind open and ready to experience a state-change.

1. 3 Learn to meditate.

The better you are at calming your mind down and meditating the more likely you will be able to enter a trance-state and achieve optimal results from iDoser.

1. 4 Make use of preparatory doses.

Use Reset followed by Condition. These doses can help open your mind and best prepare you for an effective dosing session. The great thing is, once you get good at dosing you can listen to these while doing other things. This is especially true of reset. I personally don't go into full-dosing mode (relax, closed eyes etc), until around the final 5 minutes of Condition.

2. Dosing Mode

When I dose I decide prior if I'm going to do so sitting in my chair, or, in bed. The sedative and psychedelic doses tend to work better if I'm lying down. The stimulation, and some recreational doses are more effective when I'm sitting. This will depend specifically on the dose and you can make up your own mind which way will be most suited.

When the dose begins close your eyes and using your imagination, creatively picture a large number. Something with 3 digits. Make it glow in your mind. I usually start with the number 867 but 999, 600, 717 etc will all work just as well. Picture in your mind what the number looks like then rapidly picture the number counting down. 867, 866, 865 etc as it goes down concentrate on what each number looks like. This helps stop thoughts from intruding into your mind. If you find your mind wanders bring your attention back to the number and count down even more rapidly. As you get more focused you will find you can keep a slower count but the faster you go the easier it is to keep your concentration. You should use about 70% of your focus on this number. 20% of focus goes on what you are listening to and use the final 10% to focus on your breath.

Occasionally do a quick scan of your body and mind to see if any changes have taken place. Do not expect ANYTHING to happen. The more you expect, the more you hold on to the idea of what you want to take place, the less likely it is to happen. This paradox is annoying but it holds true even when you have many years of dosing experience. Just let go of preconceptions and try to have some fun!

Lastly, if you are still having trouble, try the combination of Reset, Condition and Anesthesia doses. This dose was the first one I found to be effective, and once your body goes numb you have a clear understanding of just how effective this dose is. (There's no denying it once it happens).

All that is left to say is good luck, and have fun. I hope this method helps you. Feel free to use the remainder of this thread to offer your own advice on effective dosing or to ask questions. Enjoy :)

Re: How I get doses to work

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:37 am
by brunoc14
Could you make a meditation guide ?? There are lots of meditaition guides in this forum , I'm NOT saying the others suck , i just like to try different methods

Re: How I get doses to work

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:27 pm
by SadLittlePony
Haha Bruno you dont like mine? xD Im playing, Thanks for this guide Kagalive. Its nice to see a guide that explains it without just straight up saying Focus on the X.

Re: How I get doses to work

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:30 pm
by brunoc14
lol , I just like to try different methods to find out what is the best for me :-D

Re: How I get doses to work

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:45 pm
by csocializt
Hey Kaga, it was suggested that doses were way more potent when condition is used twice in a row. Do you think this actually works? Right now I'm thinking to get the most out of a dose, I would do Reset followed by condition twice, and go straight into the dose I plan on - 60 minutes of preparing is a long time, though. Do you think there would be a noticeable increase in the effectiveness if I used Condition twice in a row? Thanks for your time.

Re: How I get doses to work

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:59 pm
by kagalive
csocializt wrote:Hey Kaga, it was suggested that doses were way more potent when condition is used twice in a row. Do you think this actually works? Right now I'm thinking to get the most out of a dose, I would do Reset followed by condition twice, and go straight into the dose I plan on - 60 minutes of preparing is a long time, though. Do you think there would be a noticeable increase in the effectiveness if I used Condition twice in a row? Thanks for your time.
Hmm it really depends on how successful you are at dosing in the first place. If you are having no success at all then 2 conditions may help you break over the hurdle that is your first effective dose. If however you are already seeing success then it's probably a waste of 20 minutes - you probably won't get any more out of it.

Hope that helps :)

Re: How I get doses to work

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:17 pm
by csocializt
I've been having enough success that I think I can skip doubling up. You think Reset is necessary to start with though, right?

Re: How I get doses to work

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:29 pm
by kagalive
Only if you've listened to another dose that day or you feel like you aren't focused/ready to go into a 'dosing mode.' If you feel your pretty ready, can meditate a little with some focus etc then reset isn't necessary. It will help if you aren't quite ready though.

Re: How I get doses to work

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:40 pm
by csocializt
Alright thanks for your input :]

Re: How I get doses to work

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:58 pm
by kagalive
No problem and best of luck. Let me know what dose you try and how it effects you!

Re: How I get doses to work

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:46 pm
by badpup
Hey when you say practice do you mean back to back?

Re: How I get doses to work

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:19 pm
by ThriceDice
Am I supposed to only feel the effect while the dose is playing or am I supposed to feel it after or both? I know it probably depends on the dose, but I'm talking in a general sense.