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[Energizer] - Review by Kagalive

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:36 pm
by kagalive
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From iDoser:
"Energizer / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes When you need a little pick me up, you try coffee. When you need to be completely wired, use our Energizer dose! Popular with students and those who need to sometimes pull "all nighters," our Energizer dose was designed to keep you going until the sun comes up with very little crash. Forget the energy drinks and coffee, our Energizer dose is the pure and nature way to stay awake when you just don't have the luxury of sleep."
The Review

Energizer is an interesting dose in my book. It doesn't have much of a recreational 'fun' feel to it, however it does do as advertised. It starts off with a reasonably paced hum that only increases in frequency and intensity. As the dose continues I find my heart rate increasing and the urge to get up and do things also gets more and more pressing.

This is a good dose to take sitting as opposed to laying down, as its stimulatory nature makes lying down somewhat uncomfortable. If you have something to do that needs a lot of physical energy, or, you need to stay up all night this may be the right dose for you. It's fast, action-packed and adrenaline pumping, but not to the point of complete euphoria. There is however a distinct 'feel-good' quality to this dose. It's like having about 5 cups of coffee or ~3 red-bulls, but without the caffeine jitters.

This dose would be a great one to piggy-back with Adderal. Take this dose before study then listen to Adderall whilst doing the study and I'm more than certain you'd remain quite focused and be in a prime position for learning.

If you need to stay up all night, or, you've just woken up and still feel quite tired (as I did when I took this dose), then Energizer is definitely a winner. Consider it a go-to dose in times of need. Keep it on standby and don't expect to go to bed after using it.


Energizer does as it says it will. It picks up your heart-rate, gives you bursts of energy and makes you feel alive. Whilst not as 'fun' as some of the more recreational doses it certainly serves its purpose. Use when necessary.

Body: 7.5/10
Mind: 7.5/10
Overall Change: 7.5/10
Fun Factor: N/A

Overall Rating: 7.5/10

I hope you enjoy this review and look forward to bringing you others. Please use the rest of this thread to offer feedback, ask questions, and share your own experiences with the Energizer dose.

Thank you and enjoy :)

Re: [Energizer] - Review by Kagalive

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:38 pm
by mirza93
Dude your reviews are just amazing!
I'm sure they would attract many people to i-doser
Just a quick question:
Did you use Reset+Condition on every dose so far?

Re: [Energizer] - Review by Kagalive

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:41 pm
by kagalive
Thanks for the feedback :)

I usually use reset when I'm doing more than one dose in the same day. If it's my first dose of the day I don't always use this, but if I'm feeling a bit off and not 'dose-ready' I'll spend the 20 minutes on listening to it. I usually do other things (like surf the web) whilst listening to reset.

Condition I use about 9 times out of 10. I find it essential in the psychedelic/recreational doses but it's not as necessary in the sedative/stimulant products.

The bottom line is if it doesn't work for you without this combination, try again with it.

Good luck!